In this period, when industrial and industrial production is progressing rapidly You also have important tasks. Moldism is indispensable mass production of industrial production areas today is one of the techniques. With this course, the lower group elements of the combined metal sheet patterns Processing and accustoming to each other on CNC wire erosion bench or universal looms You will learn the operations. In order to become a good molder or mold designer, interest in this field first, love and You must have a request. Therefore, you are successful in your section where you have come to love We believe you will be. Thanks to this success, we know that our competitiveness will increase. This is what our country expects from us. This is a task. Responsibility.
Molding today is indispensable mass production technique of industrial production areas Although there are many species, combined sheet metal molds in this course Basic information has been given about the drawing and processing of the upper group. When we look at our environment, almost all kinds of tools and automobile pieces We see that all of them are produced with different patterns. That competition continues at the last speed to be successful in industrial areas, quality, economic and desired production in a short time We should not forget that it is going to be able to do it. This reveals the importance of the field of molding puts. When you complete this course, the installation of combined sheet metal molds in the basic sense The ability to draw pictures in accordance with the rule and process the parts that make up the upper group. You will win. Do not forget that the professional field learned over time It requires patience and determination.
In this period, when industrial and industrial production is progressing rapidly You also have important tasks. Your success is the success of us and our country. For this reason, we believe that you will be successful in your section. Thanks to this success, we know that our competitiveness will increase. Our country is from us This is what he expects. Industrial molding field, as it is today, in the future, the driving of industry It will continue to be one of its powers.
One of the application areas of computer -aided industrial modeling composite modeling. Different two or not suitable for the desired purpose more than a number of metal and plastic materials, to provide the desired characteristics Composite with a mixture created by bringing together certain conditions and proportions modeling is obtained. More polymer -based composites are used in modeling production. Composite Polymer material used in the production of modeling and around this material Filling and support materials that make up the majority are used volumes. This From the material group, the composite materials used in polymer material production load to keep together under the reinforcement and contribution of the load between the filling and support material The strength feature of composite modeling by providing homogeneous distribution increases. Filling and support material plays a preventive role in plastic deformation and Increases the strength of composite modeling. In the production of composite modeling; Resin -compulsive ingredients, surface resins, Filling and support materials should be studied. With this course, the necessary environment, tools and equipment are provided without pre -modeling You will be able to take mold with composite material and reproduce the modeling number. If you are successful in this lesson, you will have successful and skill. You will be able to find efficient work.
Plastic modeling in industrial modeling technology and also The subject of composite models is very important. Especially difficult to make, durable and long Life is the beginning of the mass production from the front model you will be able to obtain a negative mold. Another reason for the preferred modeling of composite materials is metals as durable, solid, very resistant to corrosion, comfortable to process and at the same time It is preferred to be lighter than metals. Recently in our country and in the world With the development of plastic and polyester molding, these materials are in technology. It takes quickly. When you complete this course, make the main model of any material and then You will be able to obtain the negative pattern by taking this main model into a safe. Your mass production You will get a light, durable, long -lasting composite pattern that is accepted as the beginning. If you are successful, you will have received a composite modeling 1 lesson and owner Successful and efficient composite negative patterns in this field with the hardware you will be. you will be able to do.
At the end of this course, the information and skills you will obtain and CNC lathe stalls Using, using the control panel of CNC lathe stalls, CNC lathe stalls to connect in accordance with the operation, CNC Tornada team adjustment issues will be useful. At this time when technology is progressing rapidly every day, your work is easier. Manufacturing of workpieces by using CNC lathe benches for you to do it During the operator's intervention is minimized or all of them are removed. Thus, it increases the importance of the use of CNC lathe stalls. As a result of the developments in tekonology, the construction of the work we do on the counter In the period when even seconds in the time are important We are in a period in which it is impossible to produce. Therefore, CNC lathe stalls its use is rapidly becoming widespread. CNC lathes are also sensitive and continuously at the same extent. It is a reason for the rapid increase in the use of CNC lathe stalls. Since these stalls work through the program, another workpiece to process It is fulfilled at a speed that cannot be compared to other stalls. These reasons are related to the programming of these course and CNC lathe stalls. The courses have received the end of the developments in your profession. It is a great opportunity.
