Moisture and dry matter in foods are one of the important factors that determine the quality of food. Moisture, dried and packaged foodstuffs before and after processing Then it is a quality criterion in determining the shelf life and storage conditions. The shelf life of food; When the product is stored in appropriate storage conditions, sensory (Organoleptic), chemical, physical properties, nutritional values and quality is the time it can be protected. The composition of food, production steps, packaging and storage conditions shelf life determines. Factors such as temperature, relative humidity, oxygen and light during storage Shocking shelf life by reducing its quality. The total amount of dry matter in foods is both dry matter and water ratio of food The composition of food allows us to learn about the nutritional value and quality. For example Dry in foods such as cheese, yogurt, tomato paste, juice that we frequently use in daily life High amount of substances, the nutritional value, production quality and price of the food directly affects. Moisture and dry matter determination in food laboratories to both the manufacturer's standards In terms of controlling appropriate production, as well as the criteria specified on the post -production label It is important in terms of determining whether or not it is followed.
They form the structure of all animal and herbal living cells and protoplasm. The components of enzymes and hormones that perform metabolism are also protein. Protein -free There is no life. Carbohydrates and fats are the most important energy source of living things. But this nutrient The elements of the organism in the organism of new tissues and repair the replacement of proteins never they can't. Chemically 20 amino acids are connected to each other with peptide bonds and three The basic elements found in the structure of proteins formed by gaining dimensional structure, carbon, Hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur. Total amount of organic nitrogen in foods or directly It is indicated as nitrogen or as a protein. Each food contains a different rate of protein. The nutritional value and quality of foods The amount of protein should also be determined in the determination. Animal and herbal origin Many methods have been developed for protein determination in foods. Business for protein determination The load and the instruments in the enterprise, for example features and homogeneity, analysis As a result of the desired degree of sensitivity, this is taken into consideration. One of the methods is selected. The most commonly used method in the determination of protein Danish chemist Johan Kjeldahl ’ It is the Kjeldahl method it develops. The main purpose of the Kjeldahl method is the free nitrogen in foods. It is translated into ammonium ion and animal feeds, not only in foods with KJeldahl method, Nitrogen and protein can be determined in many different samples such as fertilizer and garbage. Proteins and amino acids in routine analysis are not separately as a total raw protein Detected according to the amount of nitrogen they contain in the assets and proteins in foods. The amount of raw protein is determined by multiplying with a certain factor. You will work as a quality control element in the food sector “ Raw protein determination ” In accordance with the analysis method with the course ’ You will be able to prepare and determine protein. It is very important that you can apply the content of the course without error. Information given And your teachers will help you to obtain skills. But learning Your responsibility belongs to you.
Depending on the rapid developments in science and technology, more new, more, more, More functional foods are produced. However, the lack of control in particular and due to many factors, including economic reasons Diseases are increasing. On the other hand, 93 %of the diseases caused by foods in the researches It shows that microbial, 4 % is responsible for chemical hazards. Inadequate cooling of 80 % foods among the causes of food poisoning, food Waiting for a long time until serving, insufficient heat treatment, at unsuitable temperature Storing and employment of infected people and so on. countable. The foods we consume to protect our health are suitable for cleaning and hygiene conditions. Since it is produced in environments and by conscious people, it is far from risks that disrupt our health. we want. Every day television, newspapers and so on. Foods from broadcasting bodies are under negative conditions and With many news about uncontrolled processing “ Food Terror ” as we encounter. Your laws The use of additives that he does not allow, paints that should not be used in foods, appropriate Production of non -raw materials and inappropriate conditions, human health Like being careful. The development of consumer consciousness in hygiene issues, already existing laws and It will require compliance with regulations and thus the number of such events will decrease. In this course; Turkish Food Codex Regulation ’ From production to the consumer from production to the process of processing foods at every stage Hygiene and sanitation rules to be followed are included. So this lesson When you complete it, it has information about the rules of food production in accordance with health. you will be
The profession you have chosen is very closely related to human health. This The professional branch of sanitation and hygiene rules by adopting more requires. Sanitation of the life vessel of the course and hygiene. Research shows that; Sanitation and Hygiene Visit to customers' workplace again It is a very important factor in making it. Customers' ideas on this issue with their close circles shares. Due to the lack of this issue, many entrepreneurs have noticed their workplace has to close. Production and offering services in tourism and food enterprises It is based on manpower. The success of the business is well educated, knowledgeable and experienced. connected. To be able to make this profession professionally, to progress, The condition of maintaining a comfortable life by making money is the knowledge and skills in this course to win well.
