Nowadays, people's approaches with interest and demand for the diversity of clothing Due to the increase in the clothing sector in our country shows a rapid development, often itself renews. Diversity of clothing needs and different features of the materials used clothing It has caused its production to be divided into branches. One of these branches is leather clothing. According to fabric production in terms of techniques and materials used Varies. The use of machines and the use of leather clothing quality, fast and economical It is possible with quality manpower grown in the field. With the impact of developing technology Machines make it easier to plant fur and leather, and more suitable for people. provides the opportunity to offer products under conditions. Fox overlok machine is just one of the machines used in fur and leather sewing. Preparation, use, cleaning and maintenance of fox overlok machine in this course You will find all the necessary information and skills about making transactions. You will do When you successfully complete the course with the applications, related to fur and leather planting as a chain of knowledge and skills that will form the basis of your future work. you will.
As the confidence of human beings increases, the pleasure of giving yourself a separate appearance born. The interest of clothing complementary accessories, which gives a different personality, is We see that the day has increased a little more. Increasing interest in the subject, professional and technical It has led to great importance to clothing accessory in education. Preparation of clothing accessory is an important source of livelihood today. Because In this course, which was prepared to help students, Şal-ETOL, one of the clothing accessories You will find information about it. Şal-ETOL, women covering their shoulders and It is a clothing accessory that they cannot give up. With this course, the detection of shawl-etol model and material suitable for clothing, pattern You will be able to prepare, decorate, plant and final control.
With the development of technology, the ready -to -wear industry was also affected by this development, Series and the necessity of developing quality product. In order to achieve the desired purpose in ready -made clothing production; Production format, used The choice and use of machinery, tools and equipment is very important. The person working on this subject and organizations to know the features and techniques of the production machines to be used It makes it easier for them to achieve their goals. Recognition of machines, contributions to the quality and capacity of production helps in evaluation. Thus, the machine hardware suitable for the production The right decisions are made to be elected and unnecessary investments are not made. Preparation of the sewing machines used in ready -made clothing industry in this course, Knowledge and skills about using, cleaning and maintenance of these machines you will learn. The information you have acquired and the skills you gain, this branch and this branch work It will help you know the conditions, your next education and business life is basic will create.
In the constantly developing clothing sector today, to ensure continuity, fast and fast In order to work quality, clothing production technologies should also be renewed. In our age, when technology competes over time, to use fast working automations We must learn and believe in the necessity of this. Ponteriz Automat Production, an important machine of clothing production area It is a requirement to facilitate. This course provides you with the ease of using ponteriz vending vending in this field. will offer the opportunity to work.
Technological Innovations to be an indispensable part of our lives and education continues. Follow the technology that will carry our country further day by day It is necessary to know how to use the products of technology. Lok machine is also a special machine used in the garment sector. Special It has use areas. With the help of this course, planting the locker in accordance with the user manual You will be able to prepare, use it in a series, cleaning and maintenance.
To ensure the continuity of technological developments in the clothing sector In order to work quality, information in clothing production technologies should also be renewed. To use fast working automations in our age where technology competes over time We must learn and believe in the necessity of this. Marrow and button vending machines with a service to clothing production technology It is a requirement to facilitate. This course enables you to use button vending vending vending vending vending vending vending automat. It offers the opportunity to work in this field.
The first people of the animals they hunt are the perfect for themselves. they have discovered that it is a protective. But because of the natural structure of the skin very quickly to be distortable, new searches in order to obtain people more resistant leather directed. Various methods to make it possible to permanent and strengthen the easily deteriorating skin developed. Today, the most advanced technologies to make raw skin finished is used. In the field of leather technology; qualified, compatible, open to development, high motivated individuals You need to use the developing and changing technology. In the semi -products and products you will produce in the qualifications expected by the sector It is important that you get to know the raw material you will use. With this course, information about the skin structure, skin varieties and processing of the skin You will be able to analyze the skin correctly by acquiring it.
