Turkening varieties in Turkey ’ It is produced in businesses. Increasingly in recent years and especially for the external market, Production from small enterprises, with the necessity of more systematic and conscious work It has caused it to turn to businesses. This situation, pickle production in the food industry It increases its importance day by day. However, nowadays, families will make the pickles that they will consume in their homes. It limits the production of businesses to the domestic market. Pickle enterprises are mostly of different countries He chooses to open to the external market by making production in accordance with his appreciation. This situation under hygienic conditions, the likes of the people of different countries and certain standards It gives rise to the need for elements that can produce appropriate pickles. In this course, the most applied pickles in enterprises and the construction stages you will learn. With this information, it can produce pickles of different types in pickle enterprises. You can be a quality and sought -after element.
It is important to make foods as much as food production throughout history. has been. Therefore, various methods to protect food against deterioration developed. To maintain vegetables and fruits by pickling, the oldest methods is between. That pickles began with the recognition of salt and the production of vinegar. assumed. Pickle production has eventually emerged the need to consume vegetables in all seasons. For this reason, pickles are usually made in autumn and consumed in winter. The construction of the pickles made in our country is different. In this difference, Vegetable production situations and taste of our regions are effective. At first, the amount to meet the needs of each family and appropriate for the pleasure With the production of pickles made as the population shift to cities, food businesses undertook. Food industry developments in the world in Turkey in the businesses in the businesses Industrialization has been made in pickled production by making up. Thus, in vegetables and fruits The concept of pickles began to produce different species. The first stage of production in pickle enterprises is to choose the appropriate raw material and the necessary preliminary to do operations. In addition, making salamura preparation for pickle production is the most important and attention. is the matter that should be. In order to produce information and application topics in this course, vegetables and The qualifications sought in the fruits, the preliminary procedures to be applied to raw materials, necessary for brine You will gain the ability to prepare brine with materials and properties. This information you It will make it privileged in the sector.
Fermentation in food industry; By increasing the environmental acidity of certain microorganisms, Used to create a protective effect. With this method, different flavor foods are obtained. Pickles are the leading foods produced with fermentation technique. During fermentation, microorganism work under controlled conditions and hygienic It is very important to perform in an environment. In the pickles made at home, the pickle was established Since many microorganisms can be found in the container, the desired fermentation, so The desired flavor may not occur. Fermentation to cope with such problems today It is necessary to follow the process and take the necessary precautions for the problems that may occur. Moreover In order to meet the needs of external demand, more quality products are searching and in the domestic market The consumer's awareness will protect the product for a long time, prevent softening, desired Color, flavor, odor and structure to make products that will give products to be done makes it necessary. With this course, the vehicles used in pickle fermentation should be carried. Features, fermentation technique and pickle fermentation process during fermentation You will be able to learn ways to prevent errors that may occur. Also fermentation Filling, packaging, pasteurization and storage conditions of completed pickles You will be able to comprehend. Thanks to this information, an element with the qualifications sought in the sector you will be.
Turkish society, which has tried different types of yogurt with various searches from past to present For strained yogurt has been an important part of nutrition. With different names in our country The said strained yogurt was first tried by the nomadic Turkish tribes. To increase the durability of yogurt and to ensure ease of storage. strained yogurt is referred to by yogurt and concentrated yogurt etc. Your yogurt is the cloth It is made by draining in bags. Partial nutritional value during filtering, especially B It is a product rich in protein, fat and calcium, although it is lost in vitamins. The amount of dry matter increased with draining, filtered yogurt softly structured, consistent, easy It is a fermented dairy product with its ability to apply and whiten. Traditionally consumed simply, as well as soups, with fries, In sauces, salads and appetizers, dessert, pastry, donut and so on. often in the production of food is used. With this course, making preliminary processes for the production of strained yogurt production, milk Inocle and incubate, concentrating yogurt, filtering yogurt packaging and In your work life by acquiring the necessary information and skills in storage issues You will have the opportunity to apply. All the information and skills you have acquired in this sector It will make you become a qualified person. How many calories of strained yogurt: 100 grams is worth 40 calories. If the oil is excess, it can be up to 80-120 calories.
