The most important element of a culture that makes a culture permanent and makes civilizations permanent. Art has a permanent and unifying feature in this sense. Since the early years of humanity It has been continuously developed according to the place, the environment and the technique used. To this development When we look at it, it is seen that it is progressing from the same parallel to the construction of the goods from the soil. There is no doubt with all these features that ancient art can be watched best. One of the areas is ceramic. In this sense, even in these days when we entered a new century It is the material that will be evidence When you gain the targeted competences in this course, the historical process of art As you were informed about, by gaining a personal look against ceramic art You will be more sensitive to the art due to the history of the region you live in.
As one of the most important species of our ornamental arts It appears. They are divided into many varieties and are used frequently. China and Central Asia. Flowers formed under the influence, often stylized in an unknown They are intricate patterns of leaves. Small, large, top, side, simple or too much They can be subjected to various distinctions with various profiles. Almost, almost all of them Symmetry domination stands out. In combined situations, curb, pediment, schemse and panels, certain They are seen in various environments limited by molds. Carpet, tile, paper, iron, stone, wood, psoriasis, etc. need on different substances such as Workmanship has different appearances in terms of pattern. Different compared to their era They show features. For example: in simple and primitive views of the Anatolian Seljuks Hatayiler, in the fifteenth century under the influence of Chinese art, in very fancy forms they are found. Against this, in the sixteenth century, he had the most unique Turkish character. they are rich. In today's tile works, Hatayi motifs are widely used. This is in Hatayi lesson The importance of claw, pomegranate, lettuce and peony motifs in style, use Location and drawing techniques are processed in detail. When you complete this lesson You are a very important place in tile art, with hatayi motifs, claw, pomegranate, lettuce flower And you will be able to draw peony motifs in accordance with the dimensions and technique you want. You will be able to prepare tile patterns using these motifs. This way tile You will be able to meet the designer need in the field.
Gilding, luster, aging paint, enamel paint, using organic paints, glass surface Information about the painting techniques and bakery applied for decorating You will find out that each of them has a different cooking temperature. When painting, the use of paints and during painting There are rules. With this course; The application of the information mentioned in the education activity You will do. At the end of the baking, you will find out that they have made cooling processes differently. You will encounter some difficulties when implementing practical information, but theoretical information is the way for you There will be guides that guide you like their signs. When you visit the enterprises working on this subject; The information in the course is a certain in your mind. It will help you create shape. Types of firing, oven control panel, oven chimneys, With the application of theoretical and technical information such as ventilation system and the way of working the tunnel oven You will reinforce. It will guide you in your new works.
The profession you choose is one of the most preferred professions today. Future Basic knowledge and skills in order to do this very bright profession in the best way You should learn. To the ongoing surface processing methods and their practices When we look, we see examples made with colorful materials and paints. In ornamental art, colored paints are usually applied with a brush. In the past, very valuable glasses have been created in this way. Moreover today Multi -developed technology supports this issue. All in techniques based on hand mastery The skill is based on the sensitivity of the human hand. The relationships between the paint, glass and temperature used are important. For this, this lesson; enamel paint varieties, mixtures, applications and learning cooking degrees will provide. He will have information about enamel paints by making different experiments and You will use this information in other lessons. The information in this course is that you progress in the profession you choose and yourself in the professional field. will enable you to improve.
In this course, the shaping of flat glass by pulling method, glass with pulling method Glass shaping of automatic machines used in pipe shaping methods and Information will be provided about the working techniques between the processes used. The quality of the glass product, the quality of the glass used as material, shaping process depends on the effectiveness of the machine. No production method is perfect. Examination and Test It is one of the important elements of the process. The use of examinations and tests minimizes errors download. In each of the discovered glass process, a large glass combination as well as production speed It is aimed to work in the range. At the end of the course, the basic processes used in shaping the glass by pulling It will be able to define, explain how process differences affect the product. This You will be able to give examples to the widespread applications of glass shaped by processes.
The profession you choose in Turkey ’ is one of the professions. Basic to do this profession with a bright future in the best way You should learn information and skills. In this course, one of the important issues for fusion and stained glass in the field of ceramic and glass The subject of the glass cut will be explained. Necessary for fusion and stained glass when completing the course You will gain the ability to make flat glasses. In this course, glass and bench, take measure and glass You will have the necessary information and equipment by learning to cut off. Information in this course will make the first step of fusion and stained glass. You will be able to use this knowledge and competence in the wide range of people in the industry. The glass industry when completing and raising himself well in the professional field You will be able to work in the relevant departments of the organizations serving in the field.
