Although the packaging industry develops rapidly in our country, it is developed to developed countries
Technological infrastructure, environment, human health, legal regulations deficiencies
has. The product in traditional packaging materials such as paper and cardboard is physical and
It continues to be used in an inappropriate way to its chemical structure.
The inaccuracies in the packaging structure until our products reach the user or consumer
It causes the loss of their properties during their time and therefore our products
Especially in the foreign market, it loses the chance of sale due to packaging weaknesses. Or the product,
Since it is broken in the packaging, it is sold cheaper than the cost of shipping.
This lesson in your hand; Various Paper on Printed Paper, Cardboard, Materials
SELFON (OPP-BOPP) ORIENENTEED (Single and bidirectional stretched)
(Polypropylene) The lamination process of materials on bird-carton should be applied
Printed with SELFON (OPP -BOOP) course - various on unprinted materials
What is the application with predese (opp-boop) materials of feature and thickness.
It is an important process as much as, printed - unprinted materials of the predecessor process to water, light,
In addition to protecting against coups, friction, how much it affects the quality of printing,
You will learn how much the image has changed.
Whichever system you use as a printing system, the latest technology
Do using tools and equipment. Finally, some of your pressure and printing material
You will have to protect against factors. At this stage, SELFON (opp-box)
enters. Different in and into printed material with various predecessor techniques
You can laminate the selemphs (opp-box). These applications are printed and under pressure
It will protect the printed part of your material against light and friction, your pressure is more vivid and
It will show bright. With the opp-box (opp-box) on the unprinted part of printed materials
Sweet and similar food products and packaging material to be placed in the material
And you will be able to protect the materials put into it against deterioration. SELFON (opp-box)
will learn and apply the methods of preparation with this course in the form of process steps and
You will be able to coating quality Selemph (opp-box) on your own.
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Note: for opening gold PDF file, you need adobe acrobat Acrobat Reader software (you can also play golden games in other page). Pdf indir Belgeyi Oku 2008
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