Agriculture has an important place in the world and in Turkey. Due to its average increase in an average of 2 % and per capita income increase. There is an increase in food products demand. Healthy and balanced nutrition has gained more importance and People have begun to become aware. Cleaner, more fresh and quick -distorted, durability The preference of excess products has increased. For this reason, the vegetables and fruits from production to harvest, even until they come to the consumer The process of its passing is important. During this process, nutritional values should be preserved and in healthy conditions It should be kept and presented to the consumer in clean environments. In the countries of the world, both culturally and evaluated as different herbs vegetables and fruits contain carbohydrates, fat, proteins, vitamins, minerals and pulp It has a significant effect on human nutrition in terms of its content. With this course, after the transfer of vegetables and fruits to the business and transferred You will have the necessary knowledge and skills about being into operation. When you successfully complete the course, the producer or collection of vegetables and fruits You will be able to buy from centers.
Making canned from fruits that grow abundantly under suitable climatic conditions in our country By means of these fruits, it provides consumption in the seasons and regions. The main purpose of canning of fruits; by preventing the phenomenon of deterioration Together with the nutritional value, color, aroma and physical structure of the sensory qualifications, briefly to ensure that the quality is at least affected. Fruit canned lesson in the production of cherry, plum, apricot and grapefruit can It includes process steps and application activities. In the future, canned factories will be one of your working areas. If this It will especially contribute to industrial production. Fruit to be successful in this regard It is possible to learn the canned course very well. To better understand this course ” canned production technology, fruit and Preliminary processes in vegetables ” It will be useful to review the course. This course will guide you about producing fruit canned types. I wish you success.
Marmalade varieties are widely common in pastry and breakfast. is used. For this reason, various marmalades are made in homes and food industry. Among the known and widely consumed marmalade varieties, apple, quince, peach, apricot, Strawberry, cherry, plum, fig, orange and so on. countable. Marmalad from dried fruits can be done. Right selection of raw materials in making marmalade varieties, preliminary operations Application, obtaining appropriate pulp, cooking and postponing processes They are the necessary elements for quality production. Working by acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills for the production of marmalade types in this course You will have the opportunity to apply in your life. All the information and skills you have acquired are yours It will make you become a qualified person in the sector.
All the stages you will apply to your pasta dough are good no matter how good If you do not implement the shaping process, one of the main criteria for the pasta should be you will not provide. This situation negatively affects the sale as it disrupts the product quality. It causes economic loss of your business. Pasta is indispensable for both economic and wealth of appearance in our tables. It is a product. This is the shape of the pasta that provides richness. The dough, which is an important step in making pasta in this topic with you We will start by learning the varieties of macarna. Production examples of pasta varieties according to their techniques and appearances you will find. After the pasta dough, kneaded and vacuum air, different pasta It comes to give its shape according to its varieties. At this stage, the tools that come into play are used By examining the equipment and the methods applied, the competence in shaping pasta We tried to get you to get the information you can earn.
The products subject to the food industry are increasing in terms of variety. The final product Durable, reliable and diverse, the qualifications of the consumer in packaging, supply Factors such as the importance of diversification requirements to the food industry It increases the importance given day by day. This is the competition between manufacturer companies It gives a new direction to the industry by fueling it and helps it develop rapidly. This In line with the developments, the need for qualified intermediate staff in the sector increases. Food control is one of the branches in which food production develops. When you complete this course, the necessary tool is – Using equipment and chemicals, drinking and You will have the ability to apply use of waters analysis.
