Dressing is both a need and a social concept. Dress up from ancient times It has developed to the present day under the influence of beliefs and cultures. Mostly soldier green in women's safari sets consisting of skirts, shirts and trousers Khaki color and earth color tones we call are preferred. With this study, women's safari team model application and opening, template preparation, You will learn the auxiliary material calculation.
A historical development of women's trousers in 1920 ’ has. Although this fashion trend born in France was met with reaction in those years, your fashion is fast In line with the development and constant search for innovation in fashion, reactions are replaced by women. He left a garment he could not give up. Living conditions, woman's desire to move comfortably in business life, her trousers daily He made an indispensable garment of life. Pants, which have a very different fabric and model option, because of these features It is a garment that can be used easily in the environment, in all seasons and in all age groups. Model Applied Women's Pants Planting Course, Technical in Women's Pants Learning the work, cutting and rehearsal procedures and sewing women's trousers. You will have knowledge and skills.
With this course, it has an important place in the sector and is an indispensable garment of women. Measurement for pants, basic mold boots, model application, template preparation, main and You will gain the ability to account for the auxiliary material account. These gains You can have the opportunity to work in workshops by developing
We came to the last section of the sewing of women's jackets. Primer planting of women's jacket planting and The place of placement forms the basis of this course. While continuing your work, will be informed about the lining, the primer sewing techniques and the methods of passing the jacket you will learn. This is because you will use some hand seams during the lining planting. Information about hand seams were given in the course. Hand stitches, not only in the jacket You will also be able to use it in the primer. Although the lining seems difficult to work due to its slippery surface, you follow the rules If you can easily complete your planting. Before the primer starts working Passing the process is absolutely obstacle to subsequent disorders. will. The iron you will make before and after planting is great convenience in your primer work. It will provide a great contribution to the proper conclusion of planting. In the last part of the course, you grasp the importance of the iron to your jacket you will apply. In addition, the importance and methods of the final control by learning the last of your jacket You will be able to control.
“ women's jacket planting 1 ” In the course of the women's jacket, such as pockets, collar, arms You have learned the planting techniques and the process steps to be applied to the cutting stage. In this course, the cutting of the jacket, the size of the dress and the body of the person to understand the suitability You will learn the methods, the importance and techniques of rehearsal. In addition, by applying the release of the jackets and telating methods, the fabric and You will be able to select the appropriate reciprocity for the model. Telating that affects the appearance of the jacket The process gives very good results when done in accordance with the technique. The important thing is the right choice and It is the procedure suitable for the technique. When you carefully apply the process steps in the course, you reach the same result. is possible. You will be able to reinforce what you have learned with the applications given at the end of the course. Every again you will do, increasing your experience will take you faster.
Tailor field requires patience, attention and care. The education you received up to this lesson, I'm sure it has brought you the basic techniques of tailoring. But from this course to you I would like to say that a whole new door is opened. Because the tailoring of women's jacket planting The location in its field is very different. Another type of clothing in which the pocket, the arms and especially the collar gains artistic characteristics I can say that it is not. Both the processing techniques of the collar, and the master in planting pockets Workmanship cannot be so important in any kind of clothing. It will add new ones to the techniques you have learned and that your mastery is increasing rapidly. You will notice. My advice to you is to read all the information presented in the course carefully and You will have a complete application of the process steps. When you finish this lesson, it is now ready for planting women's jacket with tailoring technique. you will. Women's jacket planting with the continuation of tailoring technique II and III Your courses successfully apply this course.
Women's clothing is very much used in terms of the material used, models and decorations. It has an important place in the textile sector due to its diversity. Women's Underwear Production, which has an important place for internal and outerwear, in the textile sector It has made progress in parallel with the developments and today is not only the domestic market. Important brand names have taken their place in the sector by ensuring that production is made to the foreign market. In recent years, such as the priority of fashion and personal use facilities For reasons, Lycrali fabrics are rapid within the scope of research and development studies. Developments are happening. Women's Body Production, for underwear, in the traditional sense that the body kept warmly While preferred for; In addition to the material, color, ornamental variety used When the ease of use is added, it has become an important element of underwear. With this course, the cutting, planting, last ironing and last control used in women's body production By learning the technical and practical information about what is happening, the necessary information and You will gain skills.
