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Construction and Architectural Accounts : In recent years, fuel hikes will continue in the coming years, The reports obtained as a result of the research of major oil companies in the world is understood. All developed countries alternative fuel resources search needs They heard and various studies have been initiated to save fuel they are present. In our country, such studies have not come to the desired level It is stated in scientific study reports. As a matter of fact, the International Energy Agency, Turkey's#8217; Among the member states, the lowest level in the implementation of the energy saving program Among the countries, the news that the news deeply upset us. The scientific known by everyone is that the insulation occupies an important place in fuel saving is a fact. For this reason, promotional lessons are particularly the possibility to get a conscious help. It will direct themselves to recognizing young people who are not, applications and their profession It has content that helps them to determine their fields. The importance of insulation in buildings in the course, types of insulation and application stages It has been examined and evaluated and the provision of information and skills to you dear students targeted. 2008
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