Places where the marble produced as blocks in marble quarries is processed, cut and polished
marble factories. Marble brought to the factory in block, according to product request
It is produced in tiles and/or plates.
To be in the factory in order to process the marble blocks brought from January to the factory
The required machine systems are collected in four groups:
1. Lifting and transport systems
2. Cutting Systems
3. Size Systems
4. Deletion (polishing, polishing) systems
From the machine systems used in the plate cutting in the factory, the hard mine socket with lames
Saw Katrak machines used in the most efficient and plate obtaining plates from the block
machines. 40, 60, 80 or 120 pieces of lames at the same time very large size plate obtain
It is possible to. Although the first investment costs of these machines are high, the future
In the stages, it passes the factory in a short time. Machine cutting settings and controls
Production in accordance with environmental legislation by being carried out under occupational safety measures
In case, it is possible to obtain plates in export quality.
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