Looking at the history of clothing, clothing from ancient times to the present day It is seen that he spends. People have designed clothing according to the level of civilization, their own tradition and They shaped their clothing according to their customs and lifestyles. One of the sources of wealth of Turkish culture is that we have developed in our history. It is our clothing. The most vibrant, most colorful species of my clothing is the traditional clothes It is a fact it creates. However, in the Ottoman Empire without a disguise, clothing of contemporary societies He was quite far from his clothing. A wide variety of robes indicating the ranks of the state officials, The furs would wear a melon, which was also the symbol of their ranks. Age, gender, rank like The factors also affected clothing characteristics. In the Ottoman period, men's pants, shirts and winding (like the entari of the plaster They wear an old dress that is openly combined and tied up on top), and on their waist They wrapped the generation. The necessary items such as handkerchiefs will come to the upper side of the belt It would be put on the top. He was worn on the top. A long muslin, on a feder cone wandering and turban was made. Men wouldn't use jewel than the ring. Then II. In the era of Mahmut There have been changes in men's clothes. FE was worn instead of turban. Jacket and Pants Judge It started to be, wearing a steep collar shirt. National Liberation initiated under the leadership of the Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk To the level of contemporary civilization of the Republic of Turkey, which was established at the end of our war, As in terms of state institutions and laws, the Turkish Nation for reaching, disguise In terms of clothing, it was necessary to be made a contemporary nations.
Giyim Production Techniques Area For Men's Tailor (Men's Clothing Model) Branch prepared “ Men's Vest Mold course ”; Men's vest mold drawing, model Applied Men's Vest Mold, Model Applied Men's Vest and Primer Serial Drawing, Model Applied Men's Vest information and skills related to main and auxiliary material accounting contains.
One of the indispensable needs in human life is to dress up. Sports Clothing, Daily Due to the comfort and ease of use it gives to the person in life, the young old age group It is a style of clothing. Especially in recent years, the diversity of fabric in the round knitting industry is different in this field. It has enabled the production of clothing types. Different needs in sportswear style Garning clothes are produced. Sweat Shirt, one of the sports clothes, especially winter and It is a preferred type of clothing in spring. Sweat Shirt is one of the indispensables of creations of many sportswear companies. Many Sweat Shirt models decorate store showcases in every season. This clothes The diversity of the species attracts consumers in the season. With this course, ready -to -wear by improving your skills in mold preparation You will be able to get to know the production process in their businesses. Sweat Shirt Mold By learning to prepare, you can prepare sweat-shirt molds in different models. Yourself You can have the opportunity to convert the models you dream of into molds. Like this You will realize how enjoyable the work you do.
Jacket has an important place in men's clothing. With technological developments Today, jacket production is provided by apparel. However, model, fabric quality and The body feature takes the forefront of ordering clothing. In this course, a type of men's clothing, “ Men's jacket planting 2 ” Information about will be given. Rehearsal for planting men's jackets in the course, collar, arm, primer preparation and The jacket is described in the processing, the final ironing and making the final checks. The information given in this course has been prepared in cooperation with the sector. This is what you will get By developing the skill of production of men's jackets through course training, you can work in the field of tailoring profession, open your own business, and contribute to the family budget by taking jacket planting orders at home.
Jacket has an important place in men's clothing. With technological developments Today, jacket production is provided by apparel. However, model, fabric quality and The body feature takes the forefront of ordering clothing. In this course, a kind of men's clothing, “ Men's jacket planting ” Information about will be given. Model analysis for planting men's jackets in the course, preparing the fabric for mowing, Jacket cutting, rehearsal and tendering operations are explained. The information given in this course has been prepared in cooperation with the sector. This is what you will get In the field of tailoring profession by improving the skill of production and male jackets. You can work, open yourself to the business, you can take jacket planting orders to the family budget You can contribute.
