
How to prepare the template in serigraphy printing?

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How to prepare the template in serigraphy printing?

In this course, the serigraphy workshop describes the stages of mold preparation for printing. Serigraphy Preparation Course and Serigraphy Templates, Types of Emulsion, Emulsion usage areas, emulsion, mold exposure, opening of the mold, The rejection of the mold, the sealing of the mold, the stages of drying of the mold you will learn. The molder has an important place in serigraphy workshops. In the molding stage A error occurs during printing. Your molder is very careful to avoid the error. It is necessary to work. The starting point of the screenigraphy is mold preparation. Very meticulousness in course applications It will be useful for you to show and repeat applications with your own efforts. SERigraphy is widely in the textile and label sector today. is used. SERIGRAPHY PRINTING SECTOR CRIMINAL ELEMAN NEEDS AS YOU AS YOU AS A QUALITY will meet the elements. It is more fortunate to find a job than other sectors. You will learn With this course it will help you find a job as a molder in a serigraphy workshops. Serigraphy is also an art. The important phase of this art is mold preparation. Original printing templates can be prepared and printed. Yourself about this You can improve. The formation and printing of serigraphy print and printing is done in small enterprises. It is available in large enterprises. The person who makes the pattern in small enterprises and the person who presses the same it could be. But in large enterprises, there is a mold workshop. Every lesson you will see in this lesson The application is performed in one -to -one workshops. What you will do, this lesson is good is your learning.
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