Soil is important for all living things. It creates an growing environment for plants. It is covered with 3/4 waters of our world.1/4 is the part of the earth outside the water. On land It is the living area of all living things. Millions of creatures live in such a narrow area. Most of the land is not rocky and suitable for planting. Some regions are cold, some regions is very hot. Our nutrition and needs from the parts that are suitable for planting and planting We benefit to meet. Soil formation takes many years. Sandal -favored soils in the rugged field erosion and disappear. In the best way from the land we have We must make efforts to benefit. Since human beings learn to process the soil, they are trying to get good efficiency. The world's population is increasing rapidly, whereas our cultivated areas are decreasing. World population To feed and meet our other needs, we should consider even a span. As science progressed, we learned to get more efficiency from the soil. Now Nadasa Field we do not leave. Quality Products by processing our land in the best way, determining their needs We can get it. In the past, even salinity in the soil was a problem, now our land is from salt We can purify. It determines the needs of our land through scientific studies and fertilization we do it.
Each living interaction with the environment in which it is in. Living things They meet their environment. The environment in which they grow is important for plants. Water from the soil and The soil structure is good for taking nutrients and to grow and develop the roots easily. must be. Scientific studies have demonstrated which types of plants develop well. The necessary arrangements to evaluate our land well and get good products We should be able to do it. We can get various fees by mixing our land with various substances. These fees It will cause good development of our plants. Microorganisms or pests that sometimes damage our products in our lands can be found. They can be harmful to plant roots, trunks, flowers and fruits. We must sterilize to save our land from these pests. In this lesson You will learn sterilization types and methods of application. Our lands may not always be smooth. Water can accumulate in pit places. More We know that water will damage plants. Therefore, drainage in which excess water is evacuated You will be able to apply the systems by learning when necessary. Nowadays, agricultural machines are made with machinery. Which machine, for what purpose will learn that it is used both from time and labor costs earnings. you will provide.
It is known that there are very large trees in the Taxodiaceae family. Many sexes ornaments This family, which is used as a plant, has the largest and oldest trees in the world. It has a scattered structure. These plants without leaf are monoic. The leaves are in the form of stamps. In female cones, cones are flat stamps. The genus that grows naturally in our country is not available. However, it can be used in landscape studies. In this family It is useful to look at the following features during the diagnosis of plants. Cone stamps If there are two white lines under the leaf. Sequoiaya, needle leaves in summer green, short shoots and leaves are poured in winter and leaves If the handle is mutual, metasequoiaaya, leaves and stalk variable as taxodium plant defined. Here are all the features of the Taxodiaceae family when you complete this course You will learn and use these plants easily in the landscape.
Ornamental plants have a very different color and smell. To raise them It gives people a different pleasure. Cut flowers are also plants in this group. Some, big bushes Some are small. In our vases with their flowers, fragrance and images It changes the air of our rooms. Cut flowers start to enter our lives from the moment we are born. “ past get. ” Visitors who come to hospitals decorate our room with flowers suitable for the season. In our happy moments, flowers are always with us. Giving flowers and buying flowers It makes people happy. Growing flowers requires labor, patience. While you learn these lessons You will enjoy the pleasure of growing cut flowers and experience the happiness of giving flowers. Much You will share the happiness of many people.
Outdoor plants are part of the world of plants. However, there are so many outdoor plants in the plants realm that we need to be classified by classification of these plants. The purpose of classification of plants is to group and facilitate their recognition by taking advantage of the similarities and separations of plants living in the world. Each family is handled in itself. Here, too, the scrophulariaceae (sequential) family will be examined. The common features of the plants in the Family Family are herbaceous plants. However, small shrubs and parasite plants are rarely encountered. The leaves are arranged in mutual or alma. The leaf feet is complete or fragmented. This family has about 210 breeds and up to 3000 species. When you complete this course, you will know the production techniques of the plants that will be necessary for garden applications and production in the nursery, you will be able to use the production techniques, use it in applications and even learn how your plant will change for a year.
