Under the cover for the increase in product in agriculture in today's conditions and
Production is made in greenhouses. In this way, fresh products are constantly released and in agriculture
Seasonal labor use is distributed to a whole year. This positive effect of greenhouses
In our country, it has provided the rapid development of greenhouses; However, on this subject
The fact that the studies are very limited creates negative effects on the development of greenhouses.
Errors in greenhouse making reduce the amount of products grown in greenhouses and quality
causes it to fall. When you take this course, the definitions of greenhouses, general
By learning the principles of principles and projecting; Technological
You will be able to apply developments easily.
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In today's conditions, production is carried out under the cover and greenhouses in order to increase the product in agriculture. Thus, fresh products are constantly released to the market and seasonal labor use in agriculture has been distributed to a whole year. This positive effect of greenhouses has provided the rapid development of greenhouses in our country; However, the fact that the studies on this subject are very limited creates negative effects on the development of greenhouses. Errors in greenhouse making cause the amount of products grown in greenhouses to decrease and decrease in quality. When you take this course, by learning the general principles and projecting principles of the definitions related to greenhouse; You will be able to make the interior design of the greenhouses and apply technological developments easily. , I found
04-04-2012 19:37
In today's conditions, production is carried out under the cover and greenhouses in order to increase the product in agriculture. Thus, fresh products are constantly released to the market and seasonal labor use in agriculture has been distributed to a whole year. This positive effect of greenhouses has provided the rapid development of greenhouses in our country; However, the fact that the studies on this subject are very limited creates negative effects on the development of greenhouses. Errors in greenhouse making cause the amount of products grown in greenhouses to decrease and decrease in quality. When you take this course, by learning the general principles and projecting principles of the definitions related to greenhouse; You will be able to make the interior design of the greenhouses and apply technological developments easily. , I found
09-05-2012 09:31
The same is written as a ingenuity. Smiley " />
16-04-2013 21:21
I say something here how to grow the flower how to write how to write how to write this article
16-04-2013 21:18
In today's conditions, production is carried out under the cover and greenhouses in order to increase the product in agriculture. Thus, fresh products are constantly released to the market and seasonal labor use in agriculture has been distributed to a whole year. This positive effect of greenhouses has provided the rapid development of greenhouses in our country; However, the fact that the studies on this subject are very limited creates negative effects on the development of greenhouses. Errors in greenhouse making cause the amount of products grown in greenhouses to decrease and decrease in quality. When you take this course, by learning the general principles and projecting principles of the definitions related to greenhouse; You will be able to make the interior design of the greenhouses and apply technological developments easily.
24-04-2013 19:58
How to prepare a greenhouse for flowers In today's conditions, production is carried out under the cover and greenhouses in order to increase the product in agriculture. Thus, fresh products are constantly released to the market and seasonal labor use in agriculture has been distributed to a whole year. This positive effect of greenhouses has provided the rapid development of greenhouses in our country; However, the fact that the studies on this subject are very limited creates negative effects on the development of greenhouses. Errors in greenhouse making cause the amount of products grown in greenhouses to decrease and decrease in quality. When you take this course, by learning the general principles and projecting principles of the definitions related to greenhouse; You will be able to make the interior design of the greenhouses and apply technological developments easily.
28-04-2013 13:06
I think the site: P: poop:
28-04-2013 13:16
28-04-2013 13:20
Cut flowers have a special place among ornamental plants. They are cut by cutting and used in the construction of bouquets, baskets and wreaths. Cut flowers are the most sold and most traded ornamental lice in the world. Half of the trade of world ornamental plants belongs to cut flowers. Grouping Depending on the reproduction, cut flowers are divided into 3 groups. Onion cut flowers Reproduced by vaccine, steel or texture culture Reproduced from seeds Onion cut flowers The replication of these flowers usually occurs with onions, lumps and rhizomes under the ground. Tulip, Lilium, Freesia, Glayöl are in the forefront. Reproduced by vaccine, steel or texture culture The reproduction of these usually occurs with rooted steels or vaccine. Cutting rose, cloves, chrysanthemums and gerbera are the most important. Reproduced from seeds Flowers from this group are usually grown from seed. Şebboy, Lisanthus, Hüsnüyusuf, Statis and Aster are important ones. Timing in cut flowers In cut flowers, the wishes and breeding methods of each type of flower are different. Sowing times are different, but there is a point for all of them: Cut flowers are usually sold at high prices in winter (November May). For this reason, cut flowers should be grown to cut flowers in winter. The time until flowers were cut after planting or endbrill in many types of flowers has met with research. Sowing-tutmum is adjusted accordingly. Some onions of onions such as tulips, freesia and iris are treated at special temperatures and it is provided to bloom 1.5-2 months before the normal season. For example, if clove seedlings are sewn in January-February, first-hand flowers are cut in July, second-hand flowers in February. If they are sewn in May, the first hand flowers are cut in September-October and second-hand flowers are cut in Martnisan months. 