Connecting cutters and workpieces on milling stalls, work accidents, We continue with occupational safety. Chain gear and special milling operations course Special milling will give you the ability to open a chain gear on the universal milling loom. You will learn the benches and the working principles. When you start applying the information you will learn in this course and the stalls are closely As you know, you will love your profession more, you will have great interest. Using chain gears, which are different from other gears and different gears. You will see places, manufacturing procedures. Calculating the elements of these gears and universal You will be able to open it on the mill bench. Working of interesting special milling stalls used to manufacture gear wheels You will learn the principles and the works produced with pleasure. Usage of other special milling stalls with an important place in machinery manufacturing You will grasp your purpose and characteristics. At the end of this course, the curiosity of production, which is an important place in strength and movement transmission You will have extensive knowledge and skills about making the gear wheels you have.
Today, the basis of the economies and growth of modern societies In addition to the benefits it provides, industrialization, as well as many problems waiting for a solution brings. Rapidly advancing economic developments and industrial relations, experts in the business world It has made its personnel needs important. Businesses to personnel trained at all levels needs. The complementary of education is undoubtedly the instruments of education. Topics in this course are simple It is sorted towards the complex and has been processed in the simplicity you can understand. The purpose of the course, information about the beds in machine staff and mechanisms course and the pictures of the beds will be appropriate by taking advantage of the appropriate TSE standards. Your pictures are correctly using symbols and using TS -ISO - DIN standard schedules. You will be able to draw, use the necessary symbols on these pictures. Due to the rapid development of technology, team stalls are now available. is manufactured. Computer -aided team looms (CNC) in the best way To know and use machine staff and mechanisms to use very well and use must. Computer -aided team stalls, which have an important place in the industry with beds lesson It will be easier for you to find a job by making you progress. The qualities you will have, It will allow you to be in a better position in the business you work for.
Technology, and therefore industrial and industrial production, dizzying rapidly In this period, you have important tasks. Your success and Happiness is the success of us and our country. Therefore, the profession you have come to love We believe that you will be successful in your branch. Thanks to this success, our competitiveness We also know it will increase. This is what our country expects from us. Machinery Technology Area, as it is today, in the future, the driving force of the industry will. In the marble processing sector, the need for qualified personnel is increasing day by day. In this The biggest reason is the growth of the marble processing sector day by day. Produced Finding the application area of products in large fields is an important profession of marble processing. has made the field. Marble manufacturing stalls and the marble industry advanced at the same speed and It has taken its place in the industry. Machinery Park, with the number of elements it runs and the products it produces Turkey has become one of the important occupational fields of#8217. To the second place after textile in exports settled. The world has had a say in the marble market and the world marble market He has reached a power that directs. Despite these developments is in the phase. The mosaic aging area is newly developing. An important place in the developing marble sector It is seen that it will hold. Applying Mosaic Obedness Technique Opportunities to Country Standards So the country's industry is the most efficient and quality product on the basis of the highest quality product means. Mosaic cutting lesson and mosaic cutting preparation, mosaic-art You will gain the competencies of the cutting of the background stones.
In the marble processing sector, the need for qualified personnel is increasing day by day. In this The biggest reason is the growth of the marble processing sector day by day. Produced The fact that the products find a field of application in large fields is an important profession of marble processing. has made the field. Marble manufacturing stalls and the marble industry advanced at the same speed and It has taken its place in the industry. Machinery Park, with the number of elements it runs and the products it produces Turkey has become one of the important occupational fields of#8217. To the second place after textile in exports settled. The world has had a say in the marble market and the world marble market He has reached a power that directs. Despite these developments is in the phase. Mosaic tubing lesson with the technique, mosaic tulling machines aging You will gain the competence of selection and packaging of the process and mosaic stones.
You learn auto construction technology methods. After completing these lessons successfully Then you will be able to model quickly. You know that you can do this. Difficult You have already seen that it is not. Basically, auto construction lessons consist of design and construction parts. First, the model is drawn with CAD programs on the computer without error, then 3D printer (Rapid prototype) virtual lines you have drawn with the help of the stalls turn into real models. You design and apply. You think, you turn your thought into action. Around that everything you have seen is with a strong design and a serious application. You also appreciate it. So, you can achieve your goals. The size of your goals should not intimidate you, because big goals are easily hit. HE The only thing you have to do is to believe.
