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Food and Food Products : Approximately 25 %of the foods produced in the world are sensory with the effect of microorganisms, It is impaired by undergoing physical, enzymatic and chemical changes. These changes, which cause food to deteriorate, are under control and deterioration. It can be completely or partially prevented. In this way, the same causes of deterioration are eliminated At the time of the nutritional value of food, color, aroma and physical structure of the sensory qualifications The quality is also preserved. With this course, to control, destroy and control microbial activities in foods. To increase the shelf life of foods, various thermal procedures, keep in cold, ice cream, You will learn the principles of drying, irradiation, controlled and modified atmosphere. When you complete this course with success, you love your profession, microbial in foods. It will be an employee who can safely maintain the activities and safely. You will be able to work better. 2008
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