Rumi Motifs, in every period and all kinds of decorations within the history of Turkish decoration art It is one of our classic motifs in its field for centuries. Rumi “ It means that in the past Anatolia is called the Diyar-ı Greek and this motif of the Seljuk Turks who settled in Anatolia after 1071 Malazgirt Victory. By developing, it is because they use it a lot. The Rumi motif is also called Seljuk. Rumi Motif for the first time, in the 9th and 10th century Uighur Turks in the Freski Freski ’ It is seen as a motif in the winged dragon figure. Karahanlılar established after the Uighur people During the state of the state, the Rumi Motif has developed enough to become a pattern and Turkish decoration has been a style in his art. When a Rumi composition is examined; Toplik-medium bond and various rumi arms occurs. Rumi hills are the simplest ones in Rumi motifs and finish used at points. Rumi medium vineyard motifs are more developed than Rumi hilly motifs. Rumi Hiding the coincidence places of the arms, adding wealth to the pattern, Rumi composition Rumi is used in arm outlets to improve. When you successfully complete this course, Rumi Hill and Rumi Middle Vineyard motifs Rumi hills and rumi middle bond in aesthetic style to learn drawing techniques You will be able to draw the varieties
The culture and life of the region, which is located since the early ages of human beings It has produced ceramics reflecting their forms. Ceramic construction; Technique in line with needs, It varies in form, materials and usage areas. Anatolia, various cultures Since it is a region where it lives, local ceramics also vary. By studying the traditions and economic structure of the region we are in Various materials you collect, form samples and technical information; local ceramic It creates a source for forming application. To create local forms after researching the basic techniques and information specific to the region It depends entirely on one's creativity and dexterity. When you complete this course, you will learn local forms and techniques used. You will be able to create your own designs by interpreting local forms.
The source of the motifs used in Turkish art, to the periods before Islam, in Asia It extends to the living Turkish tribes. However, different styles by gaining diversity of motifs The real development under it, of course, coincides with the periods after Islam. Architecture Everything is adorned with great care and time, up to the structure, manuscripts and a wide range of items. With the Turkish pleasure and synthesis of Turkish art, a unique Turkish art was created. 16. century is the period in which Turkish tile art reached its peak. In the second half of the 16th century, with the contributions of the head of the palace of the palace, Kara Maul A new style is added. This style consists of semi -stylized motifs. The love of the Ottomans to nature, this time, a wide variety of garden flowers, trees, It has developed to stylize it without moving away from its examples in nature. The success of the valuable artists of the period in flower stylization is how good It proves to us that they are observers. Lily and hyacinth motifs, which are the subject of the course, are also semi -style It is one of the flowers. With the examination of these motifs, the development of our tile art, which is unique to us, and You will have information about the change. The source of these motifs is the traditions and customs of our ancestors, thought, pleasure and reflects its culture. By applying lily and hyacinth varieties in classics This beautiful legacy from our ancestors will be delivered to future generations. By learning the classic forms of lily and hyacinth motifs, it is suitable for its original and aesthetics You will be able to draw motifs. When you successfully complete this course, the most widely applied pattern You will meet the need in production. With the drawing techniques you will apply, You will be able to prepare aesthetic patterns by drawing motifs.
The motifs used in the tiles are on some basic rules, which are included in certain styles. Ornament elements. We consider naturalist style motifs in semi -stylized motifs. From the name As can be understood, the flower motifs in the naturalist style, without being too much stylized, It was drawn to the patterns in the natural (natural) states in nature. The intensity of the love of flowers and nature and the abundance of flowers in parallel to this style He played an active role in his love and spread. In addition to floral motifs such as tulip, cloves, rose, hyacinth,, daffodil, ornamental, lily, A wide variety of flowers such as fragrant violet and Çiğdem decorate tile patterns. Nowadays In the tile works, among the semi -stylized (semi -style) floral motifs, especially rose, tulip, and clove motifs are widely used. Wild Flowers 1 lesson with a lesson for semi -style flower motifs Introduced by logging and the crocus, tulip and carnation motifs in this style are detailed. as processed. The most important in the naturalist style in the rural flowers 2 lessons The importance of roses and gonca rose motifs from motifs, usage places and drawing techniques It is processed in detail. When you complete this lesson, you are very much in tile art. Rose and Gonca rose motifs from semi -stylized floral motifs with important place You will be able to draw in accordance with the dimensions and technique.
The motifs used in the tiles are on some basic rules in certain styles. Decoration that forms the building blocks of tile patterns that can be produced endlessly elements. We consider naturalist style motifs in semi -stylized motifs. These are so many Although various flowers are not exactly exactly from nature, they are transferred to the patterns. drawn. This is the intensity of the love of flowers and nature and the abundant flower in parallel played an active role in the love and spread of the style It has been used alone as well as in cooperation with other styles. In addition to flower motifs such as tulip, cloves, rose, hyacinths,, daffodil, ornamental, lily, scented Various flowers such as violet and Çiğdem decorate tile patterns. Among the semi -stylized (semi -style) flower motifs in today's tile works Especially rose, tulip, cloves, crocus, hyacinth and lily motifs are widely used. “ break Flowers-1 ” Semi -style flower motifs mentioned with the course; A short entrance is introduced by making. The importance of Çiğdem, Tulip and Carnation Motifs in this style, Usage places and drawing techniques are processed in detail. This lesson When you complete, you have a very important place in tile art, a place in naturalist style. The area, semi -stylized floral motifs, Çiğdem, Tulip and Carnation motifs and you will be able to draw in accordance with the technique.
