Steam boilers in different construction and working conditions steam turbines and motorized
They are installed in the machine offices of the ships and work on a large scale.
Win and steam systems on the latest advanced turbine ships and technology
as they work in the safe execution of ships with systems containing their development
They also increase the ships by entering the service on motor ships.
High tonnage 80 000-250000 DWT Crude oil tankers in the turbine acup
Low pressure in crude oil/ballast pumps with a capacity of 1500/2000 tons/hour (10-15
Bar) and low superhite (200/250 ºC) steam is used at temperatures.
Most of the tankers carrying 150 000-250 000 DWT crude oil with steam turbines
There is a necessity for boilers that produce high pressure and high superhite. (40-
80 bar) (450-550ºC temperature)
Although the same tonnage and power motor tankers, at least 1/3 more per day
Although they are considered in the long run despite the fuel burning, more economical than motor ships
is seen.
Although the stores of the motor ships are full of spare parts, the turbine ships
stores, boiler drugs and high pressure and stime resistant metallic gasket and
Nothing but the shafts are seen.
The heat cycle of turbine machines is the heat containing all thermodynamic principles.
mechanical power. Principles in the construction and use of this heat cycle, cost
Reliability, easy maintenance attitude and efficiency come to the fore.
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