“ Maritime ” In the field of ship management ” “ yacht captain ”
Captain ” The main works of their profession:
ÿ To take a ship from one point to another at sea,
Keeping the ship in the sea and the road,
ÿ is to ensure that the ship is operated in accordance with its purpose.
One of these basic works is “
to take ”, maritime expression of the ship “ is to do. “ basic course ” The lesson,
As the name suggests, the basic information required to do this work is given
is the course.
The basic is the carrier structure on which the main structure is based. If basic, healthy and robust
If it cannot be installed, the main structure cannot be installed or collapsed. For this reason, you, maritime is essential
One of his work, “ taking the ship from one point to another point at sea ” Your job is healthy
In order to be able to do this, you should learn and assimilate this lesson.
Reference is taken in the naming of equator latitudes. The latitude of a point is that point
It is named according to the angular distance between the equator according to the world center (Figure-5). This
NAME Angle value and the end of the end is made with the close polar symbol.
In the north and south of 90, there is a full -grade latitude of 90.
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