Today, the aim of landscape works is in urban and rural areas for people. To provide a beautiful and useful living environment in cultural, economic and aesthetics. Abuse of natural resources on earth recently and extensive work to prevent looting as landscape planning we call it. We also call the people who do these procedures. Landscape together with professional branches such as architecture regional planner, architect, forest engineer walking. Indeed, the effect of technological developments on changing living conditions on our environment It has further raised the concept of garden art, that is, the concept of landscape architecture. For this has made it a binding among other professions and sectors. Even a landscape arrangement of any ordinary house or area that is ordinary today You have noticed that it is, but even how these small arrangements are the air of the environment It should not be overlooked that it has changed. With this course you will take the basis of landscape architecture. Around you or You will be able to arrange a landscape in your own garden. You will use in the landscape project You will be able to plant and plant plants safely. It is also useful around you you will be. Then, as a landscape architect with the training you will receive, the projects signature you will be able to throw.
The aim of the landscape works is cultural for people in urban and rural areas, to provide a beautiful and efficient life environment in economic and aesthetics. In all the environments we live in, in our office, on our terrace, on our balcony, on our streets, In short, we can plant plants in our city. We need to place it in the best way. More of this design we make In the following times, we do maintenance procedures correctly and consciously is required. Unconsciously selected plants create an unpleasant design. Like this Designs exhaust people where they will give peace to people. In order to make a good garden, he should learn plants, technical information for application we must get. Here is our goal here, making the environment we live in beautiful and beauties to protect. When you complete this course; The beauties around you are better to evaluate, take care of them better, and even to destroy negative images You will be able to establish new designs, livable, aesthetic and natural green spaces.
As much as fertilizer and water in flower cultivation, soil is very important. You can find the data about the properties of the soil and soil to be taken in this course.
When we talk about combat methods in agricultural areas, the measures taken and the methods taken for the protection of various insects and herbal products from various insects, mites, nematodes and weeds come to mind. According to the researches, in our country, the loss of product in plants and herbal products due to disease and harmful factors occurs. The living things in the world of plants may become ill from time to time or may be faced with the damage of any insect or may be covered with weeds that are host for diseases and pests. It is important to use appropriate methods in the fight against disease and pest. With this course you will learn the methods of combating diseases and pests on the plant. When you encounter any of these problems, you will decide the most appropriate method of struggle and apply it. So you will save your plants from diseases and damages.
Plant production is carried out by vegatative and geniatiz production methods. Geleration Production is sexual production. That is, seeds in the plant as a result of the combination of male and female organs It is to form and the production of new plants with this formed seed. Plants are big Most of them bloom in a natural growing environment. This means that blooming plants Generatik is suitable for production through production. However, seed production; new square The long growth time of the future plant and differences in new plants emerge There may be some drawbacks like. It is another form of general production in sports production. Sports are different from seeds has a structure. It is located on the lower surface of the leaves and lives in humid environments. All of us that the mushrooms we eat as food on our tables were obtained with sports we know. With this lesson, you will learn how seeds and sports are formed in plants. Sport and learning the advantages and disadvantages of seeds and production. You will pay attention. Thus, collect the seeds of blooming plants in your gardens. You will enter the production, albeit amateurish.
If you want to sell the flowers you grow and earn additional income, you can read the methods in this book. With a Chechekçi you can agree with, you can turn your hobby into a source of money and you can be useful to the society.
As you know, all living things have to be fed. Plants their own nutrients they do. Animals receive ready -made food. Ready -made foods of animals either plants or other animals. This means that the nutrients synthesized by plants are necessary for all living things. More precisely, the continuation of life is necessary for the continuation of life in nature. Plants produce nutrients by photosynthesis. When they do photosynthesis, they get from the soil They combine water and mineral substances with carbon dioxide they receive from the air. The nutrients they produce First, themselves, more and other creatures are used. They take the minerals used by plants when photosynthesis. Each plant The type and amount of mineral substances it receives from the soil are different. The same plant is grown on top of each other Over time, yield starts to decrease in soils. The reason for this is that the minerals in the soil decrease. If we always want to get good efficiency from our lands, the missing minerals We should know and give these substances to our land. This event, which we call fertilization, is very It is important. To make our land efficient and to buy more products We must meet your needs. With this course, fertilizer types, fertilization methods and You will be able to learn and apply plant analysis.
