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Food and Food Products : Fermentation in food industry; By increasing the environmental acidity of certain microorganisms, Used to create a protective effect. With this method, different flavor foods are obtained. Pickles are the leading foods produced with fermentation technique. During fermentation, microorganism work under controlled conditions and hygienic It is very important to perform in an environment. In the pickles made at home, the pickle was established Since many microorganisms can be found in the container, the desired fermentation, so The desired flavor may not occur. Fermentation to cope with such problems today It is necessary to follow the process and take the necessary precautions for the problems that may occur. Moreover In order to meet the needs of external demand, more quality products are searching and in the domestic market The consumer's awareness will protect the product for a long time, prevent softening, desired Color, flavor, odor and structure to make products that will give products to be done makes it necessary. With this course, the vehicles used in pickle fermentation should be carried. Features, fermentation technique and pickle fermentation process during fermentation You will be able to learn ways to prevent errors that may occur. Also fermentation Filling, packaging, pasteurization and storage conditions of completed pickles You will be able to comprehend. Thanks to this information, an element with the qualifications sought in the sector you will be. 2008
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