With the developing technology, technical staff have knowledge outside their own fields is required. This is a obligation of developing technology to technical staff. Subject to There is no way to draw a boundary to the technical and theoretical knowledge they need. But available Although it is limited to considering the needs, electrical installations and control in this course We tried to give information about the circuits. At the end of the theoretical and practical information given, the installation and kuman circuits You will also be able to draw, make fault detection and removal. As a last reminder, remember occupational safety rules in all your works and no Please note that the work of the circuit is not more valuable than your safety.
Today, technology and industry are progressing so quickly that ourselves to the requirements of the age We should grow and renew. New business in many areas with the development of industry and technology His arms are opened. In these lines, qualified manpower is needed. You The young people who are our future grow up as qualified staff in these areas and work as soon as possible. We hope and wish you to be thrown into your life and contribute to the national economy. In this course, the production, transmission and distribution of electrical energy With the transformers used at every stage, electrical energy to mechanical energy The electric motors that transform and appear in almost every field in our daily lives We will introduce. At the end of this course, the varieties, structures of transformers and electric motors, Working principles, which will know how to connect to the circuit at the same time maintenance and repair You will be able to do it easily.
Efficient use of electrical energy, especially in industrial areas, Working safety and working safety as well as working way and continuity of working devices It is a matter that is meticulously emphasized on the prevention of possible faults that may arise. Electric Measurement of electronic sizes and evaluating correctly industrial Working control of the systems correctly and safely in applications, making error analysis, To take precautions against possible faults that may occur, and in the faults that have occurred, the fault It ensures that the cause is found and repetition. So maintenance repair Using the technician's correct measuring instrument and measurement technique as soon as possible It should be able to control the strength of the electronic circuit elements, if any, their faults It should be able to relieve and be able to make circuit assemblies. Especially the distribution of electrical energy and control systems Since it can affect; The use of electrical panels, detection and elimination of faults. The necessity of reading the circuit diagram is important. When you successfully complete this course, you have electrical electronic circuits and Circuit by performing robustness controls of electronic circuits that can use their elements Circuit tracking that can make connections, use electrical panels easily And you will be able to relieve simple faults by reading the schema.
The advancement of technology, technical problems It needs its growth and high level of knowledge and skills to solve these problems. increases. For this reason, technical staff is different when trying to specialize in their fields. They are also trying to have knowledge in branches and fields. This course has different fields Increasing the knowledge and skill levels of technical staff in other branches and areas. aims. Today, the superiority of electrical energy to other energies is generally accepted. The controlability of electrical energy, the losses in the transmission are less compared to others. its occurrence, converting to different energies, ease and efficiency of obtaining high The fact that they are effective in increasing use areas are the factors. In this course, basic information about electrical electronic systems will be given and In addition, this course will be prepared for the courses to be shown.
One of the most important elements in the way of humanity is production and accordingly, research and development. R & D ’ Countries that allocate more than annual budgets The day starts a better life. Production needs to develop in parallel with technology. Because he cannot renew his technology The countries and the people of these countries are doomed to stay behind. It develops thanks to people who are very good and language -speaking in the new technology profession. Hard working People can read magazines, books and internet documents so that they are in their branches and They can follow the latest technology in their profession by learning a foreign language and technical foreign language. Thus, they become more effective and useful individuals to their countries. Lazy people, enough stranger They cannot follow the latest technology because they do not have languages. So your own factories or They are limited to their workshops. With Technical English 3 course, your professional English is higher level. We aimed to remove it. In this way, the terms and words of your own profession You will be able to learn English equivalents and follow the developments in the world closely.
Vocational and technical training areas are always equipped with developed and updated information. Technical English to make it possible to access up -to -date information and benefit from them. The need to know has become inevitable. Because technological books, articles, published Catalogs are usually published in English. To take advantage of them We cannot expect them to be translated and printed by publishers. These are very big The majority will either be translated or lost its up -to -date when we reach their translated states. will. This course is your technical English level and you are more To ensure that you can be equipped with successful and up -to -date information; Individual Learning and Research It is prepared to bring your proficiency to the highest level.
