History begins with writing. The basis of communication is writing. Because oral communication is written on water is like writing. As a cultured person, your most important added value at every stage of your life Writing skills. Therefore, you should improve your writing ability. To write well, Do not forget that you need to read a lot. Let's never forget that our articles represent us where we are not physically it will. People will recognize us with our writings, value according to our writings, priority He will recognize, adopt our ideas and take into account our wishes. You should use some of the advantages of written communication well. For example, slow talk, stuttering, immediately responding and anger -based errors and other speech errors in the article You may not. To write a good article; You must have taken word processor and F1-F2 keyboard lessons. If you want to understand the importance of the article and taste the taste of writing; This Read the technical information of the course and especially for research and application. Apply.
Well -shaped text is like good, appropriate sewn fabric. The fabric of this dress Although it is very high quality, it does not provide the desired contribution to its owner. Likewise good and suitable Unqualified writing cannot bring its author to its purpose. Let's never forget that our articles will represent us where they reach. Successful people are very careful about their appearance, cleanliness, behavior, expressions. Attention to the writings representing themselves in the environments where they are not. they will. As we pay attention to our other basic virtues as a distinguished person, We should also pay attention to our articles. In accordance with a certain standard, clean, consistent, proper expressions We must write equipped, error -free and flashy according to its place. Official articles, business articles, petition writing issues such as already legal formation It has a necessity. However, although it is not obligatory to form, all our writings Writing according to order and standard will provide us with convenience to obtain our desire.
In the field of medicine where knowledge is approved very quickly, on the other hand, in hospitals Storage of information about patients and can be easily accessible and available when necessary The importance of being an indisputable phenomenon. Hospital Archive, as a result of the activities of a hospital and for a specific purpose It is a community of documents stored. These documents are in an order and in order . Access to the required document is the most important purpose. it comes out. What kind of sequence and order can be faster and more accurate access to documents? This In response to the question, we can say with medical archiving. In institutions and organizations; Method of communication to ensure workflow, traditionally with correspondence. Learn before the work done and various Learning how the services started and what stages it went through is the correspondence is possible. At the same time, these correspondences are reliable sources. It is also used as evidence in terms of maintenance. The proliferation of these correspondences in terms of quantity after a certain period of time regulation of correspondence records based on a filing system and principles required. With this course, the archive, paying attention to the confidentiality and judicial importance of patient files You will be able to watch your movements. In addition, from the archive for the researches needed by the institution You will be able to collect and edit data.
The phone is a vital importance in the communication network of today's business world. Winning, misuse of the phone and disappearance of messages, It has made it a serious problem. The functions of the technology used in offices are increasing day by day, Technology makes office activities more effective. Attention in telephone communication course, using the phone effectively and speaking The rules to be to be to be to be to be to be tolerate, the importance of digital power plants and Features, telephone transfer rules, necessity to use forms, index and business card You will have knowledge about use. Thanks to this information, a complete communication in a communication environment that is not complete You will gain the ability to establish. By adapting to the developing technology to develop professionally, to communicate in business and daily life You will learn how important it is.
The increasingly complex social structure, technological developments, political, social and Economic crises compare individuals and organizations with problematic situations. This is constantly encountered in our day life and professional business life We need to strive to solve problems quickly and effectively. Individual This is our happiness, our professional career, in harmony and integrity with our environment. It is closely related to whether we solve problems. Problem solving person's knowledge, experience It is a process that should use their intuition and abilities in harmony. Success, the problems faced by people in daily life and business life Without his prisoner, the problem to analyze the problem with a rational approach and create the problem The causes depends on their realistic identification and solving them. The problems he encounters are effective and Fast institutions are the most dynamic and competitive features. Because In the solution of the problems experienced by the institutions, the contribution of the employee from all levels You need to take advantage. In other words, the highest level administrator in an institution is the lowest level The employee has to contribute to the solution of many problems within the organization. You can define the problem you encounter when you complete this course, To evaluate the effects of the problem on the individual and the organization, the correct solution You will be able to improve approaches and attitudes. Remember that small problems in time If not dissolved, it will change the size and direction by changing it.
In the use of developing technology and business life word processor programs, almost “ Essential ” People who have become and who know this program at the highest level need he has heard. This course contains information that will help you in your business life. Lesson, 8 learning It consists of activity. At lesson; Document preparation, document formatting, paragraph editing, creating a list, Table Creating, Adding Procedures, Address - Letter Merge and Document Templates Includes issues such as preparation. Learning these issues very well in daily life, Especially in your business life will bring you self -confidence and success. To take advantage of this course sufficiently, read every learning activity carefully, You need to consider the criteria in application activity and performance tests.
