Stylization, deformation technique, one of the basic elements of design, design
It provides the development of creativity. Creativity is new, original, based on known things
to reach syntheses. You may be courageous for issues that require creativity, but this
The course includes all the topics and techniques that will guide you. Stylizenin Turkish decoration
The place and importance in art is very great, especially in people, especially in women
The need is natural. Ornamental art, the need to decorate the goods used by people
It was born from their hearing. Decoration is a very important part of plastic arts.
Stylization, deformation definitions, stylization deformation in this course
Psychological Effects and Stylization Deformation Applications
The knowledge and skills you have learned at the end of the course are in all fields related to art
You can use it.
Games about it : Goldminer - Quelles sont les variantes du jeu de mineur d`or.: Quelles sont les variantes du jeu de mineur d`or.
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21-05-2012 12:49 2008
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