Fishing and hunting have been done since the first human existence. While hunting
Various methods, techniques and different fish network materials were used. Technological
With the progress of the fishing ships in fishing with fishing with fishing network network
The materials used in construction are also developed. Synthetic especially after 1940
As the ropes began to be used, hunting developed. Before the 1940 ’
While hunting materials made of hemp and cotton are used, today is completely
Network ropes made of synthetic, ie polyester (nylon) fibers are used. Synthetic
Against the solid, light, desired density and rupture force of the yarns made of fibers
Resistance is preferred by fishermen because it is resistant to decay.
How much of the network construction material used with the increase in open marine hunting
It was understood to be important, fishing vehicles and designed accordingly. Fish to hunt
that the material used according to the type has changed and its strength is different
you will learn. Which type of fish for fish network making network construction
Network design that will know the ropes will be used, its durability, advantages and disadvantages
You will pay attention to these.
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