Since the apparel sector sets out of basic needs, it is always important. protects. Economic developments in the apparel sector and industrial relations have made it important to use qualified personnel in the business world. It is necessary to determine the professional tendencies of the qualified elements needed in the market from the primary level. Dimensions in clothing is the first step of this sector. This module, which consists of activities such as taking measurements through the person and sample and using the measuring tables, will guide you to start a correct start. It is necessary to take the right measure for a good mold for a good garment and a good mold.
As it is known, clothing production consists of a combination of many stages. Our document The subject of the subject “ cut ” The stage is one of the most important parts of clothing production. Cutting the garment in accordance with the correct and technical rules is the first condition of quality production. An irreparable garment cannot be expected to be smooth and high quality. It may not be possible to reuse a incorrectly cut fabric. In this unit, pre -cut preparations, hand and cutting engines about cutting about cutting Information has been given. In line with this information, you will recognize the materials to be cut, prepare the fabrics for cutting and place the molds in the fabric, learn to use the cutting tools and make a cut in accordance with quality standards. The first step of a quality clothing production of a fabric correctly cut Remember.
The technology in the textile and ready -made clothing sector has also changed the quality of the technical preparations of clothes. In order to have a say in the constantly developing fashion sector and to offer people more beautiful, professional business equipped with advanced qualities that the sector needs There is a need for power. For those who work in the field of clothing production technologies, clothing technical drawings and mold Preparation is an important quality. Creation of the garment mold without error depends on the right and correct use of the lines. The right line drawing is as well as associated with ability It is a competence to be gained through education. Clothing technical drawings are of great importance in countries where clothing industry is developed. carries. Clothing technical drawings are one of the most important stages necessary for an error analysis of a product. Production of the garment in accordance with the desired quality qualifications depends on the correct perforation of the preliminary studies. As in many fields, competing with the world in the field of ready -made clothing In our country, young people who comprehend the importance of clothing technical drawings with a systematic training in the institutions that provide education in this field should be raised. In this module, with technical drawings of clothes details and technical drawings We will discuss the relevant issues. At the end of the module, you will be able to make clothes technical drawings using the lines in the right places.
Creation of the clothing mold without error and correctly and correctly It depends on its use. The right line drawing is associated with talent as well as education is a proficiency to be won. In the fashion industry developed countries, clothing technical drawings are of great importance. Clothing technical drawings are one of the important stages necessary for a product to be analyzed without error. Production of the garment in accordance with the desired quality qualifications depends on. As in many fields, competing with the world in the field of ready -made clothing In our country, the institutions that provide training are the importance of clothing technical drawings as desired. You should raise young people who can grasp and draw them in accordance with the technique. In this document, the basic lines and geometric drawings related to the subjects We will take it. Geometric drawings at the end of the subject using the lines in the right places you will be able to do.
Basic information for preparing clothes. When solving professional accounts, it is necessary to apply the known values and gain the ability to solve correctly and easily. At the end of this topic, knowing the basic rules of mathematical procedures well, ready -to -wear You will be able to make professional calculations in the sector. 2008
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