Outdoor plants are part of the world of plants. However, there are so many outdoor plants in the plants realm that we need to take these plants by classifying them. The purpose of classification of plants is to group and facilitate their recognition by taking advantage of the similarities and separations of plants living in the world. Each family is handled in itself. Here, too, the saxifragaceae family (Taşkırangiller) will be examined. The common feature of this family consists of herbaceous plants or shrubs. The leaves of the plants here are lined up with alma or mutually. The leaves are simple structure. It is known that this family contains up to 80 breeds and about 1200 species. When you complete this course, you will know the plants that will be necessary for garden applications and for production in the nursery, learn the production techniques, use it in applications, and even learn how your plant will change for a year
Outdoor plants are part of the world of plants. But in the world of plants There are very outdoor plants, so that we are classified by classification. is required. The purpose of classification of plants is the plants living in the world Grouping them by taking advantage of their similarities and separations and their recognition to facilitate. Each family is handled in itself. Here too Ranunculaceae (Wedding Flowers) Family will be examined. Located in the Flower Flower Family The common characteristics of the plants are mostly very much Or it consists of one -year herbaceous and woody plants. Flower rings in this team Partly. The leaves are rarely lined up with alma. The leaf feet is fragmented. This There are up to 35 breeds and about 1500 species in the family. When you complete this course, both for garden applications and in the nursery By recognizing the plants that will be necessary for production, he will learn the production techniques, in applications. and even how your plant will change for a year you will learn.
Open seed plants are cones. These plants form cones. Men's cones consist of small, flattened and small pulses. Female cones form a more mixed structure and are larger. The leaves are in the form of narrow needles or stamps. Many of them are summer, winter is green. It is very difficult to distinguish this group, which is very similar to each other. It is based on different points in the detection of families where coniferous plants are located. You will examine the Pinaceae family in this course. Each of the cones stamps that occur in this family has two ovaries. The fruit is made up of mature cones. Seeds are poultry. The leaves are narrow, long, needle -shaped. Here you will specialize in this issue by identifying the common points here.
You will learn some of the plants of Liliceae Family. Liliceae There are about 240 breeds and 4000 species in the family. More hot and temperate They can be grown in all regions of the world. Plants in Liliceae (lily) family often perennial herbaceous They are plants in the appearance of bush or tree. Tuberous, onion, rhizoma, sometimes climber Or they can hug. The bodies of some species are different appearances, their leaves It usually shows the strip, spear, egg or elliptical form. Sometimes rarely sword, Round, semi -round, heart, pipe and other appearances. Here you with this course Liliceae family of plants general characteristics, production, You will learn the usage areas and important types in the landscape. Liliceae where necessary places Family you will be able to use plants in landscape and make applications related to them.
Outdoor plants are part of the world of plants. But in the world of plants There are very outdoor plants, so that we take these plants by classifying them. is required. The purpose of classification of plants is the plants living in the world Grouping them by taking advantage of their similarities and separations and their recognition to facilitate. Each family is handled in itself. Here too iidaceae (Süngiller) family will be examined. Plants in the Süsengiller family Features are perennial and herbaceous plants. They are in a dwarf royal form. Rizoma, tuber They are also onions. The leaves are narrow long and remind the meadow leaf. Flowers are single or Many of them are together. Flowers can be very colorful. Fruit is multi -seed and capsule fruit. This family has about 70 sexes and about 1500 species. When you complete this course, both for garden applications and in the nursery By recognizing the plants that will be necessary for production, he will learn the production techniques, in applications. and even how your plant will change for a year you will learn.
Gerbera is a very colorful and known flower. Many plants produced under the name of ornamental plants give us happiness. With some We decorate our homes, some of our parks and gardens. Seeing them growing, Watching it is an indispensable pleasure for people who deal with them. Ornamental plants have plants with many different colors and odors. To raise them It gives people a different pleasure. Cut flowers are also plants in this group. Some big bushes Some are small. Their flowers are with good smell and images in our vases It changes the air of our rooms.