2.5-3 months after planting Glayöl onions bloom, freesia onions are sewn in September, and if the greenhouse is kept at 15 0c for 3 months from the beginning of December (heated), they bloom in February, if the greenhouse is not heated, they bloom in the middle of March. If 5 weeks per day is given additional light, the flowers open in February. Tulip onions are kept in 50c from mid -August to mid -November and opens the flowers in December and January if they are sewn in mid -November. With many applications, such as these can be adjusted to the blooming times of cut flowers. Adjusting the blooming time is very important in cut flower cultivation. Breeding Places of Cut Flowers Although cut flowers are generally grown in greenhouses with plastic or glass covered, they are grown in open fields when the climate is suitable. Glayöl, Statis, Hüsnüyusuf are an example of them. Soil requests of cut flowers Soils where cut flowers grow: It should be national-flushed and filtered. The acidicity of the soil should be between pH 6.5-7.5, ie neutral. Organic substance rich, ie farm manure (burnt barn manure) should be abundant. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potas and lime and other micro nutrients should be balanced. The substances that are deficient should be completed. The drainage of the soil must be good and excess water should be able to flow. Cut flowers grow best in places that do not stop water. Soil preparation In order to grow cut flowers in the lumps suitable for growing flowers, the soil is riding well or processed with the waist. Weeds, roots should be cleaned and pouch should be broken down. Potas and phosphorus fertilizers and farming fertilizer, which should be given as basic fertilizer, should be given before the anchor and mixed with anchor machine (rotovator). If the new greenhouse is to be established, greenhouse is installed on the applied soil. If the greenhouse is previously established, the construction of pans and roads for planting after soil processing is started. When making pans and roads in the greenhouse, pans are usually given 1.0-1.2 width and 20-30 m length. The roads between the pans are 0.5 m. should be wide. The roads and pans are separated by ropes, the pans are tested with rakes and made ready for the tongue. The seedlings or seedlings to be sewn are sewn into the pans by appropriate intervals and the water is given immediately. Sprinkle with bran prepared with dandruff prepared for the beef nose. If the important point here is suspected of diseases and nematodes before planting, soil spraying should be performed. If the plants that are sensitive to diseases such as Gerbera are to be planted, soil spraying must be done. With soil spraying, plants planted more easily because of disease factors, nematodes and weed seeds in the soil die. Post -sewing maintenance operations The maintenance works of cut flowers include irrigation, fertilization and spraying, as well as shading of greenhouses in summer and prevent frost events in winter and ventilation of greenhouses. In the summer, the temperature of the greenhouse is reduced by shading in summer, in winter with ventilation in the greenhouse in the greenhouse and moist air is thrown out to provide more easily growth of the plants. At the same time, the development of some diseases is prevented. Irrigation is important in cutting flower breeding. Without slime of soil, gradually and frequent irrigation allows better development of plant roots. If the fertilization with irrigation water is made, plant development is regular. For this reason, it is usually used in irrigation systems for irrigation of greenhouses. Various diseases and pests are seen in cut flowers as in other plants. Against these, chemical drugs recommended by plant protection specialists are used. However, soil spraying is performed before planting against diseases that may come from soil. Cut flowers grown under very difficult conditions are cut and length and 5-10 or 20 of them are brought together and binding is made by connecting. Placed in buckets with water in the prepared bundles and water for 2-4 hours. Thus, they are provided to remain alive without the sale of the sale. The flowers of water are placed in the boxes and sent to the flower exchange, that is, the auctions. Bunch of flowers by lengthing requires separate care. 1-2 corrupted flower reduces the price of the whole bundle by inserting first quality flowers. If the bundles are not connected well, they will disintegrate and the price decreases. The cutting circuit of flowers in harvest is very important. Flowers cut from the full ripening are not sold in the domestic market, and the vase lifetime of those who cut too late is short. Therefore, the flowers should be cut just in time. In cut flowers, cutting time is different according to species. Before the rose is fully opened, it is cut into a bud. Lilium, Glayöl, Tulip, Iris flowers such as color should be cut immediately when color. Carnations are cut when the colored leaves are fully opened. However, the cloves to be cut for exports are earned earlier, during the brush period. The number of flowers in the bundles is different in each type of flower. Rose and cloves are connected together. Flowers such as Lale Firezia and Glayöl are connected to 10. Two of the liliums, and five of the sebboy and sebatathies are one bunch. The flowers are cut and bundled and water drawn is placed in plastic flower boxes. It is connected with paper in the box before putting the flowers in boxes. After the box is filled with flowers, the paper is covered and the cover of the box is closed. The name of the manufacturer and the code number in the cooperative are written on the box and the name of the box is written (sold) and left to the box collection centers.
01-05-2013 12:35
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