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Food and Food Products : Living is the most natural right of every living thing. Sufficient and balanced diet is also quality It is one of the necessities of life. However, our food preparation, cooking, Vitamins and minerals that we have to buy to live healthy during hiding All nutrient elements, especially, suffer great losses. With this course in the body work The duties, resources, resources of vitamins and minerals with important tasks in the body The amounts to be taken, the health problems that are deemed of inadequate, food You will learn the losses that have occurred in processing and ways to eliminate these losses. This course will be a good guide for your daily life and in your business life. It will know the importance of vitamin and mineral losses in every environment you are. You will direct your work accordingly. Please note that it is the most expensive value to replace when health is lost. In us It will take the necessary measures before losing our health, rich in vitamins and minerals. It will consume foods and food during the preparation, cooking and storing of nutrients We will take precautions by minimizing the loss losses 2008
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