To be able to survive during the period since the creation of human beings
He needed a safe place for. Initially with a cave or tree branches
While a simple club made of reeds is sufficient, it was later like stone, brick, adobe, wooden structure
It has built structures in different ways with the use of materials.
With the development of technology as time progresses, the places where people live
The needs of making useful and more aesthetic have emerged.
In the face of intense urbanization in today's conditions, people are compressed and
Their spaces are more aesthetic, bright and
Easy to apply to make it enjoyable environments, economic, human and environmental health
They have embarked on the search for useful new building materials.
In this course, the places we live in to make the more spacious and aesthetics
You should know about the plaster and plaster applications that constitute some of the applications.
Information and skills are transferred.
After winning the knowledge and skills contained in this course, you and
The spaces you live in can increase your confidence in your profession even more spacious and
You will be able to make aesthetic individuals and are sought after in the society.
Games about it : Hatball - Pourquoi la pièce d`or est-elle utilisée ?: Pourquoi la pièce d`or est-elle utilisée
Note: for opening gold PDF file, you need adobe acrobat Acrobat Reader software (you can also play golden games in other page). Pdf indir Belgeyi Oku 2008
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