One of the indispensable products of the food industry is bread. Every country, every region There are different bread habits. However, globalization is as well as in the field of food. has removed the boundaries. With the contributions of developing technology, everyone is on all kinds of bread. wants to see. The demands of the consumer are constantly increasing in terms of variety, durability and reliability. Changing and developing palate flavors to rise in the standard of living, social life brings Obligations have led to the development of a different understanding in bread production. The most desirable product is to capture, keep and increase the customer base. Do not fall behind in competition. This competition is only continuous development and qualified It is provided by elements. Regardless of the types of bread and techniques used in preparing dough, common feature fermentation. Fermentation is one of the most important factors that determine the quality of bread. To the technique With a suitable fermentation process, it has a highly attractive bread appearance. You can be. At the end of this lesson, the labor you give to the bread dough is shaped and swollen you can see. When you assimilate the information given, you can give the dough you want, You will have knowledge and skills to perform fermentation stages. The success of the work done willingly and carefully will be great. No value of our country There is no luxury of losing. Your energy and labor in revealing quality products We trust you will use it. Being successful is necessary for yourself and then for society. Success by working successfully You provide happiness.
Bread is one of the indispensable products of the food industry. Every country, every region There are different bread habits. But globalization is in bread as in everything else. has removed the boundaries. With the contributions of developing technology, everyone is on all kinds of bread. He wants to see. increasing. Changing and developing palate tastes, rise in living standard, social life The obligations it brought have led to a different understanding of bread production. The most desirable product is to capture, keep and increase the customer base. Do not fall behind in competition. This competition is only continuous development and qualified It is provided by elements. Although bread production is generally seen as the same features, regional It is a sector showing differences. However, the methods used to prepare dough and legal Provisions are basic concepts that do not change for every bread manufacturer. At the end of this course, the basic and auxiliary laws about bread, bread It has the ability to learn the components and bread dough making techniques and knead the dough you will be. No matter how you chose your department, the success of the work done with love and carefully It is possible. Our country has no luxury to lose any value. QUALITY YOUR ENERGY AND LABOR We trust that you will use it to reveal products. Being successful is necessary for yourself and then for society. Success by working successfully You provide happiness. We wish you to find and succeed.
As you know, yogurt is traditionally in our society since ancient times. It is a dairy product produced. However, today's rapid progress in science and technology As a result, industrial production of yogurt is realized. Like this It has been out of traditional patterns, faster and standard production. Milk and to produce quality and standard yogurt in enterprises producing dairy products In order to protect consumer health and to ensure compliance with regulations and standards It is important. Production is made by the elements trained in this field. Since the past, yogurt making, in places or periods without cooling Milk was the simplest, easy and reliable evaluation method. Since long years Yogurt, which is loved by our people and consumed in large amounts It plays an important role in human nutrition. Yogurt Turkey ’ the most known and most consumed (recognized) fermented milk milk is the product. The main reason for this is for a long time when the yogurt is kept in the cold Due to its storage and low pH value, pathogen that microorganisms cannot maintain their vitality for a long time. Yogurt lesson varieties of yogurt; The sensory, chemical, nutrition and health of yogurt Preliminary procedures to be applied to the milk to be used for yogurt production Attention during packaging, cooling and storage The issues that need to be seen in yogurt can be seen in the deterioration, defects and yogurt Factors that affect the quality of the tool used during production – Recognition of equipment and It includes the points to be considered. In order to better understand this course “ Preliminary procedures applied to milk ” Your lesson Review will increase success.
Ice cream pleasant aroma, taste and appearance by many people Season is a dairy product consumed by loving. Although the energy content is not much, vitamin And its rich in minerals increases its importance in terms of nutrition. It is not known where ice cream first emerged. But to its construction Many things are said about. In some sources, ice cream is at the beginning of the 16th century. Italy is also discovered in Italy. Again, according to some sources, ice cream is the first time ice cream It was made in England after the discovery. In our country, the first ice cream production in 1900 Istanbul and Kahramanmaraş. Today, ice cream sector, food industry and milk technology fastest It is one of the developing and increasing branches. Ice Cream Sector in our country The most important reason for rapid growth is that the raw material is abundant, cheap and varied. Milk again Our people who do not like to drink very much in summer and winter months show extreme interest in ice cream This supports the development of the sector. Ice cream; In general, milk and dairy products, sweeteners, stabilizers, Emulsives, drinkable water, color, aroma and condimental substances of the mixture As a complex product obtained by processing in special layouts called freezer defined. In this course, the necessary information about ice cream production, packaging and hardening issues And you will have the opportunity to apply in your working life by acquiring skills. You acquired All information and skills will ensure that you are qualified staff in this sector.