Tile is an important branch of art that provides Turkish culture. “ Turkish decoration art ” Tile motifs, which constitute an important part of it, have survived to the present day. Drawing simple motifs has been included as the main subject in Turkish tile art. Tile motifs; In our daily life, container, ornaments, trinkets, space decoration and decoration In addition to its material, it is still taking its place today with its ease of use. Simple Motif Drawings with the lesson in tile art acquisition of basic skills aimed. When you complete this course, you are the desired motifs. You will be able to draw depending on the technique. However, it is necessary to do these operations You will get basic information. These information and skills, your motifs in your tile art, You use the problems and skills you gained from this course. It will help you remove it. When you gain the targeted competencies in this course, in the ceramic and glass field You will grow as qualified elements and contribute to the development of the country.
Leaf motifs, the most important and most commonly used motifs of herbal motifs is between. Leaf motifs form all types of leaf motifs, Turkish motifs also forms the basis. Leaf motifs are very diverse. Drawing simple leaf motif, decoration motifs is the basic motif required to draw. Nail leaves facing left and right, binary, triple, quadruple, five, six, seven, eighty, Nine can be diversified as cluster leaves. Also, with the back looking, curved, We see the dagger leaves frequently in classical tile patterns. All of the leaf motifs are starting from motif outputs, especially the patterns We use it at points. Simple leaf motifs at the starting points, nail leaf all varieties such as motifs, cluster leaf motifs together and in accordance with the integrity of the pattern used as. When you successfully complete this course, the five and seven cluster leaf motifs Learning the nailing technique, five and seven cluster leaf motifs, new patterns You will be able to draw and use it aesthetically when creating.
In order to make art, excitement and admiration in the face of beauty It is the use of the use. Ceramic is a branch of visual arts. Tileism is a subtitle of your ceramic It is a group and traditional recognized worldwide among Turkish ornamental arts It is one of our arts. Ornamentalism begins with the history of humanity. Himself, the portion of the place, the goods are pleasant Decorating, shaping it with the understanding of art, human beings are a fundamental passion. Among the arrival of the arrival, the ornamental arts is a mature and distinguished One of the leaders who have reached the level is undoubtedly Turkish. In any part of Turkish arts, when research is carried out, the same power and Art is existence. In terms of infinite variety, decoration, color and quality In the rise, the subtle pleasure and art ability of Turkish artists are undoubtedly. Already Turk After dealing with the subjects of the artists, in particular, an eternal They have made a source of variation and decoration. Herbal motifs are of great importance among Turkish decoration motifs. Leaves are important and frequently used motifs of herbal motifs. Simple leaves Nail starts with a simple leaf. When you complete this course with success, simple leaves are the technique Leaf motifs that will learn, facing left and right and dual nails, new patterns You will be able to draw and use it aesthetically when creating.
Leaf, which is loaded with important tasks with biological structure in the realm of plants It also shows many differences in terms of. Despite this, the leaf used in tile art The output of the motifs and the location has always been a simple leaf motif. What kind of leaf Regardless of the drawing, the drawing is first started by drawing a simple leaf cross -stitch. All Since it constitutes the basis and main cross -canvass of the leaves, the grasping of the drawing technique and It is very important to draw in accordance with the technique. The drawing technique of simple leaf motifs facing the right and left After grasping, from the focuses of simple leaves side by side and combined The drawings of the cluster leaf motifs are switched. Cluster leaf motifs It is divided into varieties, including double, five and seven. Cluster used in tile art Leaf varieties often consist of these varieties. But this is a general rule does not create. When we examine the classical works of Iznik, it consists of different numbers. We also see leaf motifs. The importance of cluster leaf motifs in tile art is very large. Your cluster leaves Regardless of the number (five, six, seven) is drawn by using herbal motifs In the patterns, the output of the pattern collarses. In these parts, just like in nature The lower outlet leaves of the motifs are used, the branch of herbal motifs. It shows the pattern more aesthetic and rich by making it out of the intersection points. With this course, five and seven cluster leaf motifs, suitable for the technique and different It is aimed to draw in dimensions. In five and seven cluster leaf motif drawings, Separate, separation canvas are used. The size of the cross -stitch is to draw the motif adjusted according to its size. Right and complete drawing of the drawing canvas here It is important. Simple Leaf Drawings 2 lessons to gain skills in this direction It is a prepared course. When you complete this lesson, you are five and seven clusters. You will be able to draw leaf motifs in accordance with the dimensions and technique you want.
The most important common element in all Turkish decoration arts is the motif element. Ornament In all the art branches of the arts in the arts, showing parallel characteristics We see that motifs are used. The differences between them are the material It is due to its processing. For example, in stone works, motifs are engraved on the surface When processing, the secret of the tiles is processed with secrets. Very important for all decoration arts Motifs, which are grouped among themselves, again, which has a very important place. Motifs appear. Leaf, which is loaded with important tasks with biological structure in the realm of plants It also shows many differences in terms of. Despite this, the leaf used in tile art The output of the motifs and the location has always been a simple leaf motif. What kind of leaf Regardless of the drawing, the drawing is first started by drawing a simple leaf cross -stitch. All Since it constitutes the basis and main cross -canvass of the leaves, the grasping of the drawing technique and It is very important to draw in accordance with the technique. Simple Leaf Drawings 1 course is a course prepared for. When you complete this lesson, you are the right-left Simple leaf motifs and double cluster leaf motifs to the desired dimensions and technique You will be able to draw it properly 2008
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