Textile Industry, which is vital in industrializing our industrialization, development, development It is an important force in increasing our speed. Will compete with other countries in the world market to the extent that he has made himself accepted. The development of ready -made clothing industry, mechanization Increased more and more quality production. However; With the change of consumer needs and desires, individual clothing styles have been preferred. This Therefore, the importance of male tailoring is increasing. Men's tailoring; bright future, finding a job It is an easy -to -offer profession. With this course, the types of men's clothing “ Men's Jacket Planting ” Information about will be given. Types of collar and arm ripper required for planting men's jackets in the course Information about techniques. The information given in this course has been prepared in cooperation with the sector. This is what you will get By developing the skill of production of male jackets through course training, activity in this field in the sector You can easily take part in companies showing companies.
The ready -to -wear sector is an important place in the industrialization of developing countries. has. In the success of the industrialization process in developed countries played a positive role. In our country, the ready -to -wear sector creates job opportunities for many people. Qualified person To carry the knowledge and skills that recognize the profession of our country, which needs its power It needs employees who want. With this course we have chosen, men's clothing has a significant place in the sector Modalism Branch, Men's Bermuda Preparation, Main and Auxiliary Material Account You will gain the ability to do. Male by improving your knowledge and skills you earn You will be able to reach the level of expertise in the clothing sector.
Lingerie, which is as old as the history of humanity, is as old as human history, to fashion trends over the years. by changing shape to people's liking with a wide range of models and fabric features presented. While people give more importance to their outerwear before, nowadays They attach importance to their clothing as much as their outerwear. Because we know that the interior of man The beauty of the clothing is reflected in the outerwear. The choice of underwear is very much for both our health and our clothes to look clear. It is important. An important factor for healthy development of a selected underwear in accordance with body lines will. With this lesson, female dressing gown pattern, template, serial and necessary tools With the calculation information, this information is very needed for the trained labor force You will have the chance to implement in the clothing sector.
In the origin of Blue Jeans, Italy's 15th Century, Genoa and France The denim fabric produced in the city lies. This cotton fabric called "Serge de nîmes " It has been in use for centuries, evolved in itself, took the name denim and Blue Jeans combined with the indigo paint obtained from the indigophora plant grown in India He created his legend. In 1850, the first brown canvas for the Miners of California of Levi Strauss. Jeani made and in the 1890s “ 501 indigo ” Producing jeani under the name of Blue Jeanin Beginning as accepted. The legend of Jean has increased its value over the years and a daily life is an indispensable It has become a sportswear style. Jean, especially the priority clothing style of the young generation has been. However, Jean production in the textile sector has increased day by day and imports it has become a big market containing. The information given with this course was prepared in cooperation with the sector. This is what you will get By improving the skill of drawing women's pants pattern with lecture training, in this field in the sector You can easily take part in the companies operating.
Work clothes, prepared to meet the purpose of protection during the study, In accordance with the requirements of certain occupational groups in terms of cutting and labor technique, prepared clothes. Nowadays, work clothes only protects from dirt and often an unpopular garment it has ceased to be. Today, work clothes only according to practical and functional criteria is not evaluated. Fashion elements, with hygienic and physiological information about clothing It combines and plays an important role in content and construction. Work aprons, wider It is a work garment with a usage area. In this course, the definition of work apron, women's work apron pattern drawing processes, Materials with the main and auxiliary materials used in women's work apron and material You will be able to learn and apply the accounting process.
Our country has an important place in the field of ready -to -wear and abroad. This Due to its feature, it has to make production at international standards. Desired The realization of a production requires quality workforce that has grown in this field. Qualified In the establishment of the labor force, vocational and technical education has an important place. is known. The model application technique varies according to the model of the garment to be produced. Model The more you practice in the application, the higher your model application skill will increase. This Model applied shirt mold after the course of the course by preparing the model for the shirt and You will be able to calculate the auxiliary material.
Shirt; Sitting on the body or abundant, the skirt tip is a comfortable garment on the hip. In general, the front is buttoned or zipper. Dimlan or fickle sleeve, sleeve mule cuffed, It can be done in various collar forms, robed or flat. Shirt, women, men and children's clothing occupies an important place. Ease of use It is very preferred in terms of. As it can work from all kinds of fabric, cotton fabric, in production It is more used. It can be worn as a sportswear as well as in Döpiyes and jackets When you successfully complete the production of women's shirts, the women's shirt cut, By learning the planting operations, you will be able to do the latest ironing and final control. With the help of the production of women's shirts in this course, in many different models You will be able to produce women's shirts.