The importance of fermented dairy products in human nutrition for many years is known. The most important consumption of yogurt, which is one of the products in question, is the most important consumption in our country. One of the shapes is ayran. Although there is no definite information, for the production of yogurt in our country It is estimated that the amount of milk separated is processed by 20-30 %. As you know, yogurt and buttermilk, since ancient times, traditional in our society is a dairy product produced as. But today, the rapid science and technology As a result of the progress, the production of these products in industrial dimensions is realized. Thus, faster and standard Production phase has been reached. Quality and standard in enterprises producing milk and dairy products to produce buttermilk, to protect consumer health and to regulations and standards It is important to ensure suitability. Production by employees trained in this field is done. In terms of ease of digestion and refreshing effect, both in cities and rural The production of buttermilk, which is consumed in a large amount in the sections, especially in summer months increasing. For many years, it has been loved by our people and consumed in large amounts This product also plays an important role in human nutrition due to its high nutritional value. Ayran course, buttermilk production methods; Sensitive, chemical, nutrition and Health features in terms of health; Preliminary procedures to be applied to the milk to be used for buttermilk production; Inoculation and incubation processes; Attention during packaging, cooling and storage The issues to be; Recognition of equipment and equipment used during production It includes the points to be considered.
The drying process is one of the oldest methods used to protect food. Dried foods maintain their durability for a long time. Because the amount of water it contains is low Microorganisms that disrupt the food can not develop and multiply. Drying process in previous years, usually outdoors solar energy was made using it. Today, in line with the research conducted in the sun It is not very healthy to dry, in terms of quality and energy and nutrient values to the product Damages were found and different drying methods were developed. From solar energy and the systems that make drying processes by using solid fuel have been developed and especially fruit It is easier to obtain products for healthier and more suitable for drying criteria. Dried fruits are rich in nutritional value and at the same time healthy for both the domestic market has taken its place in the foreign market. You are also the preliminary processes applied to the fruits to be dried with this course, drying Keeping the methods in appropriate warehouse conditions by packaging the dried product you will learn. When you successfully complete the fruits drying course, dried fruit production You can have the opportunity to work in businesses.
Marmalades obtained as a result of the fresh and dry fruit pastes are treated with sugar It is one of the sugary products that are consumed by loving. Adding richness to the tables both at breakfast tables and afternoon breakfast Marmalads also used frequently for preparation and decoration such as cake, biscuits, cookies, etc. It is a product of high energy value. Nowadays, almost many fruits can be produced marmalade. If desired, two or more fruit pastes showing smell, flavor and color harmony Marmalade can be produced by mixing. Quince, plum, cherry, peach, raspberry, strawberry, apple, apricot and so on. fruits Marmalads are consumed by loving. Working with this course by acquiring the necessary information and skills for the production of marmalade You will have the opportunity to apply in your life. All the information and skills you have acquired are yours It will make you become a qualified person in the sector.
The products subject to the food industry are increasing in terms of variety. The final product Durable, reliable and diverse, the qualifications of the consumer in packaging, supply Factors such as the importance of diversification requirements to the food industry It increases the importance given day by day. This is the competition between manufacturer companies It gives a new direction to the industry by fueling it and helps it develop rapidly. This In line with the developments, the need for qualified intermediate staff in the sector increases. Food control is one of the branches in which food technology develops. When you complete this lesson, make the detection of meat and meat products. You will have the skill You will be successful in your area where you have come and thanks to this success We know that our competitiveness will increase and we can produce better quality products. Our country This is what he expects from us. Your success and happiness is the success of us and our country. We know that the course will offer you the necessary information and skills and wish you success.