Production with immersion is one of the vegatative production methods. With immersion, production is the rooting of the body piece on the rootstock plant by remaining connected to the main plant. With immersion, production is mostly used in plants that cannot be easily rooted with steel or to produce small diameter plants. In other vegatative production methods, the body parts are removed from the plant, while the rooting event continues depending on the main plant in production. In other words, there is no possibility that the plant part to be rooted is dehydrated or without nutrients. These needs are met because it depends on the main plant. Not every plant is produced with dipping. There are some features that should be in the plant to be produced with immersion. The branches should be flexible, curled and close to the soil. Because the plant parts are immersed in the soil once or several times, these features must be. With immersion, production is made in several different ways. Generally, the octic orumncap immersion method is used in outdoor plants, while air immersion is applied in interior plants. Deligation production will show you how plants and how to apply this method. You will be able to better determine the production methods by looking at the plants you have.
Production with steel is one of the vegatative production methods. The body part taken from the plant to be produced is called steel and the production made from this body is called steel production. It is possible to buy steel from different parts of the plant we want to produce. For example; It is possible to take the root steel by taking the leaves of the leaves, the body steel using the body, the body and the roots. The steels taken in steel production vary according to species, but they are rooted in a short time. At the same time, new plants, which are produced with steel, have all the features of the rootstock plant. In other words, opening does not occur as in seed production. If we have enough rootstock plants, we can choose to produce with steel. Thus, it is possible to produce a large number of plants from a rootstock plant. The rootstock should be careful when choosing the plant. In addition, the rootstock plant should be free from disease -free and pests. The younger the plant selected as rootstock, the higher the rooting rates of the steels. With this course you will be able to obtain a large number of plants using different parts of a plant. Thus, you will be able to find job opportunities in the sector by taking part in production.
We learned the diseases of plants in our previous lesson. If this is in our lesson We will learn the creatures that create various damages by making plants and soil. Plant pests are very high and damage the plant in a very different way. Red Spider, leaf lice and so on. While the pests in plants are danaburnu, snail, slug Insect, grasshopper, mouse and so on. is one of the pests seen in the soil. Plant pests on the plant While living, soil pests will damage the plant by living in the soil. Red Spider, Leaf Lice, Snail on Leaves and Body When damaging; Danaburnu and nematodes damage the plant roots under soil. These damages caused by plant pests have a negative effect on plants. On the leaves deformity, curl, deterioration of the body and drying. At the same time They also reduce the market and quality values of plants. Each pest has its own form and harm. With this course, seen in plants You will learn the pests. Accurately diagnose the diagnosis of the pest and intervention is in place and You will be able to do it on time. Thus, your plants are of greater damage to the future. You will be able to save.
You know, we examine the creatures in our world by dividing them into two worlds. These are animals It is the world and the world of plants. Plants with thousands of plants of the Botanic course of the world is the subject. The organs of the plant, the structure and duties of these organs with this course you will learn. It will give us pleasure to learn the structure of plants that are valuable for us. Our glass The return of a flower we put in front of it, the leaves of the sun We will enjoy the bud.
Plants make their own nutrients. Water and Uses carbon dioxide. It also takes water from the soil and carbon dioxide from the air. In the structure of plants Apart from these two items, there are other substances. Plants in water when buying water from the soil It also takes dissolved substances. Most of the substances in the structure of the plants enter the plant structure with water. Used where necessary. Sometimes it is accumulated, thrown out in the bezen. The water they take with their roots He carries up to the leaves, uses as much as necessary, and throws more with sweating. Continually This movement allows plants to meet the needs. With this course, the substances found in the structure of the plants, how to the plant You will learn how it was taken, how it was moved and what is happening in the lack of these substances.