The production of women's tracksuits, which is a kind of underwear with this course, “ Information about will be given. Model analysis for planting women's tracksuits in the course, minimum study Instructions, quality qualifications forms and the upper and upper woman by creating a machine park Information about the production, last iron and final control of the tracksuit has been given. The information given in this course has been prepared in cooperation with the sector. This is what you will get By developing women's tracksuit production skills through course training, activity in this field in the sector You can easily take part in companies showing companies.
The textile sector is associated with many different fields. An increasingly important in our country It is a field of employment. With a planned training in this field, it is possible to find a job. In this course, a sub -branch of textile is applied in the field of underwear “ female tracksuit Mold ” information will be given. In the course, the female tracksuit and the pattern of gold, template And the Pastal plan will be given. In addition, taking a quantity through women's tracksuit pastry, weight Making your account and the auxiliary material calculation will be mentioned. Essential The technical sheet and the mold were taken from the company operating in this field. With sample planting The mold was checked. The information given with this course has been prepared in cooperation with the sector. This is what you will get By improving the skill of drawing women's tracksuits and women's tracksuit in this field in this field You can easily take part in the companies operating.
The first sewing machine was produced in the 18th century and so much development has shown. The demands of people to increase with the guidance of fashion, expectations It has started to diversify. Quick response to these requests is rapidly in ready -made clothing machines. innovations. The targeted product group, which is targeted for apparel production, also equipment to be used. determines. The wrong choice affects quality in production and may cause frequent machine failures. Apparel machines are not only intended to combine parts. At the same time In a way that the fashion determines the lines determined for production in the best way It should be functional. With this course you will have the opportunity to get to know the electronic sewing machines more closely. By learning the innovations and benefits it brings to the production process, you are closer to the sector. you will feel.
The textile industry, which is of great importance in our industrializing country, is developing, development It is an important driving force in increasing our speed. Development of ready -made clothing industry, Increased mechanization has realized more and more quality production. In line with these developments in order to meet the qualified manpower needs Knowing, interpreting, using, developing and in the field of scientific and technological methods Productive technical manpower that adapts to innovations needs to be trained and this Vocational technical education institutions have a great duty in the subject. This course includes zipper planting technical studies. These techniques are used by taking into account the clothing fabric and model feature. leads to perfect conclusion.
In men's clothing, jacket is an indispensable piece of clothing. On the body of your jacket His posture is very important. The molder to make the jacket stand properly on the body He needs to know his body well and remove the mold accordingly. Therefore, in men's clothing Considering that the place of the male jacket is an undeniable element, the basic male jacket The necessity of drawing the drawing of each modelist emerges. In this course, the necessary dimensions for the drawing of men's jackets in removing the mold mold, Measurement process for men's jacket, basic men's jacket mold drawing operations, basic arm You will learn the measurement process for drawing, the basic men's jacket handle drawing. The information you have acquired and the skills you have gained cause your experience to increase in this regard. will. At the end of the lesson, with the increase in your experience on these issues Your confidence will increase and allow your creativity to develop.
Jacket; sleeve, buttonhole, covering the body to the hip, shirt, sweater or vest It can be defined as clothes worn on it. First, 1670 ’ Towards the years of Justokar (French It was seen in men's clothing with Juste Aucorpo). Sleeve, pocket, without a belt, initially buttoned from top to bottom, then to make your lacy jabo appear. It will wear an open, long and upright. XV. Century Lou ’ In the ages, the arms were lifted and approached the vest form. Collar and lined in our age, Although it is seen as a flat sleeve, with a button, different forms are also found. According to the place, time and model where it is worn, blazer, tuxedo, frock, spenter, york, mayer and so on. aspect named. Numerous men's suits for domestic market or export in our country There is business. In fact, a few of them are exporting with their own brand. between. Quality to protect these businesses in the market They must produce in accordance with their standards. Therefore qualified manpower and need for qualified elements that recognize and develop their profession and use their knowledge and skills efficiently. heard. You as qualified and efficient staff by improving yourself in this field You can take your place in the sector. With this course, men's jacket model analysis, model application operations, jacket mold Openings, template drawings, wire and primer molds and jacket serial drawings You will prepare. The ability to make main and auxiliary material calculations in accordance with the technique You will win.
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