We know that pastry works are one of the basic poles of Turkish cuisine. Mince, Cheese, Potato, Spinach, Eggplant, Olives In short, pastries that can be made with all kinds of materials, Observations, breads, ravioli and desserts are among the indispensables of our taste. The main materials of the pastry work should also be taken into consideration. It is an important advantage. Another reason why pastry dishes are so popular is, Easy to pay attention to some technical issues that are clearly mentioned in this course can be prepared. Knowing the choice of materials and dimensions as well as applying the dough well in the dough And it is also important to do it. Dough Dough Hors D ’ Oeuvre (Ordövr) to dessert in every step of the menu They decorate our plates. All dough types in hotel cuisine, bakeries, pastry and sweet It is made and presented in the workshops and houses. Therefore, the implementation of the learned There are places where you can find all kinds of work. At the end of this course, the dough made with the knowledge and skills you will get You will be able to prepare and offer various products. In addition, the qualified element requested by various businesses It will increase your chances of finding a job by gaining the feature and contribute to yourself and the national economy. You can find.
There is no product that cannot be sold in the tourism sector. The main purpose is how to sell the product learning. We need to know the importance and subtleties of the service element. Before that, what are the services in food and beverage enterprises You know the service materials. You used the guest table. Guest now It was time to learn how to serve on his table. Our guests we will host in our business are as quickly as possible and They want it to happen in a series. Müşkülpesent is a hard time to satisfy customers work. In addition, the guest desk is full of dirty and unused service materials to be. Food must first appeal to the eye. The kitchen will also provide this. Nice one It is our duty to present it in the way. Service, to do the rules in the service, service To pay attention to their priorities are some of our duties. While making them the customer We should not be kept, we should fulfill the customer's requests in time. Now, during the service, you will use the materials safely and to carry them You will recognize trays and learn the methods of using. Where you will not use a tray If you, you will learn handframe techniques.
Eye aesthetics of businesses aiming to provide the best service to people participating in tourism and their ability to produce quality services that can appeal to the taste of the palate With their materials in accordance with trained, talented elements and standards is possible. One of the most important elements of the waiter and bartender profession in the tourism sector It is the recognition of the tools used. Here is every every time you will encounter in service You will recognize and distinguish all kinds of metal, porcelain and glass service sets. Preliminary cooperation with environmental enterprises in the processing of the course and comprehension of subjects. Keep in the plan. This work will bring you better, beautiful and new. In businesses Research to be given in activities by learning what the application and expectations are Share your visits in the classroom environment. The businesses you work with with the experience you get to move according to the conditions; The ability to adapt what you have learned to business life You will win. This course is the material you need to have to serve food and beverage It is prepared for you to gain knowledge and skills. The competence you obtained at the end of the course to be a successful, qualified service staff that will form the basis of your professional life. will open the way.
Tea, with the past of many legends, with the past, wandering around the land to the present day up to a magical drink that reaches. Tea, after water in the world, the most drinking and drinking The habit is an increasing food and beverage substance. Known, popular for 5000 years, legend, idioms, poems, art and industry formed a tea culture. History of Tea BC in China ’ based on. The first production was made in China and nowadays It is a very special drink with its spread, preparation, service and drinking style. Usually hot in the world, Some Asia, such as tea, birmania and Thailand, which are drunk as cold drinks or cocktails It is also used in the form of brine in their countries for vegetables. How to prepare and serve tea with an important place in our culture should be known. For this, how to produce the most beautiful tea, how to process and the tea to be prepared The variety should also be known. Tea in our country; Breakfasts, five teas, chats and neighboring visits are still Head drink. Our tea produced on the shores of the Black Sea exports to many countries of the world and consumed in the domestic market. The Black Sea region and the national economy It also has significant contributions. It is necessary for the preparation and service of the tea that has such a place in human life. The best way to carry out studies is an important issue in the drink service. Therefore, tea Preparation and service is a service that needs to be done meticulously.
Turkish cuisine, which has a rich and very colorful palate taste, world cuisine between the first three. Turkish cuisine, which is mostly based on agricultural and animal products, geographical Although it varies according to the regions and social structure, traditions and customs are also a nostalgic The representative appears. In this case, without losing the local characteristics of Turkish cuisine It is revealed how necessary it is to introduce it to future generations. Our country has made great and rapid progress in the field of tourism in the coming years In terms of qualified personnel, the need for qualified staff is very important. It is high quality and to stay in the place it deserves. Thanks to the adequacy of trained personnel. At the same time, local flavor and It will also ensure that our tastes are brought to the forefront and the diversification of products in tourism. The competence you will get with meat and offal dishes, which is a large part of this area, It will be a big step in getting a good place in this field.
