This course is the teaching where Trichromi Tifdruk printing settings are explained in practice material. Trigromi is one of the basic printing works used in printing printing. In Turkey, it usually usually makes pressure from the coil of the typhdruk machines used in the machines used Multi -color printing is made. This is because triveromy is four -color printing in print Machines can always be printed easily. When you complete this lesson, you will understand the formation of tricromy. You will be able to make the necessary settings for tricromi printing. If you obtain the targeted competencies in this course, the pressure of a trichromy He believes that you will grow as qualified elements that can do in typhdruk machines, successes We wish.
Tifdruk printing (pit printing) is one of the basic printing systems of printing. This printing system, which is mostly addressed to the packaging industry in Turkey, is also Rotogravur. is known. This course is the preparation stages of the mold roller mold cylinder It is the learning material that is described as practical. As with other printing systems, the print quality of the pattern to be prepared for printing The effect is very large. In short, the better the mold, the higher quality in printing. Tifdruk Preparing the roller in printing and a meticulous work on many different stages and machines requires. Tifdruk Mold Preparation lesson is a prepared to give you these skills. is the course. When you complete this course, you are preparing the molding cylinder. stages of nickel, copper and so on. can coating and their quality controls You will be able to measure with devices. In the next stage, the cylinder by electromechanical or laser method You will be able to process the image and finally make chrome plating. Pressing the rehearsals of the prepared rollers on the rehearsal machine, pressing the material to be printed. You will be able to check. If you get the targeted competences in this course, preparing molding mold You will be trained as qualified elements in the field. That technology develops rapidly We believe that you will contribute to the production of our country in our world and wish you success.
This course is explained in practical teaching. material. Cleaning of cylinder, as in machine cleaning, the printing operator does It is one of the necessary routine work. Correctly made of cylinders, cylinders in the next jobs It allows use. At the same time cleaning, the storage of cylinders in the warehouse is one of the prerequisite conditions. When you have completed this course, you mold removal of the cylinder properly, cleaning and storage in warehouses; removal of printing rollers, You will be able to clean and keep it easily. If you obtain the targeted competencies in this course, the typhdruk cylinder cleaning We believe that you will grow as qualified elements that can do and wish you success.
This course is explained in practice of Tifdruk Machine Cleaning. material. The cleaning of the machine and the maintenance of the printing operator should do It is one of the routine work. Correct machine cleaning and maintenance both print quality and It affects the life of the machine. When you complete this course, you are the cleaning of the ink unit, increasing The storage of ink, the conditions for cleaning and protection of the scraper rakles, the machine You will be able to maintain general cleaning and routine. If you obtain the targeted competencies in this course, TİFDRUK machine cleaning We believe that you will grow as qualified elements that can do and wish you success.
This course is described as practical preparation of the Tifdruk machine for production. learning material. Preparation for production, long and carefully done in the typhdruk printing is a stage. The machines used are usually rotogravide (wrapped coil material They are studied machines. Preparation for production, molding cylinders, inks to pay attention separately for all of them, such as transferring them to units and attaching scrapers. It consists of the necessary operations. Thanks to these procedures, it is necessary for a good pressure to take place. preliminary preparation is made. Preparation of the Tifdruk machine for production to give you these skills It is a prepared course. When you complete this course, you You will be able to prepare the ideal viscosity (intensity) and transfer it to ink units. You will be able to install the mold cylinders into the machine with shaft or conical. Your scraping rakles You will understand the structure, you will be able to install the machine at the appropriate angle and pressure. If you obtain the targeted competencies in this course, printing technology We believe that you will grow as more qualified elements in the field and wish you success.
These course entry settings are explained in practice on typhoid printing machines. teaching material. Today, the use of packaged products is increasing rapidly, the packaging sector It is growing in our country. Quality, trust in the rapidly growing packaging sector In order to increase production and business peace, the typhdruk print area in packaging technology There is a need for people who have been educated in this field. At the end of this course, the information and skills you will obtain with different in typhdruk printing machines You will be able to make input settings with print materials in features.
This course is a teaching material in which tifdruk output settings are explained in practice. Materials in rotative or rotogravide machines, in the output unit as a coil They hug. Proper wrapping of the material, for the subsequent coil cutting process It is very important. Tifdruk output settings lesson prepared to give you the necessary skills It is a lesson. When you complete this lesson, you, the machine properly You will be able to wrap. You will be able to cut the wrapped coil to appropriate sizes. If you obtain the targeted competencies in this course, the typhdruk output settings We believe that you will grow as qualified elements that can do and wish you success.
