Basically, jewelry, ” to influence the other ”
It is used to decorate and decorate various parts of the human body to protect.
is also requested.
The roots of jewelry in Anatolia are very old. Works created by hand labor,
It is integrated with the emotions, thoughts and spirit of the masters. Handicrafts are more than the verbal
It is full of a rich burden of meaning. To constantly change the rapidly produced technology and tastes
In spite of the Anatolian jewelry, in accordance with the contemporary art understanding, the abstract existence continues
makes it.
It is a necessity to transfer traditional artist creativity to new generations
will. Because the jewelry made with handicrafts is original.
Silver Kazaz Knitting is a local art made in Trabzon. Moreover
It is one of our traditional handicrafts that have been disappeared. Therefore, this handicraft
We have to protect and live to future generations by keeping it alive. Trabzon Maturation Institute,
P.K.S.O. and K.M.L. Silver Kazaz Knitting Practical Courses
trying to keep it alive.
In the techniques found in the silver survivor, herringbone knitting chain task
sees. In the teaching phase of techniques, the herringbone technique is first taught. Then respectively
Combining bolt, ball, openwork weaves and techniques is taught to create products.
At the end of this course, the technical stages of herringbone, which is knitted silver kazaz, illustrated
and you will learn with written explanations.
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