New technology is thanks to people who speak language. Hardworking people, magazines, books and You can read internet documents so that the last in their branches and professions They can follow technology by learning a foreign language and technical foreign language. Thus They become more effective and useful individuals for their countries. Lazy people, enough foreign languages They cannot follow the latest technology because it is not. Therefore, with their own factories or workshops They remain limited. Vocational and technical training areas are always equipped with developed and updated information. Technical English to make it possible to access up -to -date information and benefit from them. The need to know has become inevitable. Because technological books, articles, published Catalogs are usually published in English. To take advantage of them We cannot expect them to be translated and printed by publishers. These are very big The majority will either be translated or lost its up -to -date when we reach their translated states. will. Remember, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Khan, who opened the age of 21 years and closed the age, knew 5 languages And he made the design of the conquest balls himself. This course is your technical English level and you are more To ensure that you can be equipped with successful and up -to -date information; Individual Learning and Research It is prepared to bring your proficiency to the highest level. In addition, your professional English with technical English course to your higher level We aimed to remove it. In this way, the terms and words of your own profession You will be able to learn English equivalents and follow the developments in the world closely
In the rapidly developing technology age, a molding cannot be explained in a few sentences. It is true. Because molding, the production of many parts that have entered our daily lives It is one of the most important professions. Molding time in the production of these parts, quality and measurement, material saving and identity, as well as labor expenses It is a profession that reduces it to a minimum level. With this profession, medicine, automobile, aircraft, computers, mobile phones, construction industry and toy The industry has developed very rapidly. The income of the countries is almost with these industrial inputs measured. Molding technology is becoming more important day by day. At the end of this course, injection presses can run, tie and change the mold You will be able to produce solutions to the problems of the molds. What industry wants You will have qualifications.
Plastic injection molding sector in our country It develops rapidly in its branches. In particular, the most in the production of the same type of parts, Very and widespread molding sector is used. When this course is completed, the fixed group half of the basic plastic injection pattern The pieces that make up the pattern in accordance with the construction pictures You will be able to assemble in accordance with the complete picture. When you successfully complete your education, the industry needs information and information. You will create the power of qualified element with skills.
Plastic injection molding branch in our country both education and industry It develops rapidly in its branches. Design, numerous production, identical parts production, low The first sector that comes to mind when it comes to cost is moldism. Plastic injection molding has a wide working area. Medicine and medicine sector, food and beverage sector, automotive sector, toy sector similar to this The items we use are produced by plastic injection method. Remember, a good In order to become a moldist or mold designer, we first have interest, love and desire for this field. must. When this course is completed, basic plastic injection molds assembly pictures The moving group half of the basic plastic injection patterns that will draw in accordance with the technique CNC using today's technology according to the construction pictures You will be able to process on the stalls. When you successfully complete your education, information and information about the need for industry and You will create the power of qualified element with skills.
Our country, which follows the rapidly developing technology innovations, to qualified technical staff needs. For this, you have great tasks. Your determination and His success will be an indication of the technological and economic rise of our country. Technology is progressing quickly. You have to keep up with this change. Designs are now prepared in computer environment and the risks of making mistakes are for minor levels. downloaded. In parallel with the growth and increase in the industry, every day to the rapid, easy and economical manufacturing of more complex parts and machine systems needed. Our main goal is to compete with our country's industry with developed country industries. to remove. Remember that your success is the success of our country. With this course, the infrastructure required for the design of plastic injection patterns will provide. The information that the mold designer needs to you We believe it will present and wish you success.
Today, the competition in the field of industrial production continues at full speed. That It is a fact that the way to exist and survive is quality, mass production methods. It is possible to be people and organizations that can apply. The molders are trying to work and production by trying the patterns they make in the relevant presses. They are obliged to see the possible errors and make the necessary corrections. Therefore, the presses, working systems and mold press where the patterns will be tried They should know how to make their connections. When you complete this course, you are the types of light metal injection machines, Recognizing the features of the working systems and pressing the molds in accordance with the technique Taking the trial production by learning to connect, learning to make the necessary settings you will be able to realize.
The importance of molding in mass production techniques is quite high. Industrial production When we look at their fields, we encounter very different molding techniques. Light With many parts of metals, with the injection system, economically and series produced. When you complete this course, the pieces that make up light metal injection pattern He will gain processing skills on different machines and these mold pieces assembly You will be able to combine properly.