Çınarlar live for 500-600 years. Similarly, many plants live longer than people. In this book, how a seed germinate, how seedlings occurred, a plant You will learn how it occurs. Which substances need when the plant grows You will find out what you hear, that every plant is different. Development in plants By learning the factors that affect, you will adjust your production accordingly. We all think that plants do not move. There are movements. Plants cannot change, but the situation can change. Here you will learn them in this lesson.
As you know, plants are alive and have some common features with other living things. For example, such as growth, development and death. Again, the biggest features of other living things are their illness. Yes, plants get sick. Maybe they do not have colds or flu like people, but they have their own illness. Sometimes this disease occurs from nutrients or excesses, sometimes manifested by the effect of factors such as irrigation and seeds. When we see a diseased plant, we can understand that he is sick by looking at the solid one. These diseases seen in plants reduce quality and market values. For example, nobody prefers a rose with ashizers or nobody wants to eat a fruit caught in mildew. The most important issue in sick plants is their treatments. When we get sick, we go to the doctor. When our animals get sick, we consult the vet. If the disease is not intervened in time, the same applies to plants if we cannot get the desired results. With this course, you will be able to diagnose and treatment of sick plants. You will be able to determine the disease with correct diagnosis and save plants from the disease with timely intervention. So you will be a plant doctor as a second profession.
Production with vaccine is one of the vegetative production methods. The vaccine is different or the same It is to grow plants with each other and grow as a single plant. In this case with vaccine Production varies according to other production methods. Because in other production methods It is possible to produce from different parts of the same plant. In production with vaccine, but also The pen is needed. This causes a need for two separate plants. While the rootstock is the root part of the new plant, the pen is the plant we want to produce. It has its properties. The pencil contains a single or several eyes from the plant to be produced. receivable. This is the new plant by placing these pencils or eyes on the rootstock to be. In order to be successful in the vaccine, it is necessary to know the vaccine methods and vaccination. Pen vaccine in the plum tree you do not want in your garden or you want to change the variety You can achieve this by applying it or change the color of your rose in your garden You can provide this with the eye vaccine you will apply when you want. At the same time, vaccination is now a separate profession. This is the best way to apply the application times and application methods of the vaccine with this course You will be able to learn and apply it when necessary.
When we look at the natural vegetation of our country, the presence of forests draws attention. In these forests, coniferous plants are in the foreground. Plants of coniferous plants, the majority of which are always green, are also called conifer plants. The reason for this name is due to the fact that the seeds are cones. The general appearance of coniferous plants is pyramid -shaped. It shows vertical growth. It is usually in the form of trees or wooden. Great interest in coniferous plants. The main reason for this interest is due to the fact that this group is green. In addition, there are varieties that shed the leaf in winter. Almost every length of coniferous plants form the main plant of gardens in all seasons. They are the basic building blocks of the garden. It can be used as a single plant in the gardens as well as as a fence plant. Very beautiful compositions can be created with different length and structures, leaves of different colors. Here is when you complete this lesson; By recognizing the general characteristics and structures of open -seed plants, you will learn how to use them.
The first thing that came to mind when we talk about a plant was soil; Because the plant in the soil He would grow, develop and even die in the earth. However, a term called soilless agriculture recently It has entered our lives. Have you ever thought that a plant could grow without soil? Yes, the plants that we have been used to growing in the soil now are also without soil. We can grow. Soilless agriculture organic or made by giving inorganic nutrients to the growing environment in controlled greenhouse conditions. is the form of production. So, if we say why no groundless agriculture is needed today, the reason for this We can explain as follows: Climate is not inadequate or possible in the soil, the climate In order to benefit from the environments where the conditions are appropriate, soilless agriculture is needed. heard. Thus, it was possible to benefit from agricultural areas more. Soilless agriculture is done in two ways: one is water culture and the other is a solid environment culture. This In culture, plants are fertilized by food solution while developing in water. In solid environment culture, you have heard so far, peat, rock wool, pumice, gravel, Organic and inorganic materials such as sand are used. With this course you will learn how to grow plants in water and solid environment. It will care more carefully the plants you grow more carefully than grounded agriculture and its nutrition You will provide; So you will be able to grow plants even in places called impossible.