In most businesses, things work without any disruption. Natural in this case It is not considered to make a change. But always a job is more effective and efficient There is a way to do it. Technological developments, businesses of the rapidly changing environment Possible problems that may arise without waiting for the emergence of disruptions in order to ensure that It reveals the need to foresee and to cope with them in the best way. With the difficulties of technological and sociological changes in working life every day We meet. In order to eliminate these problems, the necessary plans must be made. You, When you complete this course, business simplification techniques, productivity and job distribution in offices Technique, Workflow Technique, Field and Settlement Study Technique and Movement Economics Technique Easily overcoming the problems you encounter in your working life by learning. You can come.
With the invention of the printing press, societies to keep their knowledge in writing and they started to share. Documents written in the community in the community It has increased its weight, and even a time has come to the time of humanity. underneath. With the increase in written texts, printed forms, rules and hierarchy Their places have also searched for a solid document management system. Usually all workplaces In particular, the law -related workplaces in the intensive document traffic will manage trained experts. they need. Legal Filing Systems Course; The concept of filing, the types of filing, The characteristics of a good filing system, filing and archiving systems in law, a Some of the legal terms and legal documents that the legal secretary should know, You will learn the conditions of storage of files in the archives and the legal storage times. In addition to these, information and document management systems are used to record documents You will also have information about the methods of creating index and index. When you complete this course; By distinguishing documents regularly and systematically You will have the ability to filing and archiving. As it is known, branching and specialization are one of the indispensable requirements of business life. is one. With this course, you are a wide work as well as well -trained elements in your field. You will gain a comfortable movement area in the field.
The hardware and hardware offered by contemporary life in all sectors serving in the business world The need for young people to evaluate the conditions is increasing. Therefore, in your business life When you take your place as an executive secretary, office secretary, our lesson is the way for you will be the demonstrator. In this course you, the necessary travel program in your business life, transportation, transportation Organization and accommodation organization information was presented. Using this information, you will be able to improve the skills you need in business life.
Office, the biggest assistants of the managers who can manage the office environment It is of great importance that the elements of their elements are able to do business with more effective methods. Increasing productivity and quality in both the public sector and the private sector depends on the effective operation of the elements. The Bureau is that the guests are the first place and the first It is important for the acquisition of impressions. In the organizations you will be present with this course, the official ceremonies you will attend, the invitations and you have information about the protocol rules you need to follow in feasts and It is aimed to increase your skills. "Which one is true? " To get rid of the question, Increasing your confidence in yourself and you need to apply this information "right " You need to get this training and skill to make sure you do it. In this course “ time is cash. ” The appointment is valuable with the principle of the principle The rules of giving and making the techniques related to the adoption of guests without an appointment are more comfortable. It is aimed to grasp. With this course, guest acceptance in businesses and guests To ensure satisfaction, get information about the issues to be considered in the catering. You will be a manager secretary.
Regularly the money entry and exits of the goods purchase and sale works It should be kept under control. Because such transactions are the lives of businesses They are completely affecting operations. Goods purchase and sales transactions with businesses or people we engage in commercial activities It must be made within a certain plan and based on some commercial documents. In commercial life, such relationships, based on documents and a certain plan It is always beneficial to do it inside. Because to predict what commercial life will bring It is not possible. In this course; Payment types, payment schedule, used in collection Types of documents, exchange bills, use of HEASAP machine, cash book and exchange Information about the use of the notes book is presented in detail. Thanks to this information, the documents used in payment and collection in commercial life With its general features, you will have the skills related to the use of these documents. Same At the time you will better understand the importance of such documents for us.
The most important and effective of the rules that regulate social life, of course, law rules. These, regulating our attitudes and behaviors in society and compliance They are the rules provided by the state force. The aim of the legal order in a country is to ensure the order of society. Your law, In order to ensure the order of society, to meet his needs, to comply with his conditions must. The legal order is the basis of civilized life on the one hand, and on the other hand in society It is an assurance of living. The legal order provides peace, trust, equality and freedom in society. The purpose of these course notes is real and real and to distinguish between legal entities and driving licenses, the concept of debt and the debt To be able to make correspondence and file correctly by using events information, various contracts to teach how to regulate in accordance with the rules.