Light metal injection products, in terms of quality and variety in today's industry It is at an indispensable level. These parts used in every stage of life and industry Production, but trained elements who know the metal injection mold making technique Thanks to it. Thanks to this course you will take your education, light metal injection molds Design, as well as classic design and drawing tools, computer -aided design tools The manufacturing of these patterns that you can use by using it in today's industry You will be able to do it on CNC team stalls widely used. Metal injection as in all sub -branches of the industrial molding profession In the manufacturing sector where the need for molder is also high, taking the information in this course, When you gain skills and competencies, you will be able to easily employ.
Technology, and therefore industrial and industrial production, dizzying rapidly In this period, you have important tasks. Your success and happiness is the success of us and our country. So fondly We believe that you will be successful in your section. Thanks to this success We also know that our competitiveness will increase. This is what our country expects from us. Machinery Technology Area is today In the future, the industry will be the driving force. Pressure Press Casting Technique Opportunities Applying to the standards, the most efficient and quality of the country's industry is the highest It means that quality products are obtained. Metal injection molding technique is part of the pressurized press casting technique. With this course, making the basic light metal injection mold design in accordance with the technique You will be able to draw pictures.
The introduction of all kinds of products that are technically manufactured, to be cooked with pictures must. Thus, more detailed information about the product. Especially the machine Mounting and exploded pictures with pictures of the parts of the pieces for the manufacturer and customer It is important. Production pictures and assembly pictures until fifteen years ago and technical It was drawn on the painting tables. However, today, to draw the place to computers has left. Our drawings are much faster, accurate and flexible in the computer environment. We can draw. It also has the opportunity to keep our drawings very easily. We are in a situation. You and the generation after you will always be lucky. Because always drink with technology You will be in. A piece of machine that we drew by dealing for hours until yesterday We can now fit the picture into minutes thanks to computer -aided drawing programs. Sensitivity, economy, reliability and time care are very high. Standard and non -standard of the assembly picture you have drawn in this course that the elements can be determined from the TS-ISO charts and to write in the alert We will teach. With this course you will be able to fill the antedi of the assembly pictures you have drawn. You will be able to do this much easier and faster in computer -aided drawing.
The introduction of all kinds of products manufactured to be described technically with pictures must. Thus, more detailed information about the product. Especially the machine Mounting, De-Montaral Pictures with Making Pictures of Parts For the manufacturer and for the customer It is important. The drawing pictures of machine parts for manufacturing businesses are very much. It is important. Production pictures and assembly pictures in the past and technical picture was drawn at the tables. However, with today's technology, making a drawing is now in history. confused. Our drawings are much faster, accurate and flexible in the computer environment. We can draw. It also has the opportunity to keep our drawings very easily. We are in a situation. You and the generation after you will always be lucky. Because always drink with technology You will be in. A piece of machine that we drew by dealing for hours until yesterday We can now fit the picture into minutes thanks to computer -aided drawing programs. Sensitivity, economy, reliability and time care are very high. The rules you should pay attention to in the drawing of the assembly pictures in this course It is explained in detail. At the end of this course, parts pictures were given perspective or schematic You will be able to draw the assembly pictures of the systems. This is very much in a computer -aided drawing environment You will be able to make it easier and faster.
Computer Aided Industrial Modeling with mass production modeling lesson Metal modeling, in serial modeling models, due to serial molding In order to avoid changes in dimensions, modeling is poured from the metal alloy. Today, the development of the industry and the widespread use of CNC tezs The production of metal models can be realized more easily. In metal modeling production, cast iron, aluminum and Aluminum alloys, steel and steel alloys are used. In the selection of these materials Modeling considering features such as strength, surface sensitivity, and number of castings It is preferred as material. With this course, the necessary environment, tools and equipment are provided to model. You will be able to multiply a number. If you are successful in this lesson, you will have the information and You will be able to work with skills successfully and efficiently.
When people start using tools in their work, things are faster, safer and Easy to be made. The human being who realizes this is simple, then large machines made. When we look at the past, human life has become easier with mechanization and It has reached prosperity with machinery. Looking at the developed states and nations in the world The most important factor in their coming to this situation Industrialization is easily seen. Atatürk ’ of our country and nation; as a goal target We have to work hard to reach the level of contemporary civilization it shows. Work today It is with the brain and the machines. It is not enough to have the machine in machinery. Machine -having In addition to being, transporting the machine in accordance with the technique, installing it correctly, safely It is necessary to connect to the floor and run it according to the manufacturer's advice. This course is the recipe of the machine, the machine types, the machine to install the machine It is prepared to grasp the elements safely to the floor.