In a shorter time in order for companies to compete in the constantly developing industrial environment, They need to produce quality and economic goods. The quality of the product is great The machine used to the extent depends on equipment and teams. In the manufacture of machine parts CNC stalls have an important place. Production in CNC stalls is more than classical stalls It is sensitive, quality, economic and series. Middle and large scale in the manufacturing sector CNC looms are now widely used in companies. In order to use CNC stalls; To have a good chip production knowledge, You need to know how to write a program. CNC looms “ g ” Preparation and “ m ” Programmed using auxiliary functions. Only by many different companies in CNC stalls, as in the classic stalls produced. So some of them “ g ” and “ m ” There may be differences in codes. Only known “ g ” and “ m ” Codes are standardized. Some written for the CNC counter Programs do not work on another CNC counter. For this, see the catalog of the CNC counter before writing a program. Here “ g ” and “ m ” Write the program according to the codes. In some systems, the end of the numbers is put at the end, In some, there is no point. In this course, programming methods for CNC lathe is in the initial stage is described. To write programs, used “ G, M, S, T ” etc. Location for commands given. Basic information is reinforced with simple examples. As a result of this course, the basic cnc lathe will be able to program and it is in turn. You will be able to easily comprehend programs with time cycle.
With the information and skills you will get at the end of this course, on CNC lathe stalls You will learn the turning cycles used. Fanuc control system and ISO standard G codes while preparing this course used. While preparing a piece program for CNC lathe stalls, turning cycles are big for you You will be able to provide convenience and make error -free programming in a short time. In this course, G71 outer diameter/inner diameter Crude turning cycle, G72 Path Crude Torning Cycle, G75 channel turning cycle, G73 profile recurrence cycle and so on. important turning By learning their cycles, you will be able to program on CNC lathe stalls. In addition, programming on CNC lathe CNC lathe with C -based (third axis) in this course examples and explanations. These issues are successful in your business life will allow you to be.
In the manufacture of machine parts, the use of CNC looms is quite large. CNC Production in the stalls is more sensitive, quality, economic and series than classical stalls. Companies in the manufacturing sector are widely using CNC looms. CNC looms “ g ” Preparation and “ m ” Programmed using auxiliary functions. “ g ” and “ m ” In general, the codes are standardized. This is also the standard of sub -programming code is one of the codes. It can be used in all CNC stalls. In this course, the sub -programming program for CNC lathe stalls can be transferred to the counter and error messages are described. To write programs, you have seen in advance “ commands You will use it. As a result of this course you will be able to make sub -programming, the program to the counter You will be able to transfer and understand and solve error problems.
In machinery manufacturing, milling is very large. MACHINE PRODUCTION The majority of the pieces are processed on milling stalls. Made of Freze Calls One of the works is the process of drilling and magnifying holes. When you complete this course, a successful process of drilling and magnifying holes in the milling You will fulfill the way, you will be careful and careful. You should do it willingly. When you are successful, drilling holes in the milling and The enlargement will be taken, you will have successful and efficient in the field You will have the opportunity to work.
In order for companies to compete in the constantly developing and changing industrial environment In a short time, they need to produce quality and economic goods. In many areas now Computer is used. In the manufacturing sector, the use of the computer is expanding and becomes compulsory. As a result, computer in the production of machinery parts in the manufacturing sector Supported Design (BDT-CAD) – Computer Aided Production (BDU-CAM) Programs It is widely used. Today, CNC stalls of BDU programs The use has increased due to need. In CNC looms, pieces according to the characteristics of the counter Programs “ G ” and “ m ” can be done with codes. But the processing of the counter with its own program Parts that are difficult or impossible to process are quite with BDU programs It becomes easier. Model created in the computer environment numerically Converts coordinates. The cutter on the piece to be processed in the SDU programs The ways to move can be detected and this movement can be displayed on the computer screen. CNC codes can be produced by identifying these cutting paths. Complex The parts are drawn, the cutting paths are defined and CNC codes are produced and the processing on the counter provided. The use of CIS and MU programs increases the counter features. A large number of commands have been used in CIS and CDI programs. This lesson is 2B ’ For technical painting drawings, to make modeling 3D and simply the cutting ways contains the required commands to detect. To find out the BDU program thoroughly Frequent samples need to be made. Commands of Mastercam 9.0 program in this course explained.
Points, truths, planes, planes and objects, objects It forms objects in our lives. So we can say that in our daily life The beginning of every object we use is points. In this respect, to analyze the point well must. The technical picture also starts from points; Right, ends with planes and objects. Nowadays we can recognize objects from their photographs or appearances. The object He looks at the aspects we can explain or see well, information about that object We will have the owner. In the technical picture, we call it the trace of the object or the appearance of the object. This course is in your profession and Wishing you to be successful in your life
Points are the truths, the truth objects, and the objects forms objects in our lives. Therefore, we can say that the beginning of every object we use in our daily life points. In this respect, it is necessary to analyze the point well. Here is even the technical picture from the points starts. Nowadays, we can recognize objects, photographs or appearances. The object It looks at the aspects we can describe or see well. We will have the owner. In the technical picture, we call it the trace of the object or the appearance of the object. With this course, you are told about the trace of points of the point and the line. In your profession and I wish you success in your life.
