Human beings have been interested in clay since the early ages. Between his two hands
He made it shaped and made his food disintegrated, decorated his shelter and face with him but
Finding what can happen from the unity of fire on the soil.
it has allowed development, change. The soil burned with fire hardened to use
The fact that it is more appropriate has made people benefit more from it. So the first
Ceramic containers were formed.
Over time, cylinder containers were formed due to ease of shaping.
Cylindrical containers that are still used today are usually shaped on the wheel.
If the targeted competences are gained in this course, the wheel and the simplest form
You will be able to create cylindrical containers. When you successfully complete the course, this art
will recognize and reinforce your knowledge and savings using the possibilities of technology.
And you will pioneer in the meeting where it deserves.
Games about it : Goldminer - Extraction d`or et Jeux: Extraction d`or et Jeux
Note: for opening gold PDF file, you need adobe acrobat Acrobat Reader software (you can also play golden games in other page). Pdf indir Belgeyi Oku 2008
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