The glass is a hard and solid material when touched. It has a crisp structure, a hard When he suddenly encounters the surface, he tends to break. However, in chemical terminology “ liquid ” It is defined as most of the vases designed to carry liquids actually It is the form of liquid. These basic qualities when the glass is cooled for hardening However, when heated, their qualifications change completely. Up to the degree of ductility It starts to soften and becomes fluent as water if it is sufficiently heated. Product with that material without knowing the physical and chemical properties of a substance It is unbelievable to remove it. It is the basis of your field of ceramic and glass technology. It is impossible to do successful studies in this field without knowing the chemical properties of glass; Therefore, it is very important to know the chemistry of the glass, which is the basis of your field. With this course prepared, the presence of glass and glass in nature, chemical related to glass You will be able to investigate mixtures, oxides that make up the glass and the effects of the glass.
This course is for those who want to learn the art of gypsum stained glass and those who will work in this field. Designed to help. Working Gypsum Casting and Gypsum Mold as two courses occurs. This lesson in your hand is in the stages of the construction and application of gypsum stained glass mold. shows. Unlike the Gypsum casting course, the study has been prepared for the application. A technique that uses gypsum as a connection element of the windows of the plaster. We have mentioned in the previous course that it is mostly used in religious architecture. Different techniques are used in the construction of plaster windows. These techniques to two main groups It is possible to separate. The first of these is the mold (such as clay, wooden, strobor) window is the technique of making. Secondly, vitray studies conducted by carving procedures come. The use of the techniques to be studied, the project of the work to be done, unilateral or It is useful to apply by considering the issues such as double -sided. This technique, which is unique to Turkish Islamic art, is a heavy, dirty and difficult task that requires quite patience. Apart from this difficulty, the lack of qualified, trained personnel working in this area, which is very enjoyable And especially in the field of restoration (renovation), the job opportunity increases. A lot of provinces of our country and even abroad It offers a study area. When you successfully complete this course; As a connection element of the windows You will learn a technique using plaster. To grasp the technique, planned, patient, He should be able to work meticulously and regularly in accordance with the rules and targeted in this course As a result of gaining competences, manufacturing workshops and various stained glass design workshops You should remember that it will be easier to find a job.
Although human beings always need daylight, it is bright for mental health and He wants to be close to nature. For this reason, glass, tableware from the work of art It has taken its place among the indispensables of life. Its importance in human life throughout history He has always protected. Because of its features, glass will always be a preferred material. It has negative effects when the sunlight enters the structures directly and In order to prevent it, the sun's rays should be inspected. GLASS FROM THE PAST It has made many stages to the present day and has supported technological innovations. It has become indispensable for today's architecture. Glasses only window glass not as the exterior material of buildings in terms of use has become widespread. For these reasons, light transmittance on the windows, safety, aesthetics, resistance Features have been improved and many glass species have been produced. The development processes, production of the glass sectors in this course in this course. will learn the types; It is important to themselves by keeping up with the industrial revolution of the glass sectors. You will see that they have acquired places. Information in this course, on the following subjects It will help and guide your research
Sponge decor, one of the hand decor techniques, applied to various surfaces It is a possible technique. Tile-Fayans surface applications in sponge decor 1 course In this course, this technique is applied to the table of table and ornaments. We will take it. The ceramic products we discussed under the table and ornamental goods are quite scope. It has a wide place. This is the possibility of choosing a wide range of products to apply. It has the chance to have. Thus, how is the different expansions of the sponge decor application You will be able to have an idea of what kind of effect it can be applied and what kind of effect it will be. With the sponge decor application, using only one of the hand decor techniques You will see that various and different visuals can be created. When you complete this course with success, the table and ornament of the sponge decor technique It will learn to apply on products and differently in line with your creativity. You will be able to reveal applications.