Hotel management and food and beverage sector, which is one of the sub-branches of the tourism sector It contains rich cultures. Especially the world in the food and beverage area It is possible to come across different variety in each region. It is one of the types of food that has received its share of this diversity and wealth in cheeses. Although it is not known historically, it is not known for the first time, but today It is one of the indispensable nutrients of your tables. In this course, the types of cheese known and served worldwide you will learn. What are the rich cheese varieties produced in our country You will grasp. How rich in our country has a culture you will learn. Although we do not have many well -known cheese varieties worldwide With the study, this wealth was revealed. Service forms of cheeses, Kuveri and You will understand what is happening in the food and beverages served with cheeses
Coffee plant, white colorful flower that smells like jasmine, red with cherry With its fruit, Ethiopia (Ethiopia) was discovered in the 10th century. During the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent, coffee was brought to Istanbul. In a short time, very It was appreciated and took its place in the palace cuisine. Coffee from the palace to the mansions and then entering the houses, It has become a flavor where the people of Istanbul are passionate about in a short time. After the purchased raw coffee beans were roasted in pans and beaten in the dibeks It was cooked in the coffee pots. The first coffeehouses opened in 1554 in the throne-ul-Kale. This region that means Kaleiçi Today it is known as Tahtakale. Tahmis Sokak here also means the name of Kurukahve. Incoming "Tahmis ". Coffee and coffeehouses have become an integral part of social life over time. Thus, a culture was born to the extent that no drink in the world has. Moreover, not only in Istanbul, but all over the world, coffeehouses of intellectuals The meeting place, coffee was the favorite common drink of the artists. Alexandre Dumas, André Gide, Molière, Victor Hugo, Honoré de Balzac, Voltaire, Ludwig van Beethoven, Immanuel For artists and thinkers like Kant, coffee has become a way of life. Now, our guests who come to our service area will prepare the coffee types they want and You will learn how to serve safely and in a serial way. In this way, it can be employed in tourism enterprises and good job opportunities You will meet.
The best way to start the day is a good breakfast in the morning. Accommodation Businesses Breakfast has gained importance in recent years. The majority of people have the habit of having breakfast in the morning. For this reason Most of the enterprises offer room and breakfast together. Moreover Breakfast in the hotel or from outside guests can also get a fee. In hotel Having breakfast, looking for a place to make breakfast and wasting time saves. These sales enable the hotel business to increase the income of the hotel business. The guests who stayed in the hotel or who come to the hotel to have breakfast is a happy and peaceful Beautiful preparation of the breakfast room so that they can have breakfast in the figure must. All necessary measures for the disruption of the service and the satisfaction of the guests should be taken. The costume of the staff in the hall, cleaning, behavior, beautiful speech, The guest personnel relationship during breakfast service is very well evaluated and the guest Relaxation should be made to be happy. In the breakfast service course, he will learn the importance of breakfast in terms of business, According to breakfast types will open the enforcement, breakfast will be able to serve food and beverage, You will be able to serve breakfast buffet and extra service. Examining the surrounding enterprises Learn what the applications there are and share with your friends in the classroom. What you learn in this course will form the basis of your professional life and tourism You will proceed with confident steps towards becoming the sought -after elements in the sector.
The rapidly developing food and beverage services An important issue is the service of carbonated beverages. According to the researches, in our country A total of 22 billion liters of packaging beverage is consumed and it is 2 billion liters. The part of it is carbonated drinks (soft drinks). With 70 %of these soft drinks The beverages we consume a lot consist of colas and soda. As it is known, in the service sector where customer satisfaction is prioritized Automation is not in question. However, to capture certain standards, certain services Preparation of carbonated beverages to ensure that it is carried out in integrity and order. Certain issues should be known and implemented in the service. It should not be forgotten Small details reveal big differences. In this course, carbonated beverages Information about types, qualifications, distinctive features and service shapes And you will find the skills.
Nutrition needs vary according to living standards. Before People are fed so they can live. Nowadays, as people have income levels In addition to nutrition to live, chatting, having fun and spending a pleasant time they want. Although people have the opportunity to eat in their homes, in different environments, They want to meet different people and be together. Food and beverage businesses In line with these demands, don't eat more beautiful, flashy and comfortable food. tried to prepare environments. For this, the dining table as much as the tastes of the food The use of different tools in order and presentation has also started to be used. This tool Tablecloths and napkins from equipment are of particular importance. Tablecloths and napkins The most important factor in its use is to appeal to the eyes and tastes of the guests. Meal and Regardless of the type of menu, a dining table without tablecloths and napkins is unthinkable. If you learn how to use tablecloths for proper tablecloths and napkin You will be able to progress towards becoming a qualified staff in the sector.