Today, the effect of fashion and the social status of people, the need to dress It has given a different dimension. The need for clothing, which was previously met through the tailors, increased With the request, it has shifted to the ready -made clothing sector. There have been improvements in production techniques and Today, ready -to -wear has become an important sector. In women's clothing ‘ Vest ’ Carrying a feature that completes the garment, blouse, skirt, pants and so on. It can be easily worn on clothes. Everywhere from evening dress to work clothes And the vest, which can be produced in different models for location, is made of all kinds of fabric from leather to knitting. can be prepared. With the sample vest production given in this course, the production of many different models you will be able to do.
Today, the effect of fashion and the social status of people, the need to dress It has given a different dimension. The need for clothing, which was previously met through the tailors, increased With the request, it has shifted to the ready -made clothing sector. There have been improvements in production techniques. Today, ready -to -wear has become an important sector. In women's clothing ‘ Vest ’ etc. It can be easily worn on clothes. Everywhere from evening dress to work clothes and Vest can be produced in different models for location; From leather to knitting all kinds of fabric can be prepared. In this course you will apply the collar and various pocket techniques coming out of the body. The collars you apply and the technical work in the production of women's clothing you will be able to use.
The desire to dress differently in people's ready -to -grow clothing sector positively affected. In line with the opportunities offered by the developing technology, this sector Turkey has also taken its rightful place. While the vest was a Ömenli accessory of men's clothing Today, it plays an important role in women's clothing. Vest from leather, weaving It is made of surface (fabric) and knitwear. Clothing production technology field, prepared for the Branch of Women's Clothing Model “ Women At the end of the vest pattern ’ ’ at the end of the course, making a model application, preparing a women's vest template, Women's Vest Lining Lining Template, Women's Vest Primer Lining Serial Drawing, Women's Vest Information and skills about preparing a lining pastal plan and making auxiliary material calculation You will win. All of the specified activities will be carried out at school at a time of 40/32 hours. At the end of the course, the subjects and resources and addresses that can be reached are given. You say We wish you students to be useful to you students in the field of women's clothing model.
Women's clothing is a clothing group that shows a lot of diversity in itself. Nowadays Women who want to dress as required by the modern age, according to and according to their time They are very careful in determining the model and type of clothes. Especially Ladies with clothing style are priority, for women, coats, season and It has an important place for fashion. With this course prepared; Women's Coat Drawing Procedures according to Sheet Drawing, Cutting and to prepare the planting instructions, to template the prepared patterns, the main and To identify the auxiliary materials and to account for these materials You will gain knowledge and skills. This information and skills you will gain by working in the relevant sector or You can use your designs.
Today, the effect of fashion and the need to dress social status with people. It has given a different dimension. The need for clothing, which was previously met through the tailors, increased With the request, it has shifted to the ready -made clothing sector. There have been improvements in production techniques, ready Clothing has become an important sector. In men's clothing ‘ Vest ’ Although it is a garment that complements the suit, the only one Pants and sports clothes can be worn on the head. From groom to work clothes The vest, which can be produced in different models for every place and location, is from leather to knit. It can be prepared from species fabric. Production of many different models with the production of sample vests given in this course You will have the competence.
Today, the effect of fashion and the social status of people, the need to dress It has given a different dimension. The need for clothing, which was previously met through the tailors, increased With the request, it has shifted to the ready -made clothing sector. There have been improvements in production techniques, Today, ready -to -wear has become an important sector. In men's clothing ‘ Vest ’ Although it is a garment that complements the suit, the only one Pants and sports clothes can be worn on the head. From groom to work clothes The vest, which can be produced in different models for every place and location, is from leather to knit. It can be prepared from species fabric. In this course you will apply the collar and various pocket techniques coming out of the body. The collar coming out of the body you apply and the technical work of the Men's Outdoor Clothing You will be able to use it in production.