Auto construction technique (fast prototype modeling) within the machine technologies is going has increased importance. When the machine is manufacturing, the project is made and the manufacturing stage is started. Today, for manufacturing, the project is not enough. Aesthetics, ergonomic, new designs Usability inspections are possible with fast prototypes without manufacturing parts, It is saved from time and cost. Pre -manufacturing problems with fast prototype resolved. Technology, and therefore industrial and industrial production, dizzying rapidly In this period, you have important tasks. To these technologies The need for the dominant quality and trained elements continues to increase. Design and three -dimensional modeling, tangible objects with fast prototype it takes. You can also model objects used in daily life, various You can create three -dimensional objects with methods. Your success and happiness is the success of us and our country. For this reason, we believe that you will be successful in your section. Thanks to this success, we know that our competitiveness will increase. Our country is from you This is what he expects. Technical and Derser Training of all personnel to be employed in the field of industry They must have completed. Such educational materials are big in this field. It will provide an advantage. We know that the course will offer you the necessary information and wish you success.
Places where the marble produced as blocks in marble quarries is processed, cut and polished marble factories. Marble brought to the factory in block, according to product request It is produced in tiles and/or plates. To be in the factory in order to process the marble blocks brought from January to the factory The required machine systems are collected in four groups: 1. Lifting and transport systems 2. Cutting Systems 3. Size Systems 4. Deletion (polishing, polishing) systems From the machine systems used in the plate cutting in the factory, the hard mine socket with lames Saw Katrak machines used in the most efficient and plate obtaining plates from the block machines. 40, 60, 80 or 120 pieces of lames at the same time very large size plate obtain It is possible to. Although the first investment costs of these machines are high, the future In the stages, it passes the factory in a short time. Machine cutting settings and controls Production in accordance with environmental legislation by being carried out under occupational safety measures In case, it is possible to obtain plates in export quality.
In the marble processing sector, the need for qualified personnel is increasing day by day. In this The biggest reason is the growth of the marble processing sector day by day. Produced The fact that the products find a application area in large pages is an important profession of marble processing. has made the field. Marble manufacturing stalls and the marble industry advanced at the same speed and It has taken its place in the industry. Machinery Park, with the number of elements it runs and the products it produces Turkey has become one of the important occupational fields of#8217. The world has a say in the marble market and has reached a power that directs the world marble market. Despite these developments The shortage of trained employees is extremely high. The number of small marble enterprises is higher than factories. Businesses 3 to 50 Workers operate between the person. All small enterprises are always cutting and head cutting It uses machines. You will take this lesson and fill the gap in this field. With this course, he will recognize head cutting and side cutting machines, on these machines You will be able to cut the marble to the desired sizes and give the profile.
Definitions of wedge and spring, where it is used their classification, equipment, forms of production, TS Benefit from schedules, Kama nests, Sagittarius Account of the elements, wedge tolerances, wedges and springs Kama and Sagittarius according to the data obtained The knowledge and skills to draw pictures are gained learning material.
The product in which classic methods are used and in the past production techniques When produced and then poured into the project, nowadays a product is designed first and then It is produced with zero error and zero fire logic. The cycle time of a product in the market It is decreasing. A company to be technically sufficient to be permanent in the market And he needs to follow the developments continuously. Therefore, companies are educated and They are in search of experienced staff. The most in the search for educated staff The important share is able to design and read and read technical pictures in a computer environment. elements. Costs, labor expenses, stock controls of the products designed in computer environment The analysis is also performed through computer programs. In this respect, product design The ability to draw and read the technical picture, which is the first stage, must be for a technical staff. It is a skill to be won.
One of the elements that are under the basis of technological developments is the technical picture. When we look at the definition of the technical picture “ Picture containing ” we see. Technically, the work done in the professional In order to be explained, the technical picture of#8220 must be drawn. The part of the picture drawn In order to produce, people who can read a technical picture are needed. A part to be produced must be drawn first. You say In the first part, after learning the concept of projection, which is one of the basic subjects of technical painting. Then you will be able to draw sufficient appearance in accordance with the technique. In the second part of the course, the idea about the interior of the pieces to be produced You will be able to draw cross -sectional appearances that allow us to acquire. When you successfully complete this course, the production of machine technology field By thinking and interpreting the machine parts in enterprises, sufficient and cross -section You will be able to draw their appearance.
