One of the first steps of jewelry manufacturing is the process of transferring patterns. In jewelry
Jewelry manufacturing starts with design and continuing with the drawing of the designed picture on precious metal
The correct transfer of the pattern on the metal is as important as making design.
Pattern transfer which is not made in accordance with the rules will cause incorrect production. Pattern
In the transfer process, professional painting information, use of appropriate tools and equipment knowledge and ability
It is important. It should not be forgotten that the error that is overlooked or a careless process is all
will be reflected in the pieces.
The metals to be transferred to the pattern are corrected before the pattern transfer process and errors are minimized.
should be downloaded. Pattern for the realization of a suitable and proper pattern transfer
Transfer rules must be fulfilled.
In this course, the branding of jewelry such as simple rings, earrings and pendanttives
(Pattern Transfer) Applications. At the end of the course, a product or
You will be able to brand the model in accordance with the technique without error.
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