People's clothing styles reflect their personalities. Social circles and business lives Although there is a factor in the subject, the pleasure of dressing is essentially personal. Safari clothes for some people While being a business garment, (sports reporter, cameraman, tourist guide, anthropologist, etc.) some people for the holiday garment. Although urban life isolate people from nature, to be intertwined with nature Human beings who desire it to the clothing; color, model and comfort. Safari In the trousers, we mostly prefer the genuine color and earth color tones we call soldier green. . In order to adapt to nature conditions in line with the purpose of use, ironing Wearing -resistant fabrics are preferred. Movement comfort Providing plenty of cut, abundant pocket models are applied. This is comfort and functionality It is important in terms of providing. Men's safari pants model application with this moddül in your hand, template preparation, Auxiliary materials used with the process of making serial drawing, pastal picture preparation. You will learn the auxiliary material calculation. These experiences you have gained are different You will be able to reflect on the models.
Fashion and technology, sometimes fabrics on men's and men's clothing, sometimes also interacted with models. The understanding of changing fashion and seasonal differences today, It has given diversity to men's clothing. Circle (from Fr. Pardessus ’), Wearing on other dresses in cool weather (square Larousse). Seasonal seasoned in spring and autumn It is defined as outerwear prepared from fabrics. “ Preparing Men's Coat Mold ” Men's coat pattern suitable for the technique in the course In line with the productivity principles by preparing the model of the model applied model by drawing. You will account for the main and auxiliary material for men's coat.
Dressing has been one of the inevitable needs with people's existence. This need; lifestyle, personal likes, social environment, cultural hardware and so on. With the contribution of the factors It has gained diversity. This diversity also expresses themselves to people's style of clothing. It is reflected by the choice of clothes they can. One of these types of clothes is trousers. Trousers; Wearing the body from the waist of the body, surrounding the legs, under the knee to the ankle Men, women and children of children with different lengths. Pants, which are indispensable for men and women's clothing, both work and work It is among the preferred clothes in its environments and in private life. Pants models are pleated by classic models as well as in accordance with the fashion of the day, Jean, double, large (Spanish) legs, capri and so on. It varies according to model properties. This When determining diversity, as in all clothes, the place, time, environment, economic and social location, season, fashion of the day, fabrics and accessories. should be kept. In this course, men's trousers technical works, model applied men's trousers Cutting, planting, final ironing and final control processes are explained. Found in this course If you apply the activities, the information you acquire and the skills you gain, this branch and this It will help you know the working conditions of the branch and basic for your next education will create.
Coat; In front of the buttoned or zippered, raglan or folding sleeve, arm mouth shirred, flat, Prepared in various collar forms or flat or flat It is one of the men's clothes. In the production of coats that fall into the class of sportswear products; Woven fabrics, knitted fabrics and other surfaces (eg: leather) are used. Men's coat production when you successfully complete the course of men's coat cut and By learning the planting operations, you will be able to do the latest ironing and final control. With the help of the sample coat production given in this course, coats of many different models You will have the chance to produce.
To bring you the competence of male coat technical studies with this course prepared aimed. We want to define the coat model like collar, arm, headline, such as the way We evaluate it in the main lines. These features are the attention that stands out at first glance. Then this Correct and clear sewing of details will increase the quality and aesthetics of the model. Men's Coat Production When you successfully complete the course, male coat technical You will be able to cut the work. Planting processes of male coat technical work By learning, you will be able to learn the latest ironing and final control information and skills and do these operations. In addition, this information is in any part of the ready -to -wear sector. It will allow you to work more efficiently. The collar of the model, the technical of the closure share variety It is the first condition to know the planting. However, the product sample (prototype) preparation or a It is also important for you to direct the machinery in his work. With the help of sample technical studies given in this course, coats in many different models You can produce.
Men's clothing for many years ‘ tie and suit ’ known as and used. This view changed with the use of jeanin after 1950s. The effect of fashion, the comfort of clothing in intense business life, activities, activities gaining importance, changing male body structure, social changes in daily clothing sports has increased the demand for style. The choice of fabric and material for sports clothes, the balance of the shape and line and the most Most of all, the function and comfort of the garment are at the forefront. With this course prepared; Male drawings attached to the body, according to the drawing of the sheet Preparation of the coat pattern drawing, cutting and planting instructions, prepared molds Template, coat and primer to draw serial drawing, main and assistant for male coat The necessary information and the necessary information to identify the materials and to account for these materials. You will gain skills.