When people start using tools in their work, things are faster, safer and Easy to be made. Mankind who realizes this is first simple and big machines. made. When we look at the past, the life of human beings becomes easier with mechanization and It is seen that welfare is accessed by mechanization. Developed State on Earth and When we look at the nations, the most important element in their present situation is mechanization and It is easily seen that there is an industrialization. Atatürk ’ of our country and nation; Fame As a target, we should work hard to reach the level of contemporary civilization it shows. Nowadays, working is with the brain and the machines. It is not enough to have the machine in machinery. Machine -having In addition to being, transporting the machine in accordance with the technique, installing it correctly, safely It is also necessary to connect to the floor and run it according to the manufacturer's recommendations. This course you in the light of the above, the definition of the machine, the types of machinery, Teaching the elements that use the machine to set up the floor safely Prepared for its purpose.
Frezelism, which has a very important place in sawdust manufacturing with 2 lessons 2 lessons You will learn how to open, divide, pocket openings from transactions. Molding in industry, machinery manufacturing, modeling, computer aided machinery In order to be a painter, the milling of milling, division, pocket opening operations You must be able to. The manufacture of polygons, the manufacture of gear wheels, mold seeds The construction of the pools required to pull, the wedge above the stalls and miles The opening of the channels is possible by learning this course. Learning this course is your important place in the industry. It will make it easier for you to find a job by providing. The qualifications you will have, in the business you work for It will make you in a different position.
Basic Frezing Procedures-1 course with a very important place in sawdust manufacturing You will start learning the profession of milling. One of the most widely used bench varieties in the chip manufacturing industry and perhaps the most importantly. Frezelism is an indispensable part of today's machine metal sector. For this reason There are milling stalls in every manufacturing environment. You are basic milling processes-1 By taking the training of the course, you will have created your infrastructure in Frezelik. The need for milling in our regions with developed industry has increased. Especially Our schools providing vocational training cannot train qualified personnel to enterprises. Businesses have started to employ all our graduates. Thus, they do not have any problems to find a job. Due to the rapid development of technology. is manufactured. Computer -aided team stalls (CNC) in the best way In order to use it, it is necessary to know and use universal milling stalls very well. You, basic milling operations-1 course with basic freesism technology you will learn. You will do simple milling operations. Then, with the training of basic milling process-2 and other courses You will fully learn the profession of milling.
Marble formation is now high in marble processing. These residues One of the ways to evaluate is the various decorative ornamental with marble turning process It passes through making items. In addition, as an aesthetic product by shaping marble The prevalence of use areas shows the prevalence of marble turning process. The possibility of manufacturing with marble lathe in a small workshop with marble turning process has. In this way, many people in our regions such as Afyonkarahisar and Kırşehir It was possible to establish job opportunities with capital. With this lesson, he will recognize the lathe beach and connect the marble to the lathe. You will be able to learn and shape the marble in the lathe cylindrical.
In the marble processing sector, the need for qualified personnel is increasing day by day. In this The biggest reason is the growth of the marble processing sector day by day. Produced Finding the application area of products in large fields is an important profession of marble processing. has made the field. Marble manufacturing stalls and the marble industry advanced at the same speed and It has taken its place in the industry. Machinery Park, with the number of elements it runs and the products it produces Turkey has become one of the important occupational fields of#8217. In exports, the second after textile It is in line. The world has had a say in the marble market and the world marble market He has reached a power that directs. Despite these developments is in the phase. The number of small marble enterprises is eight times higher than factories. Businesses 3 to 50 people employ workers. Glorus stalls in all small businesses They are indispensable benches in making items and are used continuously. These businesses are The machines need qualified elements used. You take this lesson You will fill the gap in the area. With this course, the way to recognize the lathe bench, connecting the marble to the lathe You will be able to recognize and shape the marble in the lathe cylindrical.
Places where the marble produced as blocks in marble quarries is processed, cut and polished marble factories. Marble brought to the factory in block, according to product request It is produced in tiles and/or plates. To be in the factory in order to process the marble blocks brought from January to the factory The required machine systems are collected in four groups: Lifting and transport systems Cutting systems SIZE SYSTEMS Deletion (polishing, polishing) systems Circular diamond, socket from machine systems used in the plate cutting in the factory Saw machines are one of the most used machines.
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