In today's conditions, fruitism is as important as ornamental plants and vegetables. Various kinds of fruits of different flavors and human nutrition also have a very important place. How beautiful and enjoyable to eat an ice -cold watermelon or melon eaten on summer days, an apple or peach that is severed from the branch. Have you ever thought about how they were raised while eating those fruits? Just as every person needs some things to live, fruits also have wishes to catch up; Temperature, water, fertilizer, moisture and so on. Here you will learn how the fruits that come to our house with this lesson and do not miss our tables, and after which stages you reach. At the same time, you will be able to grow any suitable fruit tree in the garden of your home, albeit amateurish. Thus, you will be able to better understand the importance of fruits in our lives.
In today's conditions, fruitism is as important as ornamental plants and vegetables. Various kinds of fruits of different flavors and human nutrition also have a very important place. How beautiful and enjoyable to eat an ice -cold watermelon or melon eaten on summer days, an apple or peach that is severed from the branch. Have you ever thought about how they were raised while eating those fruits? Just as every person needs some things to live, fruits also have wishes to catch up; Temperature, water, fertilizer, moisture and so on. Here you will learn how the fruits that come to our house with this lesson and do not miss our tables, and after which stages you reach. At the same time, you will be able to grow any suitable fruit tree in the garden of your home, albeit amateurish. Thus, you will be able to better understand the importance of fruits in our lives.
Scientific Research Garlic and Garlic Products Positive on Health revealed its effects. Determining the antimicrobial effect of garlic, especially, Frequently included positive publications in both written and visual press about garlic It ensures the awareness of individuals and increases consumption. Our country is in terms of quality and quantity in garlic cultivation. It has a great potential in trade. Competition with other producer countries in exports In order to be able to include conscious employees in garlic cultivation. In order to realize the production in the desired standards, firstly the raw material is very good. It is necessary to recognize and grow according to their properties. A healthy product; from the field Using appropriate techniques at every stage up to the table, working clean, tidy and disciplined obtained. With this course, he will recognize the garlic plant, the structure and properties of garlic The production of raw materials to grow garlic according to this information, By grasping the cultural procedures and operations during harvesting, the necessary tools-equipment You will gain knowledge and skills to recognize and use.
Our country, due to the suitability of ecological conditions, except for some tropical fruits It is among the rare countries where fruits can be produced economically. In particular, three of our country The fact that the side is surrounded by seas is effective in cultivating a wide variety of fruit species. is. Rize coastline in the Mediterranean and Aegean regions and the Eastern Black Sea Region All citrus types are grown throughout. Orange production in the world increased by 30 % in the last decade, especially processed orange It is directed to its products. In this case, Brazil and the United States are leading. Mexico, China, Countries, such as India and Iran, only consumer countries have become productive. Countries in the Mediterranean basin maintain their importance, but in recent years No development has been achieved. Among the countries of the Mediterranean citrus producer, orange The leading country in its production is Spain. Oranges (Citrus Sinnsis L. OSBECK) origin North East India and Center It has taken from China. Moderate frost resistance, to adapt to large climatic conditions And the fact that it has a large number of varieties to spread the orange to many breeding zones provided. Oranges morphological properties, in terms of chemical composition; round Oranges, blood oranges, belly oranges and sweet (acid -free) oranges to groups are separated. In this course you will recognize these species. It is also necessary to grow oranges You will find all the information and learn to grow oranges
Vegetables have a very important place in agricultural production; Because to the places of vegetables There are no other products that can be used. Also in recent years, especially nutrition It is also frequently included in the diet programs of experts. The genes of many plants grown as vegetables on earth, especially Countries such as Anatolia, Caucasus, Turkestan and Afghanistan, where Turks live intensively does. For this reason, the Turkish people's interest in vegetables is quite high. With the studies, 60 of the vegetable species consumed by people were cultured. This number tends to increase day by day. The majority of these vegetables in our country It is easily produced. Today, the worst and most difficult compensation for being dependent on outside, food It is to be dependent on the outside. The agricultural potential of our country, all our people easily It is able to feed; However, the choice of vegetables in our country is not made appropriate, Incorrect agricultural practices, marketing difficulties, lack of a certain standardization, Producers do not move together and so on. For reasons, vegetable production is going on day by day declining. Thanks to this course; One of the important factors that cause decreased vegetables, False agricultural practices will decrease and vegetable production in our country, our esteemed students It will increase even more thanks to the transfer of the information it has learned to the sector.
