
Fire Insurance Conditions-Marketing

Marketing Fire Insurance Conditions

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Marketing : Fire insurance finds a very wide application area in daily life. Really In this branch of insurance, very small buildings and content, the value of the value Many risks can be guaranteed until large facilities and enterprises. Fire In his insurance, insured, possessive, as well as mortgage creditor-borçlu, escrow (trustee), tenants and so on. may also be. Fire insurance buildings and contents of all kinds of buildings used for private or commercial purposes, Self -occurred fire, explosion and steam, overheating, It is insured against physical damage caused by dangers such as smoke. In addition, extinguishing the fire that has occurred, thus reducing possible damage As a result of interventions made with water or other chemical substances. Physical damage is also included in the scope of this insurance. The purpose of these course notes is to convince the customer about fire insurance and To be able to calculate the price of the appropriate fire insurance policy to the customer.