The pattern you made by learning the design principles and rules with the previous course You need to raport your designs to make your production stage. Non -raported Even if a pattern is suitable for aesthetically, quantity printing cannot be performed, on paper He can't go beyond staying. Considering in operating conditions before starting the raporting process for production There are important elements to be taken. These; Machinery Track where the pattern will be printed, fabric The genus, the paint group to be used is the number of colors that the machine can press. Next Step is what the template dimensions of the machine are. However, in line with this information Raporting for production phase can be started by using raport dimensions and varieties. With the help of this course, customer requests, the fashion trend of the day, the place of use and imagination Raping the patterns you designed with your power with appropriate raporting techniques. You will also be able to make production available.
The pattern motifs prepared for the textile printing sector can be printed on the fabric. It does not make sense without making arrangements in the figure. Pattern motifs can be printed It must be raped to be. Pattern motifs; Machinery to be used, paint group and fabric genre into consideration Rached by taking. Using pattern programs, these operations are manually made You can do it faster and more without error than the operations. Thus Pattern Raporting You save the materials and time used in the operations. Besides In the computer environment, the arrangements and changes of the pattern about the colors of the pattern are easier. Collection from images of the colorful outputs of the designs on paper You can create. After the pattern is rated, a sensitive color separation for template preparation You can do it with this program without error. Any problem that may occur You can easily detect and easily resolve it in a computer environment.
Nowadays, thanks to drawing programs, it can create patterns of the desired feature, As it is easier to share information about them, a more creative environment is provided. With this course, he will recognize drawing commands and different drawings with these commands, different You will make designs. How easy your business is when technology and your talent combine And you will see that it is enjoyable.
The rapid technological change in our lives, international integration and increasing We meet with a great competition. One to what we do or want to do This is the desire to make life easier. Today, thanks to drawing programs, patterns of desired features As it is easier to create and share information about them, and#8220; I am a world. I'm part of it, I can do this ” It makes it easier for everyone who can say. With this course, he will recognize drawing commands and different drawings with these commands, different You will make designs. How easy your business is when technology and your talent combine And you will see that it is enjoyable.
Clothing and dressing has maintained its necessity from the early periods to the present day. Social It is very important that the dressing of people in the life and the ability to dress especially well. People to be different ‘ request; He has made clothing alternatives, mass production and It has become increasingly widespread of the Privateonsectors. A good fashion designer is primarily intellectual in artistic and cultural fields It must have accumulation. As an observer in these areas, all innovations in the world His monitoring, visual intelligence and memory to understand what he shaped fashion and It must be willing to correct and change what it is uncomfortable with. This In addition, considering the dynamics of fashion, the ability to think quickly and work discipline The ability to find solutions to different problems in different conditions is inevitable. In society, the image drawn by each individual in accordance with the status of the fashion phenomenon is also natural. as it brought with it. Fashion at this time, which is of great importance to visuality, Strong enough to determine our social stats, as much as we can reflect our personality. Either it is too dangerous that we cannot live our dases. Our clothes and interesting Our socks are our social identities that stick to us. Fashion Design Training, Creative, interested in new developments in the artistic and cultural field and for those who have the ability to think in the sock sector research and development departments Provides the opportunity to work.
The history of the knitting technique comes before weaving. XVI. century As far as wool socks, heads and similar clothes are manually knitted. Knitted products It was only after the presence of a mechanical knitting machine. XVI. century The rapid increase in demand for knitted goods is a driving force for mechanizing the knitting has been. Fabric production with knitting technique began to increase in 1950s and in the 1960s and 1960s. Parallel knitting machines have been developed. In 1967 in knitting technology reliability and development has reached its peak. In this period, weaving gradually eliminated It has started to be claimed that it will take and its place will take its place. Synthetic during this period The development of the yarns made of fibers is largely to the spread of knitting machines has helped. Socks with Machinery with Machinery Knitting Machinery Knitting The knitting sector has become widespread. You too; When you successfully complete this course, handle the knitting fabric in knitting socks By taking the movements of the loops by taking and examining the stitch movements throughout a report. You will be able to obtain the necessary information.
Today, where technology is progressing rapidly every day, socks production is made There are also continuous innovations in electronic socks knitting machines. In these machines How comfortable to work on electronic socks knitting machines while performing your profession. You will notice that it is reliable. Fast Technological Change that occurred in our lives international integration and increasing A great competition … Isn't these things that we do or want to do Even if it's a step, it brings closer closer? At the end of this course, socks production in line with the information and skills you will get For you to get to know the electronic socks knitting machines that are indispensable in the sector. will be useful.
Today, where technology is progressing rapidly every day, socks production is made There are also continuous innovations in electronic socks knitting machines. In these machines How comfortable to work on electronic socks knitting machines while performing your profession. You will notice that it is reliable. The rapid technological change in our lives is international integration and increasing It is a competition. At the end of this course, in line with the information and skills you will obtain, socks in the production sector It will be very useful for you to get to know the electronic socks knitting machines that are indispensable.
The fabrics ordered or designed in the firms where weaving fabric is produced Samples are made before the production is produced. The reason for this is series Seeing the errors that may arise in production in advance and test the production of designed fabric is to. “ main weaves ” and “ Tahar and Breakage Plans ” Bezayağı, twill and satin with lessons Knowledge and skills about the drawing of the braids, the construction of tahar and bee plans You will be able to win. When you complete all the activities related to Bezayağı fabric weaving course, sample To recognize the counter and the main elements, to prepare warp on the sample weaving loom, To connect the prepared solution to the bench, to make the strength and combave of comb, to be delivered to the frames. You will be able to move according to your plan and do sample fabric weaving operations
Even today, we all follow ourselves from following the changes in the field of clothing. We can't get it. Starting from the establishment of the textile industry, in the weaving industry branch Continuous innovation and changes are experienced. With this development, innovation and changes Social and cultural life is enriched in terms of content, and the place of clothing and clothing leaving the clothes. In addition, fashion and working conditions for determining the clothing is also effective. Naturally, the textile area that provides the diversity, change and innovation of our clothes Fabrics are of great importance in weaving. Woven fabrics, main braids Of course we have to accept that it cannot be done without learning. To be able to follow the development and innovations in the weaving industry and this development In the process, it is necessary to actively take the role of a creative element. With the right to this role Knowing the main braids used in weaving as mentioned above to fulfill is essential. In this course, under four basic headings, recognizing bezayağ, twill and satin knitches, Knowing the features and usage areas, you can draw the drawings and colored yarns You will be able to draw the effect on the braids. 2008
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