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Food and Food Products : You will recognize cereal desserts and learn their construction. Ashura in our class, halva And zonte was taken as an example. These desserts are a special part of Turkish food culture creates. At the end of the lesson, you will gain the adequacy of cereal desserts. Turkish cuisine, which is one of the few cuisines of the world, contains special dishes and desserts. He is appreciated by the whole world. Especially the diversity of our desserts, flavors and It deserves this appreciation due to their differences. By learning the construction of these desserts, the information you gained in previous lessons and You will add new ones to the skills and proceed in your profession .. So in your profession You will become more efficient and sufficient. In addition, introducing Turkish cuisine to the world and You will also fulfill your task in love. Simple narrative and practical measures are given in the course writing. So desserts You will be able to prepare it easily. You are also traditional desserts You can develop flavors by researching. 2008
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