This course, learning that typhdruk printing control is explained in practice material. Today, printing control has progressed. Machines technologically The developments were reflected in printing control, so the printing operator is on the machine. It has become very comfortable control. The quality control of the printing is with the standard values created by ISO is done. Measurements with Densitometer or spectrophotometer for this control must be done. When you complete this course, you, the controls required for printing settings Control the quality of printing with the densitometer or spectrophotometer. you can. If you obtain the targeted competencies in this course, typhdruk printing control We believe that you will grow as qualified elements that can do and wish you success.
This course should be applied on printing and drying settings on typhoid printing machines. teaching material. Printing settings on the typhdruk printing machine primarily people working on the machine primarily It is one of the settings that he should know. These settings directly affect the print quality. Very much Different materials are used. Edition settings from material to material will change Considering, the importance of the settings to be learned in this course will be better understood. At the end of this course, with the knowledge and skills you will get, on the typhdruk printing machines You will be able to make printing unit settings and drying settings.
This course is learning that monochrome typhoid printing settings are explained in practice material. Monochrome typhdruk printing settings lesson to give you the necessary skills It is a prepared course. When you complete this lesson, you are the pressure of a monochrome work. Inserting the cylinder required for, preparing the ink, adjusting the scraper rakles, You will be able to make the blood pressure setting and other settings of the material. If you obtain the targeted competencies in this course, monochrome typhoid print We believe that you will grow as qualified elements that can make their settings and wish them success.
Since the designs are considered as a whole, the floor suitable for photos or graphics Creating is one of the most important details that determine the quality of design. So the floor It is important to choose or create a floor. The floor should be compatible with other colors and images on the page. At the same time The floors are not to fill the whiteness or gaps on the page, but with pictures and graphics To create an aesthetic harmony and to emphasize the message to be given on the page better should be used. In the picture processing program, there are various methods of creating floor. Used Whichever method is, it is a rich imagination and meticulousness to create a floor. is a business. The information and application activities required to create a ground in this course given. Working carefully and regularly will lead you to success. Also abundant practical You will open the door to create more aesthetic and original floors.
Different features of the printing systems used in the printing press, different work and As well as application areas, print on different materials and various types There are also features of printing. Today, Tipo Printing System, Normal Tire and Trichromyi jobs not being used cutting, pilisy, perforage, Crimea, wafer, numerator printing and hot gilding It is used in jobs such as printing. Hot Gilding Printing with any other printing system cannot be realized. For this reason, it is still small additions to Tipo printing machines today Hot gilding printing is performed by making it. In this course, how the hot gilding printing is made in Tipo printing, for what purpose It was made, which materials it was made on, gilding varieties, hot gilding printing You will find the stages and the points to pay attention to in printing.
This course is the preparation of type type printing machines in accordance with the chisel printing. It is the learning material that is described as practical. In addition to complicated printing presses where printing processes are carried out together in the market Only the institutions that make the chisel printing are also underestimated. Chisel molds Preparation and chisel printing is a job that needs to be considered. Well -prepared The chisel mold directly affects both the chisel quality and the printing life of the mold. For this reason, large -scale printing houses are very meticulously choosing the personnel engaged in this business, He prefers employees with educated and scientific methods. With this course, the information and skills necessary to do the chisel business You will win. If you care about your work and take it seriously, it will lead you to success
Paper crushing folding with machine, especially in book production, the book Considering the place in our daily lives and the width of the area of use will be understood. Nowadays, many products we use especially in the field of education raw It forms paper. In this case, the paper used for different purposes The processing of the materials is very diverse and the machines where the papers are processed Using also requires a number of skills. Basic at the beginning of these skills It comes to use the machines where the operations are performed. Layer Paper Crimean Lesson is prepared to gain the skills in this direction. is the course. In this course, you, the Crimean machines, the Crimean varieties that can be made with the machine In addition, make the necessary settings to break the paper correctly and to the post -Crimean quality You will be able to make controls. However, it is necessary to do these procedures You will obtain material, vehicle and machine information. This information and skills, Crimea It will help you solve some problems that may arise in their machines. If you obtain the targeted competencies in this course, printing technology We believe that you will grow as more qualified elements in the field and wish you success.
