Normal work of ships in all kinds of air and sea conditions and ports during the campaign The machines that maintain the layout are called ship auxiliary machines. Ship auxiliary machines It also helps to operate the main machine. For example; Circulatory water, Heating for algebraic lubrication, feeding water on steam ships (Fid) and feeding water, pressurized Auxiliary machines for air providing, fuel supply and transfer operations used. The biggest assistant of the ship's main machine is pumps. Circulation or serkuleydin, Lubricating oil, cooling water, fuel shipping pumps are examples of the main machine aid. The other assistants help the main machine indirectly, although not directly. For example, The task of the separators is to clean the fuel and oil. Cleaning of fuel and oil to protect the fuel pump of the machine and the main machine legs. What are the auxiliary machines in the ship auxiliary machines course, these You will learn the varieties and work. Operating and maintenance of each ancillary machine You will be able to learn and apply.
Approximately 71 % of the sphere is covered with oceans and seas and “ Maritime and Water Products ” In the field of ship management ” “ yacht captain ” Captain ”, ‘ that the professions are carrying out The environment is seas and oceans. For this reason, knowing the physical and chemical structure of the sea environment, about them Keeping records by making measurements, dynamic that occurs in seas and oceans To be able to identify the events is an important ability to carry out these professions. Because Physical events in the seas and oceans, terrestrial environment and It presents more effective and complex structure than in the atmosphere. If you do not know these features of the environment where you will make your profession enough and measures If you don't get it before, you will not be able to achieve success and be efficient. That almost all of the activities of the maritime and aquaculture profession are carried out. You need to know the ocean and seas and know the physical and chemical structure.
In fishing, two main methods are applied as active and passive. Passive hunting In the methods of hunting, fishing fishing, traps, parakers or galsama networks It is expected to come. In this hunting method, small boats without motor or motor are sufficient. When you want to hunt more fishing, fishing hunting materials of fish herds to take it to its location, more fish due to the fuel, time and labor force must hunt. In this way, by pulling various types of hunting vehicles behind the boat The method based on fishing is called active fishing. Hunting with dragging is one of the most efficient hunting forms of active fishing. The most important hunting vehicles used in hunting with dragging are resistance, buddy, beam troll and troll networks. Thanks to the Dress Equipment lesson, you can prepare a dreke frame and the Dress network You will be able to equip.
IMO ’ (International Maritime Organization- International Maritime Organization) As an organization, on July 2, 1978, sailors' education, In order to maintain certification and shift principles to a standard, an international The meeting was held. Decisions taken as a result of this meeting that lasted until July 7, April 28 It entered into force in 1984. Countries from the meeting until the date of entry into force of the Treaty compliance with this agreement They have completed their internal arrangements. The decisions of this treaty, which entered into force, briefly STCW (Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers- Ship He is known as his men's training, certification and shift standards). There are 71 countries that send delegates to the meeting. StcW International Agreement and the regulation of seafarers organized accordingly According to the 5 basic sea security that the sailor who will work on a ship today One of the trainings “ Personal life at sea ” education. This course you this training gives. The knowledge of staying alive in the sea you will get with this lesson, if you do not have such an experience Even in your life, you or another person with you or contact In a similar situation, life will be saving.
In the case and conditions in each boat, the situation and the danger of conflict To ensure that it is fully evaluated, the use of all appropriate vehicles at hand In addition, he always makes full vision and hearing. In addition, each boat to prevent conflict to take a proper and effective action and In order to stand at a distance required by the current conditions and conditions. It proceeds at a safe speed. Marine Traffic Discrimination Order; Similar to the highways in our country, going and Roads reserved for arriving, intermediate areas other than the traffic area such as middle refuge, return belly, etc. elements. Traffic from the right, as in the highways, from the starboard operates. In the movements within this traffic area, as in highways, certain depends on the rules. Entrance and exits to traffic separation layouts, normally at the end of the strip and small It happens at an angle. Ships from crossing the traffic strips as much as possible avoids, but when such a transition is compulsory They do it with a close angle.