Kefir, our traditional heritage, the Turks 5000 years ago The first fermented milk drink they find. Today, the most recognized in the world after yogurt It is one of the fermented dairy products. When it comes to adequate and balanced diet Especially milk and dairy products are an unrivaled food. On the human nutrition of kefir, which is a source of health ranging from past to present It has a special importance. This importance is probiotic bacteria in the composition of kefir and It comes from yeasts. Therefore, in the biological structure of human beings and Kefir is of great importance in metabolism. As a result of research conducted day by day in the field of science and technology, kefirin Fabrication production is carried out. So you get quality and standard kefir can be. There is a need for personal competences to produce kefir in accordance with the laws. Kefir lesson preliminary procedures, culture addition, incubation, packaging and storage includes subjects. At the end of this course, working by acquiring the necessary information and skills for kefir production You will have the opportunity to apply in your life. All the information and skills you have acquired are yours It will make you become a qualified person in the sector.
Carbohydrates are the most common organic molecule on earth In addition, it is a food element that provides energy to the body. The most basic substance that needs living things to make their lives food. Carbohydrates of great importance for all living things, plants and animals It plays a role in metabolism. Carbohydrates are the most common nutrients in our food. What we need We provide 50-60 %of the energy from the reluctant. It is also known as sugar among the people. In fact, the carbohydrate, which is called sugar, is saccharosis. The type and amount of the component in each food is different from one. Carbohydrates They consist of monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides. They are divided into mono sacchars that make up themselves. Carbohydrates also have an important place in the food industry. Consistency, sweetener, The gel formator is due to its ability to make oils. Classification of carbohydrates with this course, physical and chemical properties and In the food industry, the use of areas of use, carbohydrates from other food components you will be able to distinguish.
Consumer looking for durability and quality characteristics in the product to be consumed. It has adopted the use of various additives. To foods The additives that are involved at a variety of levels are now seen as usual. It is now known in today's technology that it may be harmful if it participates in the ratio and with additives. Foods are consumed safely. One of the most discussed issues that concern consumer rights and the most discussed. They are additives found in ready -made food products. All of us, always, everywhere We consume foods; In fact, the social conditions we live in require this. No matter how much we take care of healthy eating, a container fruit yogurt or dry fruit While eating, we consume a number of chemicals. A foodstuffs in the structure and quality of the milk, which is an important place in our nutrition, It has not yet been synthesized in nature. As in all other foods, milk and dairy products At various stages of production, additives of different characteristics are used. To compete with developed countries and to reach the desired level of quality, produced It is possible with control of the products starting from raw material until they reach the consumer. In this course, the control of the protective agents participating in the raw material (milk) The methods of analysis are emphasized and food additives are the protective participating in the milk. The possibility of learning and implementing the purpose of the purpose and some of some of them you will find.
The biggest trump card of competitor companies in the food industry Undoubtedly, there will be reliable and high quality products produced under hygienic conditions. In businesses Hygiene and sanitation in all stages from the production of foodstuffs to consumption to apply and control the rules of many risk factors affecting food safety will minimize. In the effective way of hygiene and sanitation control in food enterprises It is very important to use HACCP programs. In accordance with each business structure Hygiene and sanitation control programs should prepare and the success of the program microbiological It should measure by making controls. Hazards with hygiene and sanitation control programs and necessary measures are taken against these dangers. These programs The importance of teamwork is inevitable in achieving success. The creation of the program and HACCP team plays an important role in implementation. Haccp control programs are good It should be supported by hygiene and production applications. As a result, food safety and efforts to protect quality are large for the consumer. is important. For this reason, hygiene and sanitation control in food enterprises In order to implement and succeed in the programs, at the appropriate intervals and Microbiological controls in environments regularly and planned, data recording should be under. With this course, personnel in accordance with hygiene and sanitation control programs Sanitation, samples taken from critical checkpoints and the atmosphere of the operating environment He will be able to control by doing microbiological sowing and in your working life you will be able to apply. With your knowledge, skills and equipment, qualified in the food industry You will have element properties. Hygiene and sanitation is a part of our lives Never forget that it is and its importance in the food industry.
