Marine; It is one of the difficult professions in the world. As a seafarer
Seafarers, as well as the deprivation of being away from the main land on board, as well as normal life
They live with the dangers. The dangers of the seas are always arm in arm with them.
You get sick or have an accident, 112 Emergency Service cannot reach you in the middle of the sea,
You experience a pirate attack, 155 Police Help or 156 Gendarmerie is far from you, fire
Exits 110 Firefighters cannot even answer you. Aids that are very close to you on land, unfortunately
It is far farther to you at sea.
There is a helping hand that will definitely reach you at sea. However, to its place and situation
According to this help long hours and even days after, maybe after work after
can come. For this reason, the sailor does not rely on a help. Your sea
He prepares himself for his dangers and learns to fight him. Fire; struggle
It is only one of the dangers you need to learn to do.
In addition, all in national (regulation of seafarers) and international (STCW)
Fire prevention and fire fight for sailors “ Training must be given
Fire prevention and fire fighting with this course “ ” Training, only STCW
not to fulfill the requirements or to take care of our heads at sea, but all
It can be realized at any time in our lives and near us
Even in the fires we are, life and property will be a savior. Fire is the unidentified flaming burning. The possibility of fire on board and
results; The structure, burden, working way, working places of the ship
It depends on the control of the people who enter their training and many other elements. Especially
The load of the ships is decisive in the measures to be taken for fire. A fuel tanker
or a liquid oil gas (LPG) carrier with a fire risk of a cast dry cargo ship
The risk of fire and possible consequences cannot be one. The measures to be taken are also different and
may be complex.
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