Among the ornamental plants, there are such beautiful fragrant, beautiful colors that it is a pleasure to grow them. Cut flowers are also plants in this group. Some are small in the form of large shrubs and some are small. Their flowers change the atmosphere of our rooms by spreading good smell for days in our vases and giving beautiful appearance. Cut flowers start to enter our lives from the moment we are born. Visitors who come to hospitals for the past decorate our room with flowers suitable for the season. In our happy moments, flowers are always with us. Giving and giving flowers, buying, making people happy. Growing flowers requires labor, patience. While learning these lessons, you will enjoy the pleasure of growing cut flowers and you will experience the happiness of giving flowers. You will share the happiness of many people.
Outdoor plants are part of the world of plants. However, in the world of plants, there are so many outdoor plants that we need to consider these plants by classifying them. The purpose of classification of plants is to group and facilitate their recognition by taking advantage of the similarities and separations of plants living in the world. Each family is handled in itself. Here, too, the plants of the cruciferae family will be examined. Most of the plants in this family are located in the northern hemisphere. They have a very or one -year herbaceous character. They are in the form of shrubs. The leaves show aldicated and have simple leaves. In this family, there are up to 350 breeds and up to 2500 species. When you complete this course, you will know the plants that will be necessary for garden applications and for production in the nursery, learn the production techniques, use it in applications, and even learn how your plant will change for a year
Cupressaceae family is quite wide spread, without leaf -free monoic trees and shrubs. 3 – of male organs; There are 6 pollen sacs. The female organs have one or more seed drafts. The stamps come together to form cones. The stamps of cones can be small, flat or meat. Mature cones is like a skinny with woods and sometimes like a fleshy bean. The leaves are mutually or surrounded by branches. Young leaves needle, the latter in the form of stamps. Our country also has three sexes. These three breeds are: cones are woody, cones in the form of shields and tied to a point in the middle of the cone and tightly closed, and maturity is placed in the cupressus or chamaecyparis plants. Cones are lined up like woody, cones stamps like tiles and 6 – If there are 10 stamps, it appears as thuja plant. If cones are more or less on a short -seated stalk or on long branches, it appears as a juniperus plant. When you complete this course, you will be able to distinguish the plant groups mentioned above and produce these plants.
Outdoor plants are part of the world of plants. But in the world of plants There are very outdoor plants, so that we classify these plants is required. The purpose of classification of plants is the plants living in the world Grouping them by taking advantage of their similarities and separations and their recognition to facilitate. Each family is handled in itself. Here too compositae ( collective flowers) family will be examined. Plants in the public flower family Common features are one - two or perennial herbaceous, and less woody plants. Most milk pipes. Flowers are usually small. In the case of fruit hazelnut fruit, a Seed. There is no nutrient tissue in seed. There are up to 950 genus, up to 20000 species. Immediately It is naturally available everywhere. When you complete this course, both for garden applications and in the nursery will learn the production techniques by recognizing the plants that will be necessary for production, in applications and even how your plant will change for a year you will see.
Outdoor plants are part of the world of plants. But in the world of plants There are very outdoor plants, so that we take these plants by classifying them. is required. The purpose of classification of plants is the plants living in the world Grouping them by taking advantage of their similarities and separations and their recognition to facilitate. Each family is handled in itself. Labiatae here too (Mint) Family will be examined. Most of the plants in this family are a special smell. has. They are of shrub or herbaceous types. The bodies are angular. The leaf can be simple or fragmented. Flowers form tight clusters in the leaf seat. Up to 200 types and approximately 3200 There is a type. When you complete this course, both for garden applications and in the nursery By recognizing the plants that will be necessary for production, he will learn the production techniques, in applications. and even how your plant will change for a year you will learn.
Outdoor plants are part of the world of plants. As the name implies, they are plants that live in external environments and are used to beautify the external environment. However, there are so many outdoor plants in the world of plants that it has been classified. Leafy trees, coniferous trees, woodwater and shrubs, wrapping and ground coverers can be given as an example. In addition to this classification, scientists have grupted the plants according to their family. In this course you will learn the important plants of Amarilidaceae family. The Amarilidaceae family has about 86 breeds and 100 species. It is a family that shows a wide range of spread. Amarilidaceae (daffodils) family plants are mostly onions with rhizoma and perennial herbaceous plants. The leaves are usually 2 rows, less 3 rows or spiral sequences. The shape of the leaves is in the form of heart, flowers are in the case of very flowering organizations or are less or only flowers. Flower leaves are multi -colored, separate or adjacent to two three environments. The ovary is lower and has three eyes. The fruit is usually capsule and sometimes grape fruit. With this course, you will learn the general characteristics of plants, production, landscaping areas and important types of plants. In the necessary places, the Amarilidaceae family will be able to use plants in landscape and make applications related to them.