Today, ready -made food canned consumption is increasing rapidly. Hotels, restaurants, In terms of alleviating the workload of collective nutritional organizations such as catering companies Ready -made food can be used. Fruits and vegetables Keeping canning at times contributes to the family and institution economically, while tables enriching, food element values of foods are excessive. prevents. Since the cooking time will decrease, the ease of preparation in a short time provides. Therefore, women's more involved in working life, here The time spent is high, the increase in the time for transportation between the workplace and the home Reasons The use of canned foods that have reduced the time to cook at home has increased. Therefore, canned can be eaten without having to do any action. Production has taken its place in the industry. The food sector is ready for the taste of every society. can produce. Turkish cuisine, with a rich variety of ready -made food can also provides opportunities. In this way, Turkish food businesses appeal to the tastes of different peoples can produce ready -made food canned foods. Ready -made food can be in the form of meat or herbal liquid oil. In our country Mostly coin -consuming stuffed, vegetables frying, olive oil vegetable dishes and pilaki canned foods are produced. Canned vegetables in the production of ready -made food canned food Although the general principles in the construction are valid, many raw materials to production Participation and necessity to come to the table in a way that can be defeated ready -made food, makes vegetables different from canned food. With this course, the production phase of the two basic varieties from the ready -made food cannons You will be able to learn by learning. Ready food thanks to the knowledge and skills you have learned You will be a qualified personnel in the enterprises that produce canned.
Approximately 25 %of the foods produced in the world are sensory with the effect of microorganisms, It is impaired by undergoing physical, enzymatic and chemical changes. These changes, which cause food to deteriorate, are under control and deterioration. It can be completely or partially prevented. In this way, the same causes of deterioration are eliminated At the time of the nutritional value of food, color, aroma and physical structure of the sensory qualifications The quality is also preserved. With this course, to control, destroy and control microbial activities in foods. To increase the shelf life of foods, various thermal procedures, keep in cold, ice cream, You will learn the principles of drying, irradiation, controlled and modified atmosphere. When you complete this course with success, you love your profession, microbial in foods. It will be an employee who can safely maintain the activities and safely. You will be able to work better.
The products subject to the food industry are increasing in terms of variety. The final product Durable, reliable and diverse, the qualifications of the consumer in packaging, supply Factors such as the importance of diversification requirements to the food industry This situation increases the importance given day by day. increases the industry by giving a new direction and helps to develop rapidly. This In line with the developments, the need for qualified intermediate staff in the sector increases. Food control is one of the branches in which food production develops. When you complete this course, using the necessary tools and chemicals, gerber and You will have the ability to apply oil determination with extraction methods. You will be successful in your area where you have come and thanks to this success We know that our competitiveness will increase and we can produce better quality products. Our country This is what he expects from us. Your success and happiness is the success of us and our country.
One of the oldest of the food storage methods of foods using salt to increase the durability of the company, the development of microorganisms Salt is used to prevent protective effects and provide flavor. The amount of salt added during processing to foods according to the type of food and processing changes. These amounts are specified in the relevant product communiqués of the Turkish Food Codex. By food control units at certain intervals or from various foods It is analyzed by taking samples. The sample will be given the correct result about the product product. should be quantity and feature. Determination of Salt Quantity in Food Laboratories In accordance with the standards of the manufacturer In terms of controlling production, as well as the criteria specified on the post -production label It is important in terms of determining whether or not it is followed. In this course, preparing foods for salt determination, titration in salt determination and taken With the results, methods of calculating the amount of salt in foods are explained. After reading and understanding carefully, you can also make applications and calculations. It is thought to help you.
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