Your training and working life from the information about the presentation you will learn with this course You will be able to benefit inside. Most people, regardless of age and position, talk to a community It remains in great fear before it starts. Your knees and hands tremble, your voice He feels that he is bifurcated and his head begins to pain. Eyes are far from control, looking While moving outside the place, the words that come out of the mouth are directed out of memory. we understand. Even if technology has come to our rescue in recent years, the individual of the effective and beautiful conversation It is a fact that it glorifies in society. Studies in the field of effective presentation, such as studies carried out in every field Speaking is not a talent, but also with education by perceived as skills. can be developed. The aim is to increase skills on this subject and a system logic to make the person successful in front of the society, ultimately to ensure the happiness of the person. Be a student, a teacher, a manager or employee It is one of the requested skills. If you are going to work in the field of manager secretariat, you or Your managers will face many presentations. What kind of presentations with this course The planning, preparation, determination of a presentation, determination of a presentation, Preparation of spaces and so on. You will get a lot of information.
When you start a job during your studentship and start a job, many documents from you You will be asked to edit. The documents issued in an office are very diverse; But most often The legal information of the documents used, the information about the regulation and arranged You will be able to find examples in this course. Will be given to the Social Insurance Institution, İş-Kur and Regional Labor Directorate SSK ’ of the enterprises employing workers with documents; monthly premium they have to give every month And the service certificate will be given to the tax office every month or three months; Declaration, Value Added Tax Release and Temporary Tax Release Samples prepared within the framework of the laws of 2005 in order to regulate and Edited documents; It will help you gain knowledge and skills in this regard. However, due to the frequent changes of the articles of the law, healthy and accurately Every year in order to regulate forms and declarations You should follow the changes. Tax Procedure Law (VUK), Income Tax Law (GVK), Social Insurance Law (SSK), Labor Law and similar laws by examining this information You will be able to reach easily.
Service, the whole of the activities for people, the service to be provided is also appropriate It is important to use. Archiving systems directly with the use of time linked. The archiving system is a type of service for the protection of information. All today In order to protect information resources with a certain archiving system, When he heard, people who specialize in this field are needed to recall past information. they hear. For this reason, in the sectors, the prevention of the complexity of documents, the importance of time and labor You should know that this course will be useful to you. This course is psychological and It will benefit economically. As a result, when you complete this course, about the archiving system You will be able to use the archiving system with the information and skills you will earn.
In today's knowledge age, knowledge has become an increasing value. Because The transport and protection of information has become a very important problem. This problem Archiving movements are an important factor in the solution. Service, the whole of the activities for people, the service to be provided is also appropriate It is important to use. Archive movements Fast and Easy Access to Information provides. Archive movements are a type of service to protect information. All today Institutions protect the information sources with a certain archiving system and with archiving movements In case of need, they meet the needs of archived information. Public and special for the organization of archiving system and archiving movements Trained labor force that can use technology in institutions is needed. For this reason, the importance of time and labor in the service sector is also considered. You should know that it will be useful. This course is psychological and It will benefit economically. The result is about archiving movements when you complete this course You will be able to apply archiving movements with the information and skills you will gain.
Legal Secretary, such as the judicial organization, bar associations, law offices, legal advisors He is the person who writes the writings of institutions and organizations and holds the records. If the Legal Secretary Works at the Law Office (the plaintiff's attorney to the lawyer After giving) the article prepared by the lawyer on the subject in accordance with the duly He writes on the computer and takes it to the courthouse. About all kinds of articles about the cases from the courthouse plugs it into the file. Saves the days of the hearing in the monitoring book. Prepares receipts and Signs, calculating the necessary court fees and other expenses, It deposits the money in the relevant places. With the card given by the baron to him (some kind of authorization certificate) He receives a copy of the documents regarding the case from the court or execution office. Knowing the basic concepts in the field of law in order to carry out all these procedures, It is necessary to distinguish the courts and the areas of duty. In this course, you commercial law, Capital law, concept of judiciary, authorities and elements, administrative law, execution bankruptcy law Basic information will be given about. After learning the information contained in this course Many concepts related to you will no longer be stranger to you
The lesson you are reading is the most of your profession, current and future development. is one of the important elements. Hundreds of changes in this field, even when you read these lines development. For this, the lesson you are currently studying and trying to learn Understanding is a great opportunity to develop. After reading, you will see that when you learn this course, you prefer You will have a significant stage about the profession. With this course; Filing movements and documents in offices with these systems, classification You will learn how to borrow files and the ways of circulating the files. What you've learned will take you one step forward in filing systems in business life. If you are interested in what is written above, by turning the next page, all of the office world Benefit from the blessings.