There is a traffic in the seas as well as on highways. Sea Vehicles are also this area it is in constant movement. It is connected to certain rules in traffic at sea and this Rules “ Sea Conflict Prevention Regulation ” determined by. Rowing boat in sea Anyone who is authorized to use a specific sea vehicle except, this traffic in the seas rules; So “ Preventing conflict at sea ” Knowing your regulation and getting the qualification documents they must prove that they have this information in their tests. In our vocational training, the charter for conflict in the sea is handled in two separate sections. taken. First, signs of preventing conflict at sea and the other at sea Prevention maneuvers. In this course, the part of the regulation related to the signs is processed and you An easier presentation is far from the complex systematic of legal legislation. worked.
Steam boilers in different construction and working conditions steam turbines and motorized They are installed in the machine offices of the ships and work on a large scale. Win and steam systems on the latest advanced turbine ships and technology as they work in the safe execution of ships with systems containing their development They also increase the ships by entering the service on motor ships. High tonnage 80 000-250000 DWT Crude oil tankers in the turbine acup Low pressure in crude oil/ballast pumps with a capacity of 1500/2000 tons/hour (10-15 Bar) and low superhite (200/250 ºC) steam is used at temperatures. Most of the tankers carrying 150 000-250 000 DWT crude oil with steam turbines There is a necessity for boilers that produce high pressure and high superhite. (40- 80 bar) (450-550ºC temperature) Although the same tonnage and power motor tankers, at least 1/3 more per day Although they are considered in the long run despite the fuel burning, more economical than motor ships is seen. Although the stores of the motor ships are full of spare parts, the turbine ships stores, boiler drugs and high pressure and stime resistant metallic gasket and Nothing but the shafts are seen. The heat cycle of turbine machines is the heat containing all thermodynamic principles. mechanical power. Principles in the construction and use of this heat cycle, cost Reliability, easy maintenance attitude and efficiency come to the fore.
“ Maritime and aquaculture ” Fisheries in the field of Fisheries Breeders ’ ’, “ Balıkçı Ship captain ” The basis of aquaculture legislation that is important for their profession: ¾ Fisheries numbered 1380, which determines the principles of hunting from the sea Law, ¾ With aquaculture circular published by the Ministry of Agriculture every year determined. One of the most fundamental problems of our world is accepted by population growth. Rapid population One of the most important issues brought about by the increase is food production inadequate. This is the societies of the earth ¾ ’ Aquaculture from water resources that make up its reputation has led to more benefits about its production. However, the food potential of water resources is not inexhaustible. Especially such as water pollution, excessive hunting, using forbidden hunting methods, timeless hunting Causes reduce the efficiency of water resources. Fisheries legislation prepared to inform you about this issue Without damaging the natural balance by cultivation and hunting from water resources and water resources It is aimed to benefit more. In this way, the economic in the waters of our country It will be our duty to leave the potential without harming future generations.
The main task of the battery on ships is the right current that will first move the main machine to feed the engine. Besides, to meet the needs of other auxiliary machines battery is used for. As technology develops, batteries developed. Day by day to technology It is developed in parallel as quality and high capacity battles. Nowadays Mostly used battles are lead-acid batteries. The difference of batteries from batteries is that they are charged. Care of batteries is very important. The most important battery in batteries is controlled by water. Batteries lose water during charging and discharge processes. Because Charging and discharge events cause the battery to heat up and evaporate the water in the electrolyte It is possible. The decreasing battery electrolyte must be completed with pure water. Mechanical and chemicals of grids used in lead acid batteries today In order to increase its durability, it has taken calcium instead of antimony. Antimony, It accelerates gas formation during the operation of the battery and causes excessive water loss. This Therefore, batteries require continuous care. To eliminate this negative effect of antimony Calcium is added to the grills. The advantage of calcium has reduced gas formation by 75 %in normal charging voltages. is. Therefore, batteries do not require water addition in normal working life. These batteries are the most advanced batteries that are used today and do not require maintenance. In this course, the structure of batteries, work, maintenance operations and charging You will learn the transactions and make their applications.
Single -celled organisms that can make photosynthesis the basis of the food chain in the water environment. Phytoplanktonic organisms. Therefore, in the breeding studies It has an important place. Many of the water creatures aimed at cultivation (larval) Fitoplankton is the first ring of the food chain during the period. The second ring is animal Plankton (zooplankton) forms. In a breeding study, the creature aimed at production Fitoplankton, which forms the first step in nutrition, is the arthropod and mollusks Used directly in the nutrition of various fish species in their cultivation It is also indirectly through nutrition of small animal creatures (such as router, artemia) used as. For these reasons, the first stage of the production of aquaculture in larvae nutrition The importance of plankton is both too much and indispensable. In other words, aquaculture One of the most important conditions of success in its production is the desired Plankton culture. is done at the level. The success of Plankton culture is the order and It depends on meticulousness.