Plants; It makes our world livable with its colors, scents and beautiful images; In addition, plants are food source for us. Our clothes, the items we use are very much Most of them and drugs that make up the raw materials. In the beautification of our environment, We also benefit from plants on our happy days. Many plants produced under the name of ornamental plants give us happiness. With some We decorate our homes, some of our parks and gardens. Seeing them growing, Watching it is an indispensable pleasure for people who deal with them. Ornamental plants have a very different color and smell. To raise them It gives people a different pleasure. Cut flowers are also plants in this group. Some, big bushes Some are small. In our vases with their flowers, fragrance and images It changes the air of our rooms. Cut flowers start to enter our lives from the moment we are born. “ past get. ” Visitors who come to hospitals decorate our room with flowers suitable for the season. In our happy moments, flowers are always with us. Giving flowers and buying flowers It makes people happy. Growing flowers requires labor, patience. While you learn these lessons You will enjoy the pleasure of growing cut flowers and experience the happiness of giving flowers. Much You will share the happiness of many people.
Many plants produced under the name of ornamental plants give us happiness. With some We decorate our homes, some of our parks and gardens. Seeing them growing, Watching it is an indispensable pleasure for people who deal with them. Ornamental plants have plants with many different colors and odors. To raise them It gives people a different pleasure. Cut flowers are plants in this group. Some big bushes Some are small. Their flowers are with good smell and images in our vases It changes the air of our rooms. Cut flowers start to enter our lives from the moment we are born. Get well soon Visitors who come to hospitals decorate our room with flowers suitable for the season. Growing up In our happy moments, the flowers are always with us. Giving flowers, buying, making it happy people. Growing flowers requires labor, patience. Cut off while learning these lessons You will enjoy the pleasure of growing flowers and experience the happiness of giving flowers. Most You will share the happiness of human beings.
Plants food for us Source, clothing, most of the items we use, and living things that produce raw materials. In the beautification of our environment, we benefit from plants in our happy days. Many plants produced under the name of ornamental plants give us happiness. With some We decorate our homes, some of our parks and gardens. Seeing them growing, Watching it is an indispensable pleasure for people who deal with them. Ornamental plants have plants with many different colors and odors. To raise them It gives people a separate happiness. Cut flowers are also plants in this group. Some small Some are in big shrubs. Their flowers are beautiful smell and It changes the air of our rooms with its images. Cut flowers start to enter our lives from the moment we are born. Past Visitors who come to hospitals to be ornament our room with flowers suitable for the season. In our happy moments, flowers are always with us. Giving and taking flowers, buying, It makes people happy. Growing flowers requires labor, patience. While you learn these lessons You will enjoy the pleasure of growing cut flowers and experience the happiness of giving flowers. Much You will share the happiness of many people.
Plants are the most important beings that make our world livable. They make our world livable with their colors, smells and beautiful images. In addition, plants are living things for us, the food source, many of the items we use, clothing and medicine raw materials are living things. In the beautification of our environment, we benefit from plants in our happy days. Many plants produced under the name of ornamental plants give us happiness. We decorate our homes with some and some of our parks and gardens. It is an indispensable pleasure for people who deal with them to see that they grow up, watching they are growing. Among the ornamental plants, there are such beautiful fragrant, beautiful colors that it is a pleasure to grow them. Cut flowers are also plants in this group. Some are small in the form of large shrubs and some are small. Their flowers change the atmosphere of our rooms by spreading good smell for days in our vases and giving beautiful appearance. Cut flowers start to enter our lives from the moment we are born. Visitors who come to hospitals for getting past, decorate our room with flowers suitable for the season. In our happy moments, flowers are always with us. Giving and giving flowers, buying, making people happy. Growing flowers requires labor, patience. While learning these lessons, you will enjoy the pleasure of growing cut flowers and you will experience the happiness of giving flowers. You will share the happiness of many people.