Our lesson is the continuation of the basic hand operations course “ Drilling and screw drilling The course will give you careful and sensitive processing ability. Today, basic manufacturing continues its importance without losing. At the same time It is one of the indispensable elements of machine technology. The screw operations contained in our lesson are the elements of the joining that can be removed. at the beginning. When you start applying the information you will learn, it will love your profession more and You will be able to use this information in your daily life. Without realizing it, we already dismantle different shaped pieces and make them wear. These are all thanks to the merger elements such as drilling and screwing. Many of you in the house of machinery, bikes and so on. There are tools. To repair when malfunctioning What kind of merger elements are used in these tools and machines we have attempted, this Have you ever thought about the technical specifications of the screws? What kind of these What system are they made of materials? You don't know them right now. At the end of our class, it consists of simple screws and nuts. You will see that it is not. At the same time, even on very simple issues, technical and technological information is very important. You will notice that it is.
Toothed wheels known for many years, used and research on It is the machine element. As a result of these research, many of the following features Stages have been recorded and significant successes have been achieved. The mechanisms are manufactured in smaller sizes. Larger moments were transported with machines of the same size. High cycle rates were obtained by reducing the number of levels. Cheaper and higher efficiency mechanisms have been obtained. Various special gear designs in order to improve the above -mentioned features made and some have been developed. In today's technology, gear wheels are an important place covers. The design of each machine is absolutely available to gear wheels. From the smallest clock Hold the largest aircraft, we see that it consists of gear wheel systems. For this reason, gear wheels are among the basic elements of machinery and design.
Recently, the growth of the casting industry in our country, you modelists has increased the need. Instead of successfully this task We have full belief that you will bring. The gear wheels of the manufacturing sector, which has an important place among the machinery elements, It is used in the transmission of mechanical power. DAILY LIFE DEVEN AREKS, WATCHES AIRCRAFT There are many application areas from transmission elements. With this course, all the information and skills required for the gear -wheel wheel modeling will be given. You are also the information given here and the gear wheel under the guidance of your teacher You will be able to make models in accordance with the technology.
Connecting computers to production stalls and computer controlled production The use of the stalls in the machinery and production sector is a rapid production sector. in the figure. Classic production techniques are now replaced by technological developments Thanks to ‘ computer -aided production has left. Good in their fields of trained technical staff working in a production sector degree basic computer information, basic drawing and modeling, computer aided production They need information. Technique that receives enough information in these areas and educates itself Employees can have employment opportunities in almost all production sectors and work can start his life. With this course, drilling work pattern pieces “ Testing ” and required The parts of the heat “ heat processing ” You will learn to subject it. Mold pieces and Analyzing how accurate and reliable the work to be processed in the mold is and the next stage You will come to the heat processing of the mold pieces. If the test results are negative, you will go back and see where you made mistakes. Testing the basic rule in moldism or other production activities before heat treatment is the stage. Thus, the heat treatment will not be done in vain. Because during the heat treatment The changes that may occur in the dimensions and dimensions of the mold pieces should not be forgotten and It should be taken into account where necessary.
Parallel to the developments in science and technology, computer technology developing. Connecting computers to production machines and computer controlled production The use of machines in the machinery industry and production sector is a rapid production sector. in the figure. The usual production techniques are now replaced by technological Thanks to the developments, it has left it to computer -aided productions. Good in their fields of trained technical staff working in a production sector degree basic computer information, basic drawing and modeling, computer aided production They need information. Technique that receives enough information in these areas and educates itself Employees can have employment opportunities in almost all production sectors and work can start his life. The sensitivity of the mold is that the more sensitive and error are produced. It would be as good as. The workpieces to be produced with this course, etc. Inspection You will be able to manufacture the molds that can do. Advanced bench used in manufacturing and You will learn production methods and produce a faster drilling business mold. Same The basic manufacturing operations you have already received in time, etc. Lessons are also in manufacturing It will help you.
Parallel to the developments in science and technology, computer technology developing. Connecting computers to production machines and computer controlled production The use of machines in the machinery and production sector is a rapid production sector. in the figure. Usual production techniques are now replaced by technological Thanks to the developments, it has left computer -aided production. Good in their fields of trained technical staff working in a production sector degree basic computer information, basic drawing and modeling, computer aided production They need information. Technique that receives enough information in these areas and educates itself Employees can have employment opportunities in almost all production sectors and work can start his life. The mold sector offers indispensable convenience and mass production in machinery manufacturing. Business patterns have a special place in this sector. Machinery Parts with Business Molds It can be produced more easily and quickly. For example, numerous production with a drilling business pattern Time and time and We can save labor. Thus, produce the produced parts at less cost and competition We can create the environment. The workpieces to be produced with this course, etc. will be able to do their transactions in a series You will be able to design the molds. At the same time you have already received “ Technical Picture and Computer Supported Drawing ” With the help of the courses, the necessary technique and You will be able to draw profession pictures.
