
Preparing a T -shirt mold-Clothes

Clothing, sewing and embroidery, clothing molds Preparing a T -shirt mold

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Clothing, sewing and embroidery, clothing molds : Easy to use, healthy, comfortable and sports clothes are quite in today's living conditions It has an important place. The production and raw material properties of round knitted fabrics are very suitable for the production of such garments. While the consumer first needs less kinds of clothing, different today. They need types of clothing. T -shirt has an important place among these types of clothes. The use of the T -shirt is convenient, healthy, comfortable and economical. The intense demand increases the need for grown personnel in this field. Due to changes in customer requests, changes are also observed in orders. The common aspect of today's orders is that the variety of models is very low and the number of orders is low. In recent years, the rapid change with the effect of fashion makes the flexibility and diversity compulsory in production.