Hunting is made in the waters of fish all over the world. Developing technology as well as hunting tools are also changed and developed. This development of hunting stocks It is controlled by legal regulations to maintain its efficiency. VoLi networks are simpler and economical passive prey compared to other hunting tools It is from the group of vehicles. Standing the nets on top of each other like in fanal networks and the side of these networks they are brought to each other according to the basis of cracking (roofed nets). Considering Network Eye Selection and Suitable Freezing Factors in Network Equipment is necessary. VoLi Network Equipment Lesson The Voli Network suitable for the type of fish to be hunted You will be able to choose and make a network equipment, lead and mushroom collar equipment in the Voli network.
The importance of communication at sea is limited ship facilities and the dangers experienced It comes from being vital. For this reason, the first thought of communication at sea, the property and the communication in emergencies that threaten the environment. To use electronic communication devices and methods on ships Visual and auditory communication methods created before the start, for many years It was used to save sailors' lives. The most appropriate with the experience of many years Methods and codes to be used in these methods have been created, international standards. To be used in the maritime communication of the Mors alphabet The start of this international communication, which we will call the coded communication It has provided the addition of methods. Even in today's technology When there are electronic communication problems, these methods are still in head. is hit. The use of some of the coded communication methods is today only military Although it is limited to purposes, communication with the banners, albeit partially It is still used by all ships. For this reason, communication with the banners Emergency with the captain who took part in the management of a military or civilian ship All deck and radio officers to be involved in the communication must be known. This course is how to apply the communication method coded with the sancaklar will tell.
The basis of the food chain in the water environment is single -celled creatures that can make photosynthesis. Phytoplanktonic organisms. Therefore, in the breeding studies It has an important place. Many of the water creatures intended to grow (Larval) Fitoplankton is the first ring of the food chain in the period. The second ring It forms animal plankton (zooplankton). In a breeding study, production Phytoplankton, which constitutes the first step in the nutrition of the intended creature In the breeding of molluscs directly, in the nutrition of the larvae of various fish species The small animal creatures used (such as roster, artemia) are also feeding. It is used indirectly. For these reasons, the first stage of aquaculture production, larvae nutrition The importance of phytoplankton is both too much and indispensable. In other words, aquaculture One of the most important conditions of success in producing is the desired phytoplankton culture. is done at the level.
IMO ’ (International Maritime Organization- International Maritime Organization) As an organization, on July 2, 1978, sailors' education, In order to maintain certification and shift principles to a standard, an international The meeting was held. Decisions taken as a result of this meeting that lasted until July 7, April 28, 1984 entered into force. Countries from the meeting until the date of entry into force of the Treaty compliance with this agreement They have completed their internal arrangements. The decisions of this treaty, which entered into force, briefly STCW (Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers- Ship He is known as his men's training, certification and shift standards). There are 71 countries that send delegates to the meeting. According to STCW, the sailor who will work on a ship today is at least below. Security ” He must have received his trainings and training certificates. These; ÿ Personal Life Rescue Techniques at Sea ÿ fire prevention and fighting fire ÿ Basic First Aid ÿ Personnel Safety and Social Responsibility In addition to these basic trainings, STCW is related to the tasks that sailors will take on board they also require them to receive other trainings and certified them. wants them to be. One of these trainings is the use of rescue tools EDUCATION IS THE ADMINISTRATION IN OUR VULKAN (Undersecretariat of Maritime Affairs), and this training is four above. In addition to education, it is compulsory for all seafarers. When the ship is abandoned, life -saving vehicles must be launched and use The distribution of tasks was also carried out between ship personnel. But an emergency During the abandonment of the ship formed as a result, some of these officials They are likely to not come. In this case, the person who cannot come is to replace someone else must. This obligation is for all seafarers “ rescue tools Using training requires ” Life -saving tools are in a situation that threatens human life, safe as they can be separated from the ship and resume at sea until they are rescued They are the tools that enable them to have and are produced and used for this purpose. In general, we can classify them as follows. ÿ Bulk life -saving tools and download equipment, ÿ Personal Life Rescue Tools, ÿ electronic devices, ÿ et al. (Fireworks type material, rope throwing device, etc.). The amount of life -saving vehicles, equipment and equipment that should be on a ship, Rules regulating its shape and general characteristics “ International Sea Safety The contract is specified in ” (SOLAS). Desired for life -saving equipment Features are the rules related to international life -saving equipment ” (lsa) indicated. one- Ships Flag and Port State Authorities 2- While being checked by In this equipment on ships, the suitability of SOLAS is controlled.
