Beauty and Hair Care Services is a very important in today's developing world.
The sector constitutes. With the development of technology, new researches are carried out and new developments are experienced every day about this field. In order to follow these developments closely, sector employees should develop their talents and have sufficient equipment as knowledge skills and infrastructure.
For this reason, employees should be able to follow technology closely and be aware of the developments. Many professional branches within the field of beauty and hair care services
hosts. Hand and foot care are just one of them. So much so that hand and foot care
Even the subject of the nails in it is a profession in many developed countries today.
branch. In these countries, 1000 hours of 1500 hours of trainings are taken for just nails.
Hand and foot care, which are limited to the understanding of classical manicure pedicure for many years.
In our country, the issue of nail nails has been included and rapidly becoming widespread.
This learning material we have prepared has information about the nails
prepared for you to be. When you complete this module, the nail techniques
You will be able to recognize and apply these techniques when the appropriate environment and tools are provided.Topics to be considered when using nails related game : Gamyball - Hvad betyder navnet Gamy BALL? Gamyball - Hvad betyder navnet Gamy BALL?
Note: for opening gold PDF file, you need adobe acrobat Acrobat Reader software (you can also play golden games in other page). Pdf indir Belgeyi Oku 2008
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