In a country, industrial production reaches high values, the country's life reflects the fact that its standards will be high. The important thing is from raw material, products At the time of the transition to matter, the production technique, duration, production technique used is suitable and practicality. Nowadays, all things are usually done in computer environment. Industrial Machine and parts designs in the area are made with various graphic programs and computer By transferring to controlled machines (CNC), the parts are manufactured. Technical and Derser Training of all personnel to be employed in the field of industry They must have completed. Such educational materials are big in this field. It will provide an advantage.
Technical paintings, as a language of agreement between people who have been educated in the field of technical emerged. Describing machines, vehicles, facilities, constructions and similar works, It cannot be made by describing in movements or in writing. Such works but technical picture can be expressed with the help. Therefore, people who know the technical picture, which language they speak Talk to another person who knows the technical picture all over the world to communicate easily can install. It is obligatory to be used in painting applications due to the importance of technical painting. Knowing in the standard of writing, numbers and lines and in accordance with international norms must. By deciding which type of line, writing and figure, where to use it, The picture you draw must be understandable and describe the correct information. Also in this course; Right drawings, angle drawings, right and springs issues such as combining. Students who have successfully completed this course market They will have the competence to make conscious technical drawing according to their conditions. It should not be forgotten that; To draw every product produced in the market must be drawn is required. Accordingly, the practical knowledge of geometric technical drawings is required.
Development of technology It is based on automating with control. For this reason, with hand labor on classical stalls The process sequence and systematic of the transactions should be known. This information and Employees with skills on computer controlled benches and harmony It is quite easy to provide. In classic lathe stalls, cylindrical turning, forehead turning, hole drilling Transactions can be done easily. However, the turning of non -cylindrical parts When it comes to the subject, the turning process can be made using vulnerable mirrors. Similar To be able to do special turning process for the eccentric shafts, cam, etc. It is necessary to know separately construction methods. Before taking this course, it is not possible to do it in the lathe ” what you think Follow with interest and pleasure how to make pieces on the lathe bench while taking the lesson You will learn by.
Toothed wheels with an important place in the machine elements, and this gear For you to learn the endless screw and response gear system used in the wheels It will be useful. In this course, you can better grasp the endless screw and response gear system. The subject is handled in two main sections. In the first section; Infinite screw and screw elements Defined, screw elements were calculated with examples. Also your endless screw The methods of construction on the universal bench are explained by examples and toothed wheel equipment calculations has been done. In the second and last section, the response gear is handled, the gear and gear Examples of the necessary calculations for the construction of the elements were introduced. It is solved. After opening the gear, the control of the gear is explained. At the end of this course, it is related to recognition and production of endless screws and response gear As you will have the necessary theoretical knowledge, at the same time the endless screw and gear You will also have practical information.
Computer Controlled Production Counters (CNC) In developing technology, production is indispensable has been a part. The most important reason here is that your production with these stalls is fast, error -free, short timely in full way to be done in full way. In addition, the digital data of data It is to keep it and then use it as much as desired. Computer -linked Many stalls can be controlled from a center in flexible production systems, information transfer and can control production situations. CNC technology stalls, cad Design Programs, Glass Computer Aided Modeling and Production Today forms the basis of technologies. The simplest home used from the vehicle and equipment industry to automotive technology, space research from scientific experiments and research immediately It is used in almost every field. Especially the machine manufacturing sector, this is used It is the top of the systems. Good in their fields of trained technical staff working in this production sector degree basic computer information, basic drawing and modeling, computer aided production They need information. Technique that receives enough information in these areas and educates itself Elements can have employment opportunities in almost all production sectors and can start business life.
When you complete this course, the triangular screw and hole operations successfully you will bring. In order to be successful, you should do what is desired carefully and willingly. If you succeed, the eye of the machine technology, which is the basis of today's technologies MANUFACTURING PROCEDURE OF MACHINE MANUFACTURING Branch with Bab And you will have received hole operations training.
Hydraulic and Pnomatic Special It is used in almost all technological areas. Each you will win the maintenance and repair of pnomatic circuit machinery Skill will make you a significant contribution to you in acquiring profession and finding a job. Because Hydraulic and pnomatic develop very rapidly electronic, machinery, maritime, aviation, It is widespread in mining and many other areas. Pneumatics, which is an indispensable element of today's technology Learning the maintenance and repair of the construction machinery to which it is used It will be a sought -after qualified element in businesses will provide you with significant advantages. For this reason, the skills you will gain in this field in the configuration of your future It will provide an indispensable advantage.