Approximately 71 % of the sphere is covered with oceans and seas and “ Maritime ” place in the area FIELD PRODUCTION PRODUCTION and cultivation ” The environment in which the profession works is the seas and oceans. To do so, knowing the biological structure and characteristics of the marine environment, related to them Keeping records by collecting examples, biological and oceans that occur To identify ecological events have an important place in the execution of these professions. Because the biological events that occur in the seas and oceans, together with many events It has an important place in the structure of the ocean and seas by working. If your profession He does not know these features of the environment you will do enough and the measures If you don't get it, you won't be able to achieve success and be efficient.
It is really very important in recent years in terms of aquaculture in our country. developments have been. The foundation of the food chain in the water environment is water living in water and photosynthesis Single -celled creatures that can do; In other words, phytoplanktonic organisms. Because It also occupies an important place in breeding studies. Many of the water creatures aimed at cultivation The first ring of the chain is phytoplankton and the second ring is animal Plankton (Zooplankton) creates. The first step in the nutrition of the creature aimed at production in a breeding study Fitoplankton that creates directly in the cultivation of arthropods and molluscs, directly, various Small animal creatures used to feed the larvae of fish species It is also used indirectly by feeding (such as rolifers, artemia). For these reasons, larvae production, the first stage of the production of aquaculture The importance of artemia, which is a zooplanton species in nutrition, is both too much and abandoned. It is impassable. In other words, it is one of the most important conditions of success in the production of aquaculture. One is that Artemia Salina eggs can be incubated efficiently.
While cruising on a captain's ship, no attention from the ship and its surroundings Time does not keep it away. Permanently the indicator showing the ship and the environment and their status and follow the devices. Against possible dangers and to be noticed as soon as possible takes the measure. When a danger arises, it interferes with the situation as soon as possible. Prevents damage to occur. The currents in the sea are one of the reasons that may cause damage to ships. is. A ship that tries to reach a point from a point with known methods If it enters into the discharge in an unreached situation, it leaves its path and another ship or It can hit the element or land or at least by extending the course of fuel and It may cause a waste of time. However, if the precaution has been taken, all these damages can be prevented. How to come out of the route with a known discharge effect of your ship It shows that you will block and how to take precautions in an unknown discharge.
Especially the extension networks used with small fishing boats, fish The insertion of the gills (galas) or fins rays or hit the network captures by hugging the nets with their movements (Fanalı Mavengs), providing networks. Due to the fact that fish species hunted with extension nets contain many varieties Technical such as equipment features of extension networks and length, height, pot ratio The properties are different. Extension networks hunting that can be described as economic, passive is one of the vehicles. The amount of fish hunted, according to the expenses made during hunting operation It is usually at a good level. The extension network equipment lesson will be able to determine the technical characteristics of extension networks According to the fish species that can make calculations and hunting about the equipment factors. You will be able to equip the extension network types.
The share of aquatic products obtained by hunting in countries with coast on the sea coast It is very high compared to the aquaculture obtained by breeding. Aquaculture in our country The share of hunting in aquaculture production is quite high. Water obtained by our country 70 % of the products of products ’ More than that with hunting methods, only from the Black Sea#8217; is. In this case, hunting has a very important place in aquaculture production Considering, the duly modernized hunting tools used in hunting and suitable hunting methods should be used. In this way, hunting to contribute more to the national economy by increasing the amount of aquaculture obtained will be possible. A special place of hunting made with troll nets in aquaculture obtained by hunting has. In accordance with the depth to be hunted and the fish species to be hunted as a network of network eye opening, hunting season and hunting areas water It is very important to select products in accordance with the legislation. Troll reinforcement lesson to identify the type of troll to be equipped with and make suitable network cuts, lead and You will be able to make mushroom collar equipment and door and bag connections thanks to this course By equipping a troll network of the desired type, you will be able to make it ready for troll hunting.
