
How to use extension network - fishing tips-Fishing rod

Fishing and fishing How to use extension network - fishing tips

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Fishing and fishing : Especially the extension networks used with small fishing boats, fish The insertion of the gills (galas) or fins rays or hit the network captures by hugging the nets with their movements (Fanalı Mavengs), providing networks. Due to the fact that fish species hunted with extension nets contain many varieties Technical such as equipment features of extension networks and length, height, pot ratio The properties are different. Extension networks hunting that can be described as economic, passive is one of the vehicles. The amount of fish hunted, according to the expenses made during hunting operation It is usually at a good level. The extension network equipment lesson will be able to determine the technical characteristics of extension networks According to the fish species that can make calculations and hunting about the equipment factors. You will be able to equip the extension network types.