The sense of decoration has almost begun with the history of humanity. Initially Human beings who have the anxiety of living and survived of vital needs, time In order to make it possible for the environment and the peoples they use in order to make their emotions He started to make various decorations. With the presence of these decorations ceramics It is also reflected on ceramic forms. At first, on ceramic surfaces Decors with finger and various tools were applied, the progress of the age and the developments In line with these decors began to diversity. Nowadays, different dignity techniques in the beauty understanding of people It is used extensively. A wide variety of techniques can be applied in decorating. Some of these are withdrawn tools Hand decorations made by hand. Sponge decor is one of the hand decor techniques. Although the sponge decor application is the subject, the person's creativity is different. It is a technique that is possible to reveal products. When you complete this course, the sponge decor technique to the tile-faya surface You will be able to learn and use this technique in various superficial applications.
These civilizations in our lands where many civilizations developed centuries ago, They left us very valuable works as a legacy. This work, which was left as a legacy In order to fully understand, first of all, the living conditions of the civilizations living in these lands And we need to learn the philosophy of life. It should not be forgotten that from those periods to the present It is the presentation of each motif to us about that civilization. This motif When examined carefully, it gives us the mystery of civilizations and artists. Our artists with aesthetic anxiety conduct investigations on these works and from this work. They prepared new motifs and patterns inspired. Today, rather than new motifs New compositions have been created using these motifs and patterns. Motifs to the present day stone, tile, metal, wood, glass and so on. A wide variety of materials And even if the procedures are used, the pattern technique and motifs have maintained the same basis. This course is informed about the motifs of civilizations living in these lands. In the light of the information given by presenting, you create new patterns and original works It will be a tool to create.
All of the operations on glass other than glass making, secondary operations in the glass as it is mentioned. Part of the secondary transactions in glass requiring workshop and factory workmanship It is an area that is developing and needs potential trained personnel in this field. Technological Developments Young and following technological developments in this field It confirms the need for equipped elements. Here are young people and trained staff in this area The need is increasing day by day. Glass download techniques are to wear with various processes on the glass surface. This Apart from the old methods for the operations to be done, now on computer and computer Prepared products are used. In this prepared course, abrasion on the glass surface (with sandblasting or acid) In order to make it, you will be able to mask the pattern and create patterns on the glass surface. With masking, you will be able to prepare the glass surface for the abrasion stage by patterning.
The profession you choose is one of the most preferred professions today. Future Basic knowledge and skills in order to do this very bright profession in the best way You should learn. This course gives information about paint application with compressor. This lesson When you complete, how the compressor works, appropriate paints, paints You will learn to spray paint with the compressor. The information in this course will provide convenience in the profession you choose, later When you complete the courses and raise yourself well in the professional field, the glass sector is related. You will be able to work in the departments
In this course, you will learn a different glass decoration technique by making double cooking. In the technique; After gold gilding, using different glass paints The difference from glass decoration techniques is made to a second cooking. Glass decoration in this course The application stages and construction of the decor is described. Made with tubing method Glass decorations are generally applied in glass products used as ornaments. Pine Gondolas are applied in candle holders, ewrm and large plates. You can search for different paint materials and different trials on gold gilding You can do work. With paint using your creativity power and aesthetic thought Creating different studies on glass will give you the opportunity to improve yourself.
Model making is a stage that requires attention. Used in plaster according to model design Shaping techniques vary differences. On the table, in the lathe and both the lathe and The gypsum model is shaped together on the table. Cylinder Circular made by the Gypsum Torno The output gypsum model shaping requires more labor, time and hand skills. The lathe is a mechanism that rotates around its axis and works with an electric motor. Plaster Cylinder in the lathe, circular output models in a shorter time and symmetrically easier. shaped. But it requires a certain hand experience, skill and attention. Watching an experienced modelist while shaping in the gypsum lathe, this method is easy. And it gives the impression that it is effortless. However, with the model making of model in the gypsum lathe . If you cannot succeed when you first start shaping cylinders in the lathe; patience and Do not forget that you will gain this competence with exercise. Lathe knives its use is experienced over time and converted into skills. Model shaping in the lathe starts from simple forms. Cylinder forms for the first time It is recommended for those who start shaping. In the cylinder shaping phase, the cylinder to symmetrical (non -diameter), unacked And the surface should be taken care of not to create knife marks during scraping and scraping. When you complete this course, the plaster lathe, apparatus in the plaster lathe and plaster You will learn the working principle of the lathe. To shape the gypsum lathe model to prepare, create a casting area on the lathe mirror and lathe blades You will be able to shape cylinder models of different sizes.