Plants; It makes our world livable with its colors, scents and beautiful images; In addition, plants are food source for us. Our clothes, the items we use are very much Most of them and drugs that make up the raw materials. In the beautification of our environment, We also benefit from plants on our happy days. Many plants produced under the name of ornamental plants give us happiness. With some We decorate our homes, some of our parks and gardens. Seeing them growing, Watching it is an indispensable pleasure for people who deal with them. Ornamental plants have a very different color and smell. To raise them It gives people a different pleasure. Cut flowers are also plants in this group. Some, big bushes Some are small. In our vases with their flowers, fragrance and images It changes the air of our rooms. Cut flowers start to enter our lives from the moment we are born. “ past get. ” Visitors who come to hospitals decorate our room with flowers suitable for the season. In our happy moments, flowers are always with us. Giving flowers and buying flowers It makes people happy. Growing flowers requires labor, patience. While you learn these lessons You will enjoy the pleasure of growing cut flowers and experience the happiness of giving flowers. Much You will share the happiness of many people.
Many plants produced under the name of ornamental plants give us happiness. With some We decorate our homes, some of our parks and gardens. Seeing them growing, Watching it is an indispensable pleasure for people who deal with them. Ornamental plants have plants with many different colors and odors. To raise them It gives people a separate. Cut flowers are also plants in this group. Some small and some It is in big shrubs. The flowers of their flowers in our vases for days and good smell and They change the air of our rooms with their images. Cut flowers start to enter our lives from the moment we are born. Past Visitors who come to hospitals to be ornament our room with flowers suitable for the season. In our happy moments, flowers are always with us. Giving and taking flowers, buying, It makes people happy. Growing flowers requires labor, patience. You will enjoy the pleasure of growing cut flowers, you will experience the happiness of giving flowers. You will share the happiness of many people
Plants are the most important beings that make our world livable. Colors, smells and beautiful makes our world livable with images. In addition, plants food source for us, Clothing is living things that produce many of the items we use and raw materials. In the beautification of our environment, we benefit from plants in our happy days. Many plants produced under the name of ornamental plants give us happiness. With some We decorate our homes, some of our parks and gardens. Seeing them growing, Watching it is an indispensable pleasure for people who deal with them. Ornamental plants have plants with many different colors and odors. To raise them It gives people a different pleasure. Cut flowers are also plants in this group. Some big bushes Some are small. Their flowers are with good smell and images in our vases It changes the air of our rooms. Cut flowers start to enter our lives from the moment we are born. Get well soon Visitors who come to hospitals decorate our room with flowers suitable for the season. Growing up In our happy moments, the flowers are always with us. Giving and giving flowers, buying, making it happy people. Growing flowers requires labor, patience. Cutting while learning these lessons You will enjoy the pleasure of growing flowers and experience the happiness of giving flowers. Most You will share the happiness of human beings.
Plants; It makes our world livable with its colors, scents and beautiful images; In addition, plants are food source for us. Our clothes, the items we use are very much Most of them and drugs that make up the raw materials. In the beautification of our environment, We also benefit from plants on our happy days. Many plants produced under the name of ornamental plants give us happiness. With some We decorate our homes, some of our parks and gardens. Seeing them growing, Watching it is an indispensable pleasure for people who deal with them. Ornamental plants have a very different color and smell. To raise them It gives people a different pleasure. Cut flowers are also plants in this group. Some, big bushes Some are small. In our vases with their flowers, fragrance and images It changes the air of our rooms. Cut flowers start to enter our lives from the moment we are born. “ past get. ” Visitors who come to hospitals decorate our room with flowers suitable for the season. In our happy moments, flowers are always with us. Giving flowers and buying flowers It makes people happy. Growing flowers requires labor, patience. While you learn these lessons You will enjoy the pleasure of growing cut flowers and experience the happiness of giving flowers. Much You will share the happiness of many people. 2008
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