The models of the work clothes used in many parts of the business life are for the purpose of the work done. designed properly. From the negative effects of the working environment of working people with work clothes While protecting, it provides the comfort of working when it wears. Fabric and Materials Used They vary according to the model feature. Like work shirts, work overalls, work clothes, It takes names according to the work it is done. It also exhibits the business discipline of collective people. Basic knowledge and skills about drawing in order to be successful in this course Just have it. When you successfully complete this course, the dimensions of the male work shirt are suitable for the size As a sheet drawing technique, all the operations related to obtaining a male work shirt mold with the main and You will be able to calculate auxiliary material in line with productivity principles.
Usually worn in the jacket, waist or lower sleeveless and short We call it a vest. In men's clothing ‘ Vest ’ Being a garment that completes the suit Together, it can be easily worn on trousers and sports clothes. Fashionable According to pockets, collar, skirt ends V, round or flat shaped, closed button, zipper or It can be a snap. Different models for every place and location from grooming to work clothes The vest that can be produced can be prepared from all kinds of fabric from leather to knitting. In this course, the collar coming out of the body in the sewing of men's leather vests and attached to the body You will apply the techniques. Thus, the sample men's leather vest technical With the help of the work, it has knowledge and skills to produce vests in different models. you will.
Usually worn in the jacket, waist or lower sleeveless and short We call it a vest. In men's clothing ‘ Vest ’ Being a garment that completes the suit Together, it can be easily worn on trousers and sports clothes. Fashionable According to pockets, collar, front middle skirt ends V, round or flat shaped, buttoned, zipper or It could be snapped. Different models for every place and location from grooming to work clothes The vest that can be produced can be prepared from all kinds of fabric from leather to knitting. In this course, men's leather vest sewing closure share and various pocket techniques you will apply. Thus, the sample men's leather vest technical studies With the help, you will have the chance to produce vests of different models.
Men's Gardener Business Jumpsuit; Special in terms of function, fabric and workmanship technique For professional groups, the needs of people and the purpose of protection during the study It is a garment prepared to answer. In this area, thick, durable fabrics such as gabardin and jeans are preferred. Time and Modern production methods that save expenses, advantage provider usage and maintenance New fabrics with features, different opportunities in the production of work clothes in recent years presented. Nowadays, work clothes only protects from dirt and often an unpopular garment it has ceased to be. Fashion elements combine with sanitary and physiological information about clothing. plays an important role. In the Men's Gardener Business overalls production course; The main and assistant of the overalls Cutting of the materials, planting planning plan, determining the machine park, planting operations, search You will be able to iron and last ironing. In this course while performing planting; Different machines that can do the same process and Methods are explained. You are in your schools or where you will apply the course, You will be able to install the machine park according to your facilities.
The shirt, which is indispensable for men's clothing; Sports, classic, evening dress models It is a type of clothing used. Different time and places as well as its classic line today It is produced in a wide range of colors, patterns and lines. Applied in mobile, collar, headlines It is gained feature with different models and finds a wider usage area. In the ready -made clothing sector in our country, only the production of shirts is large and branded Companies are available. In this course, using your basic men's shirt patterns You will learn model application and serial drawings, main and auxiliary material accounts. You can be employed in companies that produce shirts with the information and skills you earn.
Pants, one of the most preferred clothes today, until the 19th century Although it is considered as a male clothing, when entering the 20th century, women prefer It has become clothes. Pants is a French word. To the waist ankles It is a garment consisting of two pieces that extend to each leg separately. First It is known that the trousers were worn in 500 BC. Pants, Daily Life and Business Life Comfortable and Model Features It is among the preferred clothes. Classic, sports or fantasy It can be considered as clothes. In this course, model applied pants; model analysis, cutting, technique Planting, latest ironing and final control procedures are explained. If you successfully complete this course, model applied pants production By gaining skills about it, you will be able to form the basis for your next education. 2008
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