This course is for those who want to learn the art of gypsum stained glass and those who will work in this field. Designed to help; Used in Gypsum Vitray Technique while creating lessons Technical Methods applied with Materials are more useful to explain the application stages will be prepared with the opinion. The shortest definition of the stained glass, “ embroidered glass, old style decoration made with colored glasses and The fancy window is specified as ” 1. Another definition is that “ Light glass official art, first of all colorful or It consists of painting from colorless glass pieces and placing them in front of the light. This In placement, compliance with architecture, so the light order should be solved well. ” 2 has been. Gypsum stained glass is used as a connection element of the glass. Technique, mostly used in religious architecture “ Islamic architecture, mosque, madrasah, palace, Gypsum stained glass used as an ornament element in the windows of pavilions, tombs and similar places With its technique, it is known that very beautiful works were created during the Ottoman period. Turks to the window “ pore ” they would say. The Seljuks take the Persian from the Persian ’ They said, then the Ottomans “ Revzen ” they called it. This is the word revzen today, In equivalent of embroidered glass or French Vitrail (glass picture) used. ” 3 Gypsum stained glass technique is very dirty, very dirty during work. It is a tiring job, but outside of all these challenges, the qualified, trained staff working in the area The lack of lack and in particular in the field of restoration increases the job opportunity. It is a field of study that will enable you to see many provinces and even abroad. When you successfully complete this course, as a connection element of the windows You will learn a technique using plaster. To grasp the technique, planned, patient, He should be able to work meticulously and regularly in accordance with the rules and targeted in this course As a result of gaining competences, manufacturing workshops and various stained glass design workshops You should remember that it will be easier to find a job.
Today, ceramic product use is increasing in our daily life, ceramic We see that the sector has become widespread in our country. Rapidly growing ceramic In order to increase quality, trust, production and work in the sector, the ceramic and glass area He has preferred, there is a need for trained in this field. Form shaping by giving up and plastering method, in ceramic and glass field It is an important issue. The place of ceramic in our daily life and Considering the width of the usage area, this importance is further understood. Produced Product, in our daily life, container, ornamental goods, trinkets, sanitary installation material, venue Decoration and decoration material, technical laboratory materials, electro porcelain types And in the production of parts of our industry against abrasion, in the production of parts, metallurgy, Refractory materials and space used to lay the interior of metal melting ovens It is ceramic covering the shuttles in technology. Used for different purposes The processing of ceramic materials also varies. If it is at the beginning of these skills People can use their dexterity correctly and perform basic operations. Form -forming course by pinching and plastering method in this direction It is a course prepared to gain some of the skills. This lesson When you complete you, you in accordance with the desired product equal meat thickness and technique you will be able to do. However, the basic information required to do these operations you will get. These information and skills, your ceramic shaping in your grassping and plastering You can use the technique comfortably, problems with the knowledge and skills you gain from this course It will help you remove it. When you gain the targeted competencies in this course, in the ceramic and glass field You will grow as qualified elements and contribute to the development of the country
The profession you choose in Turkey ’ is a profession. Basic information to do this profession in the best way, which is very bright in the future And you should learn the skills. The information you will receive in this course is your professional knowledge and It will form one of the foundations of your skills. No material glass to date not used in different fields. Apart from the multi -purpose use of glass simple glass and decorating with other materials and techniques. is more. This course gives information about the cracking technique. When you complete this course Enamel paint, foiling and gilding application techniques together to use, cracking Adjusting the consistency of the paints to be used in the technique and You will be able to make applications. Using the information in this course, both cracking alone You will be able to apply techniques and bake. In the profession you choose, this information will help you and the next lessons When you complete and raise yourself well in the professional field, in the relevant departments of the glass sector You will be able to work.
In the soils with the oldest cultures, the tonight developing in the blend of civilizations It is one of our traditional ornamental arts. At the same time the oldest geographical region There have been many things that the Anatolia bearer added to this art. Tradition and With the influence of our customs, it has a rich and aesthetic structure. Previously, only the spaces of the mosques, the walls of the palaces, even the tables decorating tiles Today, everyone has turned their house into a palace. Nowadays, this wealth on the tiles is nihale (pots or teapots as a decorative complement in a pleasant frame. We can see at the point. When you successfully complete this course, according to the size of the panel pattern The pattern you transferred on the tiles you have prepared is thick with thin. you will be able to do.
