Vegetables have a very important place in agricultural production; Because to the places of vegetables There are no other products that can be used. Also in recent years, especially nutrition It is also frequently included in the diet programs of experts. The genes of many plants grown as vegetables on earth, especially Countries such as Anatolia, Caucasus, Turkestan and Afghanistan, where Turks live intensively does. For this reason, the Turkish people's interest in vegetables is quite high. With the studies, 60 of the vegetable species consumed by people were cultured. This number tends to increase day by day. The majority of these vegetables in our country It is easily produced. The worst and most difficult compensation for being dependent on outside today is food It is to be dependent on the outside. The agricultural potential of our country easily It is able to feed; However, the choice of vegetables in our country is not appropriate, Incorrect agricultural practices, marketing difficulties, lack of a certain standardization, Producers do not move together and so on. For reasons, vegetable production is going on day by day declining. Thanks to this course; One of the most important factors that cause vegetable production to decrease Incorrect agricultural practices will decrease and vegetable production in our country; our esteemed students It will increase even more thanks to the transfer of the information it has learned to the sector.
Today we will talk about pepper with your pain and dessert. New benefits of pepper, which is also very valuable in terms of health, emerge. it comes out. In recent years, healing on cancer disease of pepper The effects have been revealed. In addition, it opens appetite by increasing stomach secretion. Good for nerve, stomach and secretion glands Income facilitates digestion. It is diuretic, seaside, rheumatism and muscle It is good for pain. Regulates blood circulation and pressure. Such a useful vegetable It will be our benefit to not miss our tables. So did you ever think about how to grow pepper? What is considered in breeding? This With the course, this information is given to you in a short and understanding. After that, we believe that he will be more enthusiastic about eating pepper, maybe pepper You will force your growing opportunities. Then what are you standing, let's balcony or Let's take the first step in pepper cultivation in available environments. You will see that growing will also give you as much pleasure as pepper and pepper products, You will be proud to produce in every pepper you are harvested.
Vegetables have a very important place in agricultural production; Because to the places of vegetables There are no other products that can be used. Also in recent years, especially nutrition It is also frequently included in the diet programs of experts. The genes of many plants grown as vegetables on earth, especially Countries such as Anatolia, Caucasus, Turkestan and Afghanistan, where Turks live intensively does. For this reason, the Turkish people's interest in vegetables is quite high. With the studies, 60 of the vegetable species consumed by people were cultured. This number tends to increase day by day. The majority of these vegetables in our country It is easily produced. The worst and most difficult compensation for being dependent on outside today is food It is to be dependent on the outside. The agricultural potential of our country easily It is able to feed. However; The choice of vegetables in our country is appropriate Failure to do, faulty agricultural practices, marketing difficulties, a certain standardization The lack of, producers do not act together and so on. Vegetable production for reasons it declines as it passes. Thanks to this course; One of the most important factors that cause vegetable production to decrease Incorrect agricultural practices will decrease and vegetable production in our country; our esteemed students It will increase even more thanks to the transfer of the information it has learned to the sector.
Today, the importance given to health is increasing. Because changing environmental conditions The environment, stress, which is a little more polluted every day, is harmful to our bodies with many foods. While additives weaken our immune system, the number of diseases increased in proportion. His treatments were also expensive. Already living healthy without the purpose When we get sick, it should be to increase the quality of life as much as we can. Here you Here I want to talk about a vegetable as valuable as gold. Tomato last made According to research, the insidious disease of our age is made by making a protective effect on some types of cancer. Thanks to the vitamins it keeps in it but also, thanks to the lycopene of our hearts is. A more fit of a brain for a sparkling skin, bright hair and a healthy body you We invite to grow tomatoes. With this lesson prepared to help you in tomato cultivation You will see that it is more enjoyable than to produce things ready to buy and eat. DIFFERENCE IN GROWING You will have nothing to do with it. Irrigation, spraying on time, If you do not make fertilization, if you do not look at interest, the results are not as you want. But this is you Don't scare and intimidate, love requires labor, and the return of labor turns to you in a very good way. Even though you don't choose cultivation as a profession, in the garden of your home as a hobby, You will be able to grow tomatoes in the appropriate area on the balcony. As a seedling while growing The lush tomato you planted after a certain time with beautiful yellow flowers carefully to him He'il thank you for looking. It is not over, you look at the tomato and keep loving it please. Do not think about what plants understand from love, the language of love is one and love in plants He understands very well from his tongue. Did you see? Starting from tiny green tomatoes and pink Red to red. Yes, come on with your own hand and eat with pleasure. How? Enjoyable change? From brown to yellow to red, in short, the unique color revelation of nature You can't wait to go to your world as soon as possible, don't you?
As you know, all living things live in the most appropriate environments. If the conditions of the environment for any reason, they cannot live if the environment conditions are disrupted, the environmental conditions of each living thing are different. The ability to reproduce a living thing is closely related to the conditions in which it is. Every living thing wants to maintain the continuation of the generation. People have lived with plants since they existed. Previously, they used plants only to feed. Later, they also benefited from plants to meet other needs such as clothing and medicine. This has brought production methods to the fore because it increases the need for plants. In history, human beings have developed such systems that they can regulate the environmental conditions they want. We no longer expect the summer to come to eat tomatoes. We can grow plants that are difficult to grow in our country in greenhouses. If we know which environmental conditions need to grow a plant, we can regulate those environmental conditions. We can provide the needs of the plant by methods such as temperature, humidity and light. Even in the open area, we can protect plants from frost. In order to prevent it from drying out in hot weather, we can rain. When you learn the information in this course, you will be able to meet the most suitable environmental conditions for plants. I wish you success.
Flower is an indispensable element of life. Our people perceive the awakening of nature from the beautiful scents and colors of flowers. It is one of the traditions of our modern world to meet our born child with a bunch of flowers, to evaluate our successes with flowers, to get past our patients with flowers, to see what we have lost with flowers. We can share the flowers around us with everyone around us. No matter how difficult people's life becomes, it will give the joy of living flowers to be extended at this stage. Growing flowers is a difficult task that requires labor from seed to flower formation. Floriculture is to bring the flowers together in a certain harmony and create a specific subject to the buyer. It is a very important artistic work. There are rules that need to be meticulously followed in the stage, from order purchase to the presentation of the flower. Our sector, which is competing with the world's flower, improves itself day by day with the increase in the importance given to quality service and technology. In addition to being knowledgeable about florist; It must be careful, honest and friendly. Employees in the sector should capture the age and even pioneer. Let us not forget that after the construction of the capital of Gazi Mustafa Kemal, one of the first orders of Gazi Mustafa Kemal, the opening of a florist shop was opened to this city. Because one of the basic criteria of civilization is the love of flowers. When you finish this lesson, you will learn how enjoyable florism is, and you will serve the flowers by transferring your love. 2008
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