The construction of marine vehicles has been developing by renewing its technology for centuries. Nowadays, it maintains its importance. Ships, yachts, boats and so on in this area. sea vehicles The first thing to learn for its construction is to draw endaz. Endaze us to obtain the ship measurements we will make on paper on a 1/1 scale. provides. This is very important to compete today without moving to production It allows us to prevent that there may be errors. In material, workmanship and time Prevents losses that may come. The work we do is suitable for the technique and the cost reduces. In ENDAZE – 1 lesson, you first definition of the ship, ship types, the main dimensions of the ship, Ship tonnage and shiver curve are drawn. To know how to draw endazs in order to succeed in people working in this sector. must.
The knowledge and skills that a sailor need at sea are very diverse. The sailor; One of the skills he gained to solve the problems he encounters in the sea and the sea vehicle swimming styles. The man falling into the water in the sea, the boat's floating for any reason Losing for many reasons for the landing of the naval ropes to the land. swimming is needed. These swimming styles are neither a speed purposes like racing swim. purposes. The aim here is that when a sailor needs, one of the styles according to the situation A few of them are for a point other than a point in the water related to their work or to move away. to use. In other words, they are swimming styles that sailors can apply. This Therefore, long distances by spending less energy than racing swimmers is intended to swim. For a good and healthy swimming, heating, muscles and joints need to be prepared. To swim Non -ready muscles and joints can cause disability. Well -made heating and stretching Preparation will also minimize the fatigue that may arise from muscle work after swimming . Free style, which is the easiest and fastest type of swimming, is at a long distance of a sailor and It is a swimming style that it will prefer when it needs speed. The ease of swimming is continuing in swimming in style on the back. also provides. The frog style is visible to the target to be swimming at a shorter distance. It provides an advantage to the sailor in terms of providing swimming without losing. The aim of the side swimming is on the right or left side of the body on the vertical latitude. The continuation of swimming while constant or busy (with ropes, goods, etc.) provides. Many problems you encounter at sea with the information you learned in this course You will be able to solve it.
Food is one of the most important needs of people. The best and most It is the right of our guests to ask for delicious food. Satisfied with eating and drinking People who are not able to ignore the beauty of other services. So almost five You have food knowledge as much as the star hotel cook and the limited opportunities of the ship You need to produce beautiful dishes by adding your creativity. Planned for this Working, making enough storage, making preliminary preparations well, good hardware of the ship It is necessary to recognize. With this course, the proficiency of the preliminary preparations to cook You will win.
We know that hunting has a very important place in aquaculture production. From this perspective In hunting to use water resources more efficiently without damaging fish stocks The duly equipping the hunting tools used and hunting in accordance with the legislation methods should be used. The share of hunting made with purse -pine nets in aquaculture obtained by hunting comes. The fish species to be hunted and hunting to be used In accordance with the technique, the network eye opening is in accordance with the aquaculture legislation It is extremely important to choose. Determining the type of purse to be equipped with a purse -network equipment course Network cutting, lead and mushroom collar equipment and pull ropes You will be able to make your connections.
Fish to use hunting techniques correctly and efficiently in fishing Population (population) made depending on the seasons and the ecological characteristics of water their movements, environmental conditions affecting these movements depend on their genetic structures. It is necessary to examine and investigate the growth and development characteristics. This is all Selecting the appropriate hunting method with the evaluation of information, efficient hunting fields Determining and ultimately protecting fish stocks, a productive hunting activity will be executed. Thanks to the population dynamics lesson, migration can follow fish herds He will be able to investigate the reasons, have information about the causes of death and fish You will be able to make measurements about growth and developments.
“ Maritime ” In the field of ship management ” “ yacht captain ” Captain ” The main works of their profession: ÿ To take a ship from one point to another at sea, Keeping the ship in the sea and the road, ÿ is to ensure that the ship is operated in accordance with its purpose. The fact that the ship is suitable for the sea and the road is a legal obligation. First of all, it is very important for life and property safety. This course; A ship's sea The maintenance required for a long time to be able to serve for a long time partly covers the issues. Learning the course content to you not only in the field of maritime, but in your private life will also provide benefits. This is the maintenance of many materials in your homes. With information, you will be able to make serious contributions to your family budget. 2008
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