We need various goods and services as long as we live and constantly
We consume. Knowing our position and rights as a consumer rational and conscious choice
We need to increase our consumer consciousness in order to be people who do it.
Each incorrect goods or services returning to the manufacturer are necessarily backward again.
will return.
He should do our part as a individual, he should quit man and be sensitive,
We must learn our rights and defend it to the end. This country is our hand in hand and contemporary
We must reach the level of civilization.
The consumer gives a visa to the goods by looking at quality and price. Conscious consumer always
Natural controller.
For our future;
* How much do we know the Law No. 4077, which protects consumer rights?
* Everyone should know this law and defend their rights
* We should definitely get receipts or documents in every shopping we will make.
* We should look for quality, TSE 's goods and services! If possible, prefer domestic property
we must.
* We should not forget that this is a citizenship duty.
* Change, return, value when we encounter defective goods or services
We can request a discount or repair.
The future of our country and our children, to be conscious and call our rights
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report All of my report card is 0,1,2,3,4,4,3 but I was appreciated, no one knows that I know that I received only appreciation, everyone gives me money because I am very happy hahahahahahahahahahahaaa hahahahahahahahahaaa, but I did not want to do our assignment immediately, but I would have done it right away. Wouldn't it do that Z haa, you wonder how I am appreciated for 0,1,2,3,4,3. I have a lot of money hahaha İlayda Güngör 4-B Class Dumlupınar Primary School haa don't confuse the school with my low report
24-01-2012 15:11
When the report cards were taken, my friend's cousin's report card is 1 stretched, but my cousin and my friend wrote all of them with a pilot pencil, how they fucked his father, his father drowned him and put an artificial fake certificate from the internet.
11-02-2012 14:14
I don't have to do anything like that.
16-10-2012 19:11
I had a social homework, I found the answer to the whole book from the computer from the workbook ... Niihahaaa
26-09-2013 20:17
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