In the maintenance of commercial life in a healthy and regular way, the books and this
The records of the records to be processed in the books are of great importance.
The merchant who does not keep his account well cannot succeed.
Which goods were taken to the enterprise from which companies?
How much do we owe to which companies? What are our payments by periods?
Which goods were sold to which customers and in what way? Sales according to periods
What is the condition? Which goods have increased and which goods decreased? Reasons affecting sales
what are
Monitoring the economic activities of the enterprise, monitoring debts and receivables, stocks
Commercial activities should be recorded on day for control.
Which notebooks do merchants use?
How to write transactions in commercial books? Used to save transactions, called accounts
What are the characteristics of the charts? What is a single layout account plan, how to use it? How are records
With this course, it is aimed to gain commercial book editing skills.
Thanks to the course you will recognize commercial books and learn the rules of writing. Bill,
You will learn about the account plan, one layout account plan, the features of the accounts.
In working life, book -holding knowledge and skills at work, your success, your prestige
will increase.
It will evaluate your sales work better and take the necessary measures and your sales
You will be able to increase.
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