This course; To make printing settings in the tin offset system, ready to print the machine You can make a tin printing with the layer of the offset printing machine and these operations The printing errors you may encounter during, the reasons and solutions and solutions. It is a learning material that describes the overall cleaning of the machine. With a tin offset printing system The normal offset system is the same. However, the printing material used (Metal) Some basic changes are adapted to this technique. Tin offset The most basic features to be known in the printing system are; The order of printing from light color (respectively; yellow, blue, red, black) sorting according to dark color, the elevator is taken from the stack of metal in the elevator The presence of strong absorbers to be sent to the machine is also heavy in progress apparatus. It is the presence of special coats to ensure the progression of the metal. Also in the Poza system In addition to the two poses at the same time, offset printing of the printed metal layers Not to direct stacking (exit) elevator, as in the machines, but walking carrier strips It is the stacking after being transferred to long drying ovens. Today, packaging is one of the most important factors in the marketing of a product. It is an inevitable fact. Metal boxes and many products can be stored in the best way and Tinler is becoming more and more attractive by taking its place in this marketing environment. This process is progressing depending on the developments in printing technology. These developments Within the framework of the tin offset printing system and the printing you can experience in this printing system In order to overcome the problems as soon as possible, the information required for this job in this course application activities. The printing press is very intense. If you care about your work in the sector and take it seriously, it is indispensable in your field will make.
This course is the binding method with wire sewing technique after printing, wire sewing Parts of the machines, the wires used and the errors that occur during sewing It is the instructional material that describes the elimination. Many printings of these machines needed by almost all of the printers It contains. Brochure, thin book, such as jersey jobs or invoices, such as block This method, which is used in the binding of jobs, to those who use printers and bound products offers convenience. In this course, the necessary information and application activities to do this job given. If you care about your work and take it seriously, it will lead you to success.
Boring has found an important place in Turkish handicrafts, the works of Turkish skin masters It has decorated the libraries of collectors for centuries. Making months or even years These works that can find are the composition of knowledge, labor, patience and eye light. Turkish binding The legacy of the artists is to find life in the post -pressure branch of the printing field today. And it gives us the pride of achieving great success in this branch. Binding The most important visual richness of the book is of course its cover. Cover, even before the book is opened It provides information to the user about the content and value of the book. Knowing for cover production There are some basic information required and the skills to be built on these basic information It will allow us to produce successful skin. Hard cover preparation 1 lesson, a prepared to gain basic skills is the course. In this course, you can take the cover size according to the inner block and cut the cover parts, Correct coating that you can combine the parts in accordance with the technique In terms of quality, the cover you can cover with the material, make humpback and prepare You will be able to evaluate. However, the material required to do these operations and You will obtain vehicle information. These information and skills help you make successful covers will. If you obtain the targeted competencies in this course, printing technology We believe that you will grow as more qualified elements in the field and wish you success.
Although the packaging industry develops rapidly in our country, it is developed to developed countries Technological infrastructure, environment, human health, legal regulations deficiencies has. The product in traditional packaging materials such as paper and cardboard is physical and It continues to be used in an inappropriate way to its chemical structure. The inaccuracies in the packaging structure until our products reach the user or consumer It causes the loss of their properties during their time and therefore our products Especially in the foreign market, it loses the chance of sale due to packaging weaknesses. Or the product, Since it is broken in the packaging, it is sold cheaper than the cost of shipping. This lesson in your hand; Various Paper on Printed Paper, Cardboard, Materials SELFON (OPP-BOPP) ORIENENTEED (Single and bidirectional stretched) (Polypropylene) The lamination process of materials on bird-carton should be applied describes. Printed with SELFON (OPP -BOOP) course - various on unprinted materials What is the application with predese (opp-boop) materials of feature and thickness. It is an important process as much as, printed - unprinted materials of the predecessor process to water, light, In addition to protecting against coups, friction, how much it affects the quality of printing, You will learn how much the image has changed. Whichever system you use as a printing system, the latest technology Do using tools and equipment. Finally, some of your pressure and printing material You will have to protect against factors. At this stage, SELFON (opp-box) enters. Different in and into printed material with various predecessor techniques You can laminate the selemphs (opp-box). These applications are printed and under pressure It will protect the printed part of your material against light and friction, your pressure is more vivid and It will show bright. With the opp-box (opp-box) on the unprinted part of printed materials Sweet and similar food products and packaging material to be placed in the material And you will be able to protect the materials put into it against deterioration. SELFON (opp-box) will learn and apply the methods of preparation with this course in the form of process steps and You will be able to coating quality Selemph (opp-box) on your own.
This course, the plate made to reuse the molds used in offset printing It is the learning material in which wiping and grate operations are explained in practice. Emulsion and water of the surfaces for the molds to perform offset printing It must have small pits that can hold. The way to do this is the patterns to be gray. Because the offset printing technique, water and ink to the principle of pushing each other based. The mold can be moistened in an appropriate amount and the emulsion on the mold In order to stop, the molds must be graded before the copying process. Now printing presses Since they use ready -made molds, the grate process has been greatly removed from use in the world. In our country, it is still used by some printing houses. In addition, offset printing In order to understand the logic of the mold, the plate wiping and grenage is of great importance. In this course, the necessary information and application activities to do this job given. If you care about your work and take it seriously, it will lead you to success.