To improve rapidly progressing production technologies and to take them further To valuable technical staff; So you are needed. Your production area Your country will increase the competitiveness of our country with its positive studies. Do not remove and continue to work by adding innovations. Today, different molding methods are used in parts manufacturing. Hair In the manufacture of different parts of the materials, molding is quite high. is used. Very fast manufacturing in shaping of tull molds sheet pieces It reduces the cost per piece as it can provide the opportunity. Therefore pulling It is very important to learn the patterns. Increasing quality in production, product cost, error -free production and so on. elements. Increasing production quality will increase our quality of life by opening new markets. This Lesson, Information about the use of pulling patterns, the introduction of presses will provide. Taking patterns 3 will offer you the information you need. We believe and wish you success.
Molding sector in our country is rapidly in both educational and industrial branches. developing. Design, numerous production, identical parts production, the first thing that comes to mind is the sector. Tensile molds have an important place in sheet metal molding. Designs, manufacturing and their assemblies are more difficult than the topics described in other sheet metal molds. When this course is completed, the subgroup parts of the tensile pattern and the upper group It is suitable for manufacturing pictures on CNC looms using the pieces of CAD-CAM programs. You will be able to process the way. When you successfully complete your education, the industry needs information and information. You will create the power of qualified element with skills.
Today, the basis of the economies and growth of modern societies It creates industrialization. Developments in the machine and team industry are also every day increases competition and quality in production. This is competitive today and in the future Investment in the technology required for us to say that we exist as a country under conditions We should be able to use this technology. Moldism is indispensable mass production of industrial production areas today Although there are many types of cultivation. and the basic information on the drawing of the construction paintings. A good moldist or mold In order to become a designer, we must first have interest and love in this field. When we look around, the vehicles in the houses, from equipment to automobile pieces We see that almost all of them are produced with different patterns. Your competition continues at the last speed The way to succeed in the industrial fields it provides and to survive is quality, economic And we should not forget that it is going to be able to produce the desired production in a short time. This is the case It reveals the importance of the field of moldism. When you complete this course, the design of the tensile molds and the construction You will gain the ability to draw pictures. Do not forget that, when you stay It is the professional field learned; It requires patience and determination.
That technology and therefore industrial and production technologies are progressing to speed Today, you have important tasks. Your success is the success of our country. As long as you are successful, our country's competitiveness will increase, our welfare level will rise. At the last point of technology, all manufacturing with different patterns is done. Working with the mold is one of the basic obligations of competition and standard. is. Low cost and flawless productions for our industry to go further To do is our main goal in terms of competitiveness. This lesson, bending you The purposes of use of the patterns, production stages, mold assembly and In the recognition of the presses to be used to produce parts with molds It will provide a great advantage. At the end of the course, the necessary bending according to the technical picture of the piece to be produced You will be able to produce your mold and produce the appropriate part with this mold.
Molding sector in our country is rapidly in both educational and industrial branches. developing. Design, numerous production, identical parts production, the first thing that comes to mind The sector is molding. Bending molds have an important place in sheet metal molding. Designs, manufacturing and their assemblies are easier than the topics described in other sheet metal molds. When this course is completed, the subgroup parts of the bending pattern and the upper group It is suitable for manufacturing pictures on CNC looms using the pieces of CAD-CAM programs. You will be able to process the way. When you successfully complete your education, the industry needs information and information. You will create the power of qualified element with skills.
Today, the basis of the economies and growth of modern societies It creates industrialization. Developments in the machine and team industry are also every day increases competition and quality in production. This is competitive today and in the future Investment in the technology required for us to say that we exist as a country under conditions We should be able to use this technology. Molding today is indispensable mass production technique of industrial production areas Although there are many species, the design and production of bending patterns in this course Basic information is given about the drawing of the paintings. A good molder or mold designer In order to be, we must first have interest, love and desire in this field. When we look around, from the tools in the houses to the automobile pieces We see that almost many things are produced with different patterns. END OF THE COMPETITION The way to succeed in the industrial areas where it continues rapidly and to survive We should not forget that quality, economic and in a short time is able to produce the desired production. This reveals the importance of the field of moldism. When you complete this course, the design of bending molds in the basic sense and You will gain the ability to draw pictures of the parts. Do not forget that Molding is the professional field learned over time and requires patience and determination. 2008
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