Tileism, which develops and style with the influence of our traditions and traditions, is a rich and aesthetic has a structure. Previously, only the spaces of the mosques, the walls of the palaces, as nihale The tile adorning the tables today is a decorative and functional in daily life. has become material. Patterns printed on tile tiles of various sizes and lengths After the irritation process is painted in colors appropriate to the pattern and cooked it. It gets vibrant colors due to its glassy feature It is a highly acclaimed and used as an architectural element as well as artistic value. Due to the fact that it is material, tile has started to gain an important place in contemporary architecture. In addition to classic patterns, it is used in modern approaches, such as tile panels like metro It has become used in many architectural works. When you successfully complete this course, the panel is irritated according to the size of the pattern. You will be able to paint in accordance with the technique of the panel patterns.
Our tile art, which has the most important place among Turkish decoration arts, is in the 16th century He lived his golden age. The tile panels used in internal and outdoor spaces creates good examples. In classical architectural structures, mostly interiors are covered with tiles The tile panels were applied skillfully in a harmony with architecture. The largest on the boards There is a main pattern covering the area. In the entire examples, the panels of the panels and It is observed that it is enriched with edge water. Tiles in the panels motifs as technical specifications And it has reached a great maturity in terms of style. Many of them are half the main pattern It is arranged with stylized floral motifs and rumi and cloud style in angle Compositions were preferred. The articles in the inscriptions of the boards are functional In addition to their properties, they are an element of decoration. A sublime meaning to architectural works The articles aiming to gain and herbal motifs used in patterns are also aesthetically It has provided an integrity. The subject of the course is to prepare the panel pattern. At the same time classic panel patterns By examining the development and change of our tile art, which is unique to us you will. This beautiful heritage will come from our ancestors by applying panel patterns in the classics You will deliver to generations. Pattern with aesthetic motifs by learning classic panel pattern styles you can draw. The possibility of reaching this beautiful cultural heritage to new generations you will have. The traditions and customs of our ancestors, thought, pleasure and culture you will reflect. When you successfully complete this course, the panel patterns in accordance with the rules of pattern drawing You will be able to prepare it, create original patterns with different arrangements.
The fact that the glass has a transparent and light -permeable structure, in decoration opportunities on glass also offers a wide perspective. In this area, applied for decoration purposes on glass Paints and the possibilities offered by these paints are also very diverse. On the glass today The decoration variations made in addition to the use of mass production in the market for hobby purposes It also includes applications that you can do alone at home. Therefore, you have acquired In line with the information and skills, your chances of presenting your work at home to the market is. Studies with this course are short -term economic and practices It will also provide great convenience. At the end of the course, the information and skills you have learned in the enterprises and You will be able to decorate glass with cold glass painting technique used in hobby purposes.
Vitray art has become quite used today. From Past Years Then he reaches the popularity he cannot reach. Concrete, glass and iron used in the decoration of buildings are now in the eyes of people it seems boring and disturbing; So colors and various decoration techniques, It has been reused in buildings. This is done in the decoration of buildings Innovations in this field with the work of the training and the work of amateur people to a wider area is spreading. In this area that requires workshop and factory work, the need for trained staff is available. Technological developments and the places where people live. Beautifying efforts needed young and equipped staff who have trained him in this field. confirms. Here is the need for young, trained staff in this area every day increasing. Tiffany Vitray Techniques, Copper around the glass pieces according to the thickness of the glass Foil is the art of combining the parts according to the appropriate technique. With this course, these pieces by wrapping copper foil around the glass pieces You will be able to place it suitable for the pattern ..
Gold, platinum, polishing silver used in decorative painting and coating on glass When we change the density consistency of the materials, many different effects on the glass surface You will see by applying. If the gilding oil we add into the gold gilding is low, the gilding of the products will be broken. Tinariat When you add too much, the products coming out of the baking are corrupt. In every experiment you do When you use the dimensions given correctly, you always produce better products and yourself. You will improve. How much fat and thinner should be added to the fluidity of the paint When you learn, you will increase your chances of revealing quality products. Gold settings it is similar to each other in appearance, but the ratio in it is increasingly The decrease changes the color jaundice of the gold gilding from the dark. After cooking Then they will all appear in very different colors and brightness. How many trials If you do, you will create such high quality and original products. 2008
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