The fire installation is an indispensable for ships to make safe flights. Pipe hardware. The fire installation will be encountered when the ship is on the open sea or on the shore It allows us to take the necessary safety measures against fire hazards. With this course, by gaining basic skills for the drawing of the ship's fire installation, fire You will learn the drawing methods of the installation detail and assembly pictures. One of the biggest disasters on board is fire. Uncontrollable If we define the burns as fire, to intervene in this situation Systems consisting of various equipment and installations are called fire installations. Extinguishing the fire, protecting the person fighting the fire from the fire and Many devices and hardware are used to be informed. Fuel vapor accumulated in the machine apartment or boat in extreme heat or Fuel leaking from the circuits, with a spark from the starter motor or battery heads can ignite. In order not to cause such fires, the engine circumference and cigarette are clean Fuel circuits should be checked against the possibility of periodically, the necessary safety measures should be taken during fuel supply, the boat and the machine room It should be provided enough to take off.
With this course; While the ships are cruising, the route or direction to change If you are going to recognize the device. However, the ship sheet against corrosion in sea water You will learn to protect. Rudder varieties, rudder equipment, rudder machines and ship on ships You will receive information about the types of paints and application. When you complete this course You will have won. The rudder is to change or maneuver while the ship is in the case of the ship. It is a structure made of steel or steel sheet that facilitates the movements of the ship. A water force that depends on the cruising speed of the ship when returned to the rudder, starboard or pier tries to turn the ship. If the rudder is surrounded at a low angle, the boat will slowly rotate. If the boat is desired to rotate quickly or strongly, the rudder angle is large. A ship The rudder is rotated with the electrical and hydraulic system called rudder equipment. The rudder equipment for changing the direction of movement of the ship is from the following sections. occurs: * Rudder * Rudder Translation Authority * Rudder Machine and Types * Control mechanism Appropriate by turning the rudder to the starboard or pier on a ship in movement As a result of being kept at an angle, the ship's direction depends on the following
The dimensions of the ship structure elements are determined by making the necessary strength calculations. However, although the selected materials are sufficient, during the study They must be reinforced to meet the loads that will affect them. For example, the plate materials, albeit with high resistance materials They cannot carry their work loads due to the fact that it is. For this reason, curtains, curve sheets To increase the strength of the plate materials, horizontally and vertically should be supported. Otherwise, it is necessary to increase the thickness of these materials, which It causes the ship to be too heavy than necessary. Post-tank ball sheet with different cross-sectional shape, hike-punklers connection of elements Supporting the points in terms of the robustness of the connection, the connection The contact surfaces of the elements must be expanded and compatible. Like this In cases, to expand the connection surface or to harmonize the elements Support elements are used. The learning and application activities you will do in this course you, ship structure Support elements to increase the strength of the elements and port points will provide knowledge and skills about its construction.
With this course, the construction of parampets and vardevalarda in accordance with ship standards you will be able to do. PARAMPET AND VARDEVELAR RAILGERS OR RAILGERS OR IN THE BALCONY OF THE APARTMENT OF THE APARTMENT They are structures similar to the system. Paramphets and VARDEVELS enter the ship's equipment part and on the main deck is available. The location of parampets within the ship; It is in two places: head and ass. However, the assembly of the ship's scaffold and starboard direction with parampets VARDEVELAR is made of pipe and full round material. At the end of this course; PARAMPET AND VARDEVELA DIMENSIONS IN THE STANDARDS IN CLASS BOOKS and you will be able to manufacture and assembly within the framework of these rules.
Fuel installation has an important place on ships. Fuel installation of ships can be can, heating and so on. Systems are able to work. Learning the fuel installation First of all, the pre -manufacturing of the system and the auxiliary equipment must be known. After the fuel installation course, fuel installation assembly and painting lessons you will learn. At the end of this course, when the necessary equipment is provided, the ship's fuel You will be able to produce the installation.
In the building elements-4 course, shipment elements safely with each other. Small, which is used to connect, but with great duties, called support elements You will see what the parts are and the drawing forms. In addition, the tanks on the ships and used for a wide variety of purposes, You will also learn the manufacturing forms and drawings.
Numerous building elements with different tasks in the construction of marine vehicles is used. These building elements in accordance with their duty, in many different ways is done. In this course, the structure described in previous lessons and complements them You will recognize your elements. These building elements serve as a carrier under the deck The belt is puntel (sewing) and curtains. The dimensions of these elements, how many pieces will be made and where to be placed by ship engineers with appropriate accounting methods is. At the end of this course, significant dimensions emerged as a result of engineering accounts. You will be able to draw under the deck building elements in accordance with the rules.
You will recognize mails and mattresses in Building Elements-2. to create water pressure and waves that affect the outer coating sheet. Posts are used at certain intervals to ensure. ribs. The mattresses form the continuation of the ship's base. Postal sizes and distance between mails, accordingly related to mattresses Details, load carried by the ship, the size of the ship, etc. It varies according to the factors. Shipwater The standards related to the elements were determined by the ship classification (Loyd) organizations. Many of the building elements in manufacturing and labor paintings and connection details shown in sections. To get to know mails and mattresses before drawing mail cross -section When you complete this course, you will learn the types of mail and mattresses, mail and You will be able to draw the matches of the mattresses.
As mentioned in technical painting lessons, technical painting is an international language. In order to make marine vehicles, first of all, the endaz, the general plan and the building elements and construction should be drawn. With the help of special lines and symbols used in marine vehicles It is possible to manufacture the sea vehicle designed in the country in another country. According to international maritime rules in this course and in the following lessons He will see the topics related to the drawing of the marine vehicles picture, and the application is drawing. With the teams and computer -aided drawing program on computer environment you will do.
With this course, on the deck of a ship and to anger and connect the ship The manufacturing of the benevolent elements and in accordance with the ship project, these elements on the ship Instead, you will learn the assembly. After the construction of a ship is finished, the equipment of the deck is started. Today Especially in the steel shipbuilding industry, deck equipment elements to the shipyard elsewhere manufacturing and ready. Technical staff in the shipyard to the ship's project properly assembled equipment elements. But sometimes in shipyards The elements used in deck equipment are manufactured. Deck equipment elements are the length of the ship and whatever the material to which it is made They are elements on each ship. A ship without them is not a ship. So a ship The constructor must also know how to make deck equipment elements. If you do this lesson, you will also have the opportunity to work outside the shipyard. Try to learn this course in the best way by taking all these attention. 2008
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