The dizzying rapidly of technology and therefore industrial and industrial production In this period, you have an important task in this period. Your success and happiness is the success of us and our country. For this reason, we believe that you will be successful in your section. We believe that our competitiveness will increase thanks to this success. This is what our country expects from us. In the future as in today's profession, our branch of profession is the driving force of the industry. It is the field of manufacturing. The topics in this course are important issues that create basic operations in turning covers. Technical of all qualified elements that the industry needs in the future You should know that the training will be the staff who have completed the derbser training. With these wishes We are waiting for your success.
Manufacturing sector Laboring process from the laundry operations in the center and production stalls has made progress with the development of technology. Machinery technology A large and rapid development has been achieved in the field and turning technology. Today's CNC The lathe stalls are an indication of this development. The basis of the development in this technology Knowing the contents of the course of the basic turning process that creates. Your application will increase your knowledge and skills in this field and the basic turning The processes will form the basis of the course II. Knowing and Application is an important feature sought in the machine manufacturer. Therefore, in addition to your previous knowledge and skills; * Knowing the cutting sets to be used in the lathe, * Connecting the cutting sets to the lathe bench, * Connecting the workpieces to be processed with appropriate binding tools, * Measurement procedures during processing of workpieces, * Grace bench * Drilling the punta hole to the piece on the lathe bench, * Cylindrical turning on the lathe counter, * Grandnut torn bench on the bench, Aims to give you information and skills on its subjects
Machinery manufacturing, industrial moldism, industrial modeling and computer Basic manufacturing procedures of people working in occupational branches such as the supported machine painter they need to know. Stoning constitutes the latest phase of basic manufacturing operations. On each other The desired tolerance and surface of the workpieces working by sliding or turning within each other They need to be processed in their quality. If these transactions are in the desired surface quality and size If not done, the material, workmanship spent for the construction of the workpieces that have come to the grinding phase Time, the use of the counter and electricity consumption, such as work and expenditures have been wasted will. This lesson about cornerstones: * Job Binding Tools * Removal of bench failures * Connecting sanding stones to the counter * Rules to be considered in plane surface grinding * Information and skills on the rules to be considered in cylindrical surface grinding aims to gain.
The grinding technology will be taught in the 10th grade in this course. In the manufacturing of machinery, the operations of the sanding stones by removing chip Exercises and technological information are presented. In this course, the varieties of sanding stones, characteristics, unifyers, especially shavings The technique and grinding tools of the grinding operations performed by removing were emphasized. In terms of application technique, rather than the design of grinding stalls, ready to process In the case of how to benefit from this was given importance. The grinding process is applied on finished works in manufacturing. Improves your aesthetic sense, Increases business sensitivity. You become a sought -after element in the labor market. I believe that the education and training will be beneficial for you.
The place of technical painting in production cannot be discussed. There will be no production without technical painting There is also a need for technical staff to express the technical picture in the best way. This course is for you for the production of endless screws and response gear and chain gear wheels. The necessary information and the necessary information and the necessary technical picture will gain skill. Among the educated elements in the industry by making the necessary efforts We believe that you will take your place and wish you success.
By understanding the basic issues in order to keep up with the developments in the industry, Technical developments that can comprehend technological developments and make significant contributions to developments Elements are needed. Your success means the success of us and our country. Thanks to these achievements We believe that our competitiveness will increase and we will make significant progress. The place of technical painting in production cannot be discussed. There will be no production without technical painting There is a need for technical staff to express the best technical picture. This course is necessary for you for the production of cylindrical helic -toothed wheel and conical gear wheel. The technical picture, which will enable you to draw the necessary information and skills will win. Among the educated elements in the industry by making the necessary efforts We believe that you will take your place and wish you success.
In this century, science and technology are at an unimaginable speed in every field. developing. By understanding the basic issues in order to keep up with the developments in the industry, Technical developments that can comprehend technological developments and make significant contributions to developments Elements are needed. Your success means the success of us and our country. Thanks to these achievements We believe that our competitiveness will increase and we will make significant progress. The place of technical painting in production cannot be discussed. There will be no production without technical painting There is a need for technical staff to express the best technical picture. This course is necessary for the production of the cylindrical flat toothed wheel and creamy -toothed wheel. It will enable you to draw the technical picture in a complete way and will gain skill. Among the educated elements in the industry by making the necessary efforts We believe that you will take your place and wish you success. 2008
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