It should always be remembered that the value of an insured insurance
The main reason for its scope is to meet the damage against any negativity.
So it is to get compensation. Each customer is actually insured for compensation. Compensation
When there is a guarantee for the customer, it is a negativity for the company. Any of the insured
In case of damage to the policy conditions within the framework of the request to eliminate the damage
The insurance company will also examine the policy and compensation if the damage is in accordance with the policy requirements.
It will pay to the insured by calculating the amount.
However, there are some cases that the insurance company demands this amount of loss from the other side.
It may not make this payment to the customer if it may or if not within the scope of the policy. In this situation
The other party does not agree to pay and there may be different situations. The judiciary here too,
Concepts such as arbitration and recourse will appear.
In addition, after the damage, the insurance price is in question.
What will be the situation of the remaining damaged goods. The saddle works back from this goods
If left or if their remains work, there are situations such as what to do. Insurance
Will my company take them or stay to the insured.
Of course, to secure themselves in insurance companies
they will want. For this, they will make reinsurance agreements. So their risks are certain
They will share with another sedan company in exchange for the price. Of course, what kind of?
Reinsurance agreements come to the agenda, such as issues such as profitable.
If all this is interested; Compensation and reinsurance by moving to the next page
To raise yourself as an indispensable element of this profession.
Remember, you are an insurer and you do the best of this profession.
you fulfill.
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