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Food and Food Products : They form the structure of all animal and herbal living cells and protoplasm. The components of enzymes and hormones that perform metabolism are also protein. Protein -free There is no life. Carbohydrates and fats are the most important energy source of living things. But this nutrient The elements of the organism in the organism of new tissues and repair the replacement of proteins never they can't. Chemically 20 amino acids are connected to each other with peptide bonds and three The basic elements found in the structure of proteins formed by gaining dimensional structure, carbon, Hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur. Total amount of organic nitrogen in foods or directly It is indicated as nitrogen or as a protein. Each food contains a different rate of protein. The nutritional value and quality of foods The amount of protein should also be determined in the determination. Animal and herbal origin Many methods have been developed for protein determination in foods. Business for protein determination The load and the instruments in the enterprise, for example features and homogeneity, analysis As a result of the desired degree of sensitivity, this is taken into consideration. One of the methods is selected. The most commonly used method in the determination of protein Danish chemist Johan Kjeldahl ’ It is the Kjeldahl method it develops. The main purpose of the Kjeldahl method is the free nitrogen in foods. It is translated into ammonium ion and animal feeds, not only in foods with KJeldahl method, Nitrogen and protein can be determined in many different samples such as fertilizer and garbage. Proteins and amino acids in routine analysis are not separately as a total raw protein Detected according to the amount of nitrogen they contain in the assets and proteins in foods. The amount of raw protein is determined by multiplying with a certain factor. You will work as a quality control element in the food sector “ Raw protein determination ” In accordance with the analysis method with the course ’ You will be able to prepare and determine protein. It is very important that you can apply the content of the course without error. Information given And your teachers will help you to obtain skills. But learning Your responsibility belongs to you. 2008
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