Our country, due to the suitability of ecological conditions, except for some tropical fruits It is among the rare countries where fruits can be produced economically. In particular, three of our country The fact that the side is surrounded by seas is effective in cultivating a wide variety of fruit species. is. Rize coastline in the Mediterranean and Aegean regions and the Eastern Black Sea Region All citrus types are grown throughout. Mandarin (Citrus reteticulata), citrus fruits that grow in a temperate climate (Rutaceae) It is a type of fruit belonging to the family. 25 %of the citrus production of our country It constitutes. In this course; The importance of tangerines, garden facility, cultivation of seedlings, tree Subjects such as irrigation, pruning, fertilization, spraying, harvest, storage and preparing for the market you will learn. Mandarin is a fruit with internal and foreign markets. Tangerine cultivation to many families has provided job opportunities. Harvest time, when the regional workers are not enough, from the inner regions It contributes economic to our people with seasonal transfer. In all winter Approximately 4-6 months workers due to the ongoing harvest and harvesting work for the market It is supported economically by working. Mandarin is a tree that remains green for 12 months; It requires continuous care in it. Sensitive Due to its cultural procedures, it should be very careful that harvesting as a manufacturer Let us smile on time and after.
Our country, due to the suitability of ecological conditions, except for some tropical fruits It is among the rare countries where fruits can be produced economically. In particular, three of our country The fact that the side is surrounded by seas is effective in cultivating a wide variety of fruit species. is. Rize coastline in the Mediterranean and Aegean regions and the Eastern Black Sea Region All citrus types are grown throughout. Lemon, leaf grown in all countries with mild climate It is the fruit of small trees carrying volatile oil. As in the world, in our country After orange, the most produced citrus type is lemon. In this course; The importance of lemon, Garden plant, planting of seedlings, tree irrigation, pruning, fertilization, spraying, harvest, storage and You will learn issues such as preparing for the market. Lemon is a fruit with internal and foreign markets. Lemon, people consumed in all seasons, “ tea to soup lemon! ” it is a fruit sold in the neighborhood markets. Lemon cultivation Many families engaged in have found job opportunities. Harvest time of regional workers When it is not enough, echicic contribution to our people with seasonal workers' transfer from the inner regions to provide. Preparation for the market after harvest and harvesting in the winter months Due to their work, the workers are employed economically for about 4-6 months. Lemons are a tree that remains green for 12 months. It requires continuous care in it. Sensitive During the cultural procedures, it should be very careful that harvesting as a manufacturer Let us smile on time and after.
Vegetables have a very important place in agricultural production; Because to the places of vegetables There are no other products that can be used. Also in recent years, especially nutrition It is also frequently included in the diet programs of experts. The genes of many plants grown as vegetables on earth, especially Countries such as Anatolia, Caucasus, Turkestan and Afghanistan, where Turks live intensively does; For this reason, the Turkish people's interest in vegetables is quite high. With the studies, 60 of the vegetable species consumed by people were cultured. This number tends to increase day by day. The majority of these vegetables in our country It is easily produced. The worst and most difficult compensation for being dependent on outside today is food It is to be dependent on the outside. The agricultural potential of our country easily It is able to feed; However, the choice of vegetables in our country is not made appropriate, Incorrect agricultural practices, marketing difficulties, lack of a certain standardization, Producers do not move together and so on. For reasons, vegetable production is going on day by day declining. Thanks to this course; One of the most important factors that cause vegetable production to decrease False agricultural practices will decrease and vegetable production in our country, our esteemed students It will increase even more thanks to the transfer of the information it has learned to the sector. 2008
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