Body language is the most natural of the methods in which man can express himself. The other The way to understand the person is to solve his body language. Our aim is to give you information about the body language and the feelings and thoughts of people To facilitate your understanding, to improve your own behavior and more with the people around you to communicate well. Every person expects more than love and interest. Your information about body language Approach people positively and try to make life easier for them. You should not forget that the establishment of bonds of love and friendship is from understanding people correctly and It passes to act towards them. With all the information you equip yourself about body language, it is beautiful with the people around you. You will be able to establish dialogues. While perceiving people, their personal characteristics, cultural levels, such as the environment in which they live Considering your special conditions will always lead you to the right conclusion. Learning body language is as valuable as learning a foreign language. Moreover, the stranger When you spend to learn the language, spending very few of the power and money It is possible to perform. In previous years, this issue, which only shows interest in the private sector, is headed by our schools. The implementation as a lesson to the head, through you, to our whole society I hope that it will make great contributions.
The course you are reading is the most important of the current and future development of your profession. is one of the elements. Even when you read these lines, hundreds of changes and development in this field is. For this, you understand the lesson you are reading and trying to learn now, development It is a great opportunity to be in it. After reading, you will see that when you learn this course, with the profession you prefer You will have a significant stage. In this course, the documents are from – As an outgoing document, you will make classification, registration and follow -up And with these systems, you will classify the documents in offices and learn how to file. What you have learned will take you one step in the filing systems in your business life. If you are interested in what is written above, turning the next page Benefit from the blessings.
The lesson you are reading is the most important of the profession, current and future development. is one of the elements. Even when you read these lines, hundreds of changes and development in this field is. For this, you understand the lesson you are reading and trying to apply it, this It is a great opportunity to be in development. After reading, you will see that when you learn this course, with the profession you prefer You will make a significant stage. With this course; Expressing yourself that interpersonal communication is not just face -to -face for other methods other than body language and lip movements, and write and You will realize that the symbols are as important as gestures. It will take you one step forward at the point of communication in business life. You can share your information freely and at a speed that will not even take your documents. When you can send it and more importantly, you can find yourself in an eternal information environment. My tongue starts after a page. If all this is interested; By turning the next page, the virtual world Take advantage of what you offer and step into a big world you will never get lost!
In this course; You will learn the basic calculation logic of the computer, what you have learned It will apply according to the process steps specified in the course and the result you obtained in the course You will be able to compare it with. Applications were illustrated to follow the subject. At lesson; 7 LEARNING ACTIVITIES. Document Preparation, Table Creating, Mathematical procedures, ready -made functions, sorting and filtering operations, graphic operations and It includes printing processes. In order to benefit from this course sufficiently, carefully every learning activity After reading, you should repeat the subject with the application activity. Measurement – evaluation You should answer your questions and consider the criteria in performance tests.
You can write your posts on your computer with a word processor (Word program). You can make your mathematical operations very easily with the Electronic Table (Excel) program. The presentation program will also creating our thoughts by creating a presentation. It allows us to give. With the help of this program you will use for promotion, The pictures are more remarkable and more beautiful by reviving your graphics and adding sound to them. You can give. In this course you will learn step by step to create a presentation with the help of presentation program. You can use the knowledge and skills you will get with this course in all areas of life. I wish you success.
Secretary General in public and private health institutions where health services are provided. The people who fulfill are the medical secretary. Medical Documentation, Archives, Information Process Medical Education on Terminology, Statistics, Information Access and Literature Screening, Public Relations must have taken. As a result of the training received, the medical secretary is the patient shortly after starting to work. Papers, medical reports and medical professional letters in the way physicians say and can write on the computer in accordance with the method. Since its importance and effectiveness is an increasing profession, the possibility of finding a job increases. People who have been trained in this field in hospitals, private health institutions, medical laboratories They have the opportunity to work. Working hours are usually regular. According to work intensity Sometimes it can work on weekends and evenings. Computer programs used in the health institution served in a very short time By learning, you will be able to perform patients, records and filing processes. To establish good relations with patient-patient relatives and health personnel with this course, data to be able to use all computer package programs, You will learn to file.
With a specific expression and concept in special fields such as science, art, profession and business. Words are called terms. These are science, art, profession and business at national or international level Used by employees. The meanings of these terms and what they want to tell People who deal with those things need to know. These terms often, that special field It is determined at the meetings or shaped spontaneously. Some scientists, because they are influenced by the Western languages they are educated, their terms They read differently. As a result, there are people who read the same term differently. For this Dictionary and discourse guides are needed. The only way of writing in the writing of terms should be preferred. If unity can be achieved in writing, the union of discourse will be easier. For this The science of medical terms and spelling guides should be given importance for the science and writing union. The purpose of this course is that when the rules in the Turkish saying of medical terms are followed, to teach the correct arrows and writing of the terms
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