This course is the most important element of the buffer printing system. It describes it as practical. How important is it to make clichés with metal cliché lessons in standard depth and quality. You will learn how much the process is and how much it affects the quality of printing. No matter how new and the latest technology machine you use in the buffer printing, the cliché is your job. It is the basic key to determine its quality. One of the most important problems in buffer printing Learn the methods of preparing quality cliché in this course in the form of process steps. You will apply and make quality clichés on your own.
With this course, he has knowledge about mold output in printing systems in printing systems. You will be able to get the mold output in the ideal mold properties. With a computer exit lesson from the computer; The meaning of tram, Tram types, frequency of tram, ton By obtaining short and general information about the value, angle and densite, these factors are in the mold and You will learn its importance in printing. He will also learn about resolution, You will learn the meaning and importance of terms of resolution. Without mold output First to prepare the bathroom machine, exposure the mold and make the necessary measurements. You will be able to learn and apply. An information on these issues to be explained by a pre -printing operator It must be owned and can be able to apply. This lesson is the skills in this direction It is a course prepared to gain. If you obtain the targeted competencies in this course, printing technology We believe that you will grow as more qualified elements in the field and wish you success.
CTP in printing with this course (Computer to Plate - from computer) Calibration of the exposure machine in systems and preparation of mold output machines You will have information about and you will be able to upload it to the machine without damaging the mold. With the preparation of mold output machines; In the proportions of the bathrooms and each other short and general about the preparation and calibration of the exposure machine By obtaining the information, you will learn the importance of these factors in exposure and pressure. Moreover Having information about the points to be considered during the loading of the mold to the exposure machine You will be and you will be able to load the pattern successfully. Before a print operator, this will be told He must have knowledge and be able to apply. This lesson is this It is a course prepared to gain skills in the direction. If you obtain the targeted competencies in this course, printing technology We believe that you will grow as more qualified elements in the field and wish you success.
Bringing binding, printed or unprinted jerseys with various procedures It is the work of giving the shape. Binding of bonding agents used during these procedures plays an important role in business. To the characteristics of the appropriate cost and the material to be adhered Adhesives to be used according to variety. From the post -printing transactions By recognizing the bonding items that will reduce the cost of the people who will do the binding business, this It is necessary to prepare the items and know the areas where they are used. To prepare alternative adhesives to reduce this course binding costs It is a course prepared to improve your ability. With this lesson, you, cola, glitolin and Features of alternative adhesives that will reduce the cost such as bead glue, they are used You will be able to learn and apply places and preparation methods. This information and skills, binding It will help you prepare appropriate costs. If you obtain the targeted competencies in this course, printing technology We believe that you will grow as more qualified elements in the field and wish you success.1
Paper cutting operations are an important issue in the field of printing. Considering the place of paper in our daily lives and the width of the area of use. The importance will be better understood. Today, many of which we use especially in the field of education The raw material of the product constitutes paper. For different purposes The processing of the paper materials used is very diverse and the paper is processed. Using machines also requires a number of skills. At the top of these skills The ability of people who will run the machines to use various hand tools and some basic operations realizes. Paper cutting lesson is prepared to gain skills in this direction. is the course. In this course you, basic cutting tools, cutting stalls to cut paper In addition, the drawing and dimensioning operations required to cut the paper correctly, You will be able to check quality after cutting. However, these operations You will obtain the material, vehicle and machine information required to make. This information and Skills help you solve some problems that may arise in cutting machines. will. If you obtain the targeted competencies in this course, printing technology We believe that you will grow as more qualified elements in the field and wish you success.
Drink using small binding tools and techniques with internal block joining lessons. You will be able to make block joining. A book in a fascicule yarn sewing method You will be able to bring together. To combine individual pages together You will use the stitch sewing method. Or by opening the same pages, notch You will combine. You will learn to combine paper blocks using a wire sewing machine You will be able to see and apply the combination of all these in accordance with the technique. The first part of the apprentices who came to work to the printing press must be the first. Their work is the blending, gathering and combining of single -leaf jobs. It is difficult for the papers to stand one by one. Books or magazines, one by one Imagine that it is in pages. We can't have any pages of anybody, they all disintegrate, It would be difficult to collect. By applying the block of single -page works in this course you will learn. The methods you will learn are also made using machinery. But classic Small skin houses still use this method. These methods It will be difficult to comprehend the machine binding without learning. This lesson is for you professional hand will also gain skill. 2008
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