The most important feature of the food and beverage sector is like the tourism sector to which it is connected It is dynamic and open to developments. Nowadays, as before, again the request of the guest and their needs are important. With this importance, businesses are looking for their own innovation. They supported the creativity of their employees more. Food and beverage businesses Creativity is the best tourism areas where it can be exhibited. You are prepared to work in the food and beverage units of the tourism sector The main objectives; Open to innovations, high professional love and creativity, importance to human and work It should be to grow up as respectful and respectful people. This learning lesson All our courses related to the service of the food groups before this world reflects the presentation of culture. In enterprises where multiple choice menus are applied There is a specific order of foods on the menu card. This ranking is your guest to dinner It covers what is up to the finish with what they will choose to start. This learning The pastry meals that determine the scope of our class do not change the menu. is one of the members. Dough works with an important place in world kitchens are usually Italian and French cuisine products. In our country, a special, belonging to our own culture Italian pastry works with ravioli, which is the product, take its place in the menus. In our culture Our special dough works outside the ravioli (pastries, pastas, noodles, etc.) in businesses It takes its place as a garnish besides the doorway and various main courses. This learning is the basic of the preparation, presentation and sauces of the pastry. You will find instructive information.
Soups are indispensable for Turkish cuisine. Especially in our menus in winter Soup is absolutely available. Soups in Turkish cuisine as well as in Turkish cuisine We see that it has an important place. Some of the soups belonging to various nations are international It has gained quality and has been recognized all over the world. The construction of soups that have gained world -renowned soups, thinking that we will serve tourism Learning will make us significant contributions. In addition, we know the culture of various nations will help. Some international soups are similar to our juicy dishes and all of them has a story. For example, after emptying the fish of fishermen from the boat A kind of kind they prepare to collect the remaining seafood and feed their own bellies. It is rumored to be born from food. Cold soups to cool down on hot summer days and to feed the wife drink. Our cucumber with yogurt is served as cold soup in western countries. With this course you will learn some international soups and investigate most of them. You will want to learn. Hope to offer delicious soups ...
Cookery is a bright business, as well as an art. This is the best way It is a fact that it is essential to gain the knowledge and skills required to do. In the future The first key to open the door of a successful life is information. Your hand lesson is best Learning will help you open the doors of success. One of the most important parts of the culture of a nation is its kitchen. You have this lesson One of the most important parts of rich Turkish culture, the kitchen to get to know the best way You will start. With this information, Turkish cuisine, one of the five basic cuisines in the world, is forgotten You will save your respected position. To promote using your information in business life You will contribute. Vegetables, which are also one of the cornerstones of nutrition, You will understand its place, importance and use in Turkish culinary culture. You will learn how vegetables are prepared and cooked in Turkish cuisine. This Casserole used in Turkish cuisine and so on. to the knowledge of private cooking tools you will reach. You will understand the place and importance of these dishes in the menu. In addition, cereal, meat and so on. TURKISH while grasping the cooking of vegetables with the products You will have information about the basic cooking techniques of the kitchen. When you combine the information you will earn with this course with your skills and efforts, the goals It will be much easier to reach.
Rice came from the past to the present without losing its importance, in our culture It is one of our traditional dishes as a type of food. Rice in ancient times He came to Anatolia by migration routes from India and settled in our tables. As in Ottoman cuisine, our rice tables are an indispensable today. is the element. In many parts of our country, different local rice varieties are still on special occasions served. Pilav, which is usually taken with the main course in our country, is more in Europe. It is given as a garnish as well as the main dish in very small portions. In Turkey, rice, not only rice, but bulgur, frik (green smoked wheat) such as cereals such as grains is also made using. Italy, known as Risotto in the Far East and India, known as Risotto pilaf made as a porridge Their varieties differ with the rice in our culture. Points to be considered when cooking rice were processed in previous courses. Today, our rice has been diversified with the developing gastronomy science. With this lesson In the consistency of regional rice varieties (meat, dried legumes, doughy, vegetables) Kitchen that can cook, create new flavors, work in hot kitchen in commercial kitchens You will be able to reach the level of the element.
Each society has its own food culture. To the settled life of people An important part of the food production and storage techniques that provide passage to many civilizations Cradle is known to spread from Anatolia to the world. The Turkish tribes coming to Anatolia, as they bring their own nutrition cultures together They were also influenced by the nutritional cultures of the communities living here. Today's Turkish The kitchen is a composition of different civilizations. Therefore, Turkish cuisine is the world's few It creates one of the kitchens. The changes in social life are fast in food culture It is inevitable to cause a change and interaction. In Turkish cuisine, pastry products have an important place. Turkish cuisine Pasta, noodles, ravioli, dough dishes such as couscous meals are subjects covered in this course. With this course, Turkish cuisine -specific pasta; Preparation before cooking, You will reach the adequacy of cooking and offering to service. Before cooking according to Turkish cuisine's noodles, ravioli and couscous characteristics You will learn the preparation stages. Foods to be prepared at the same time Samples and samples from sauces and garnish will be presented to increase the value and flavor.
The tradition of the centuries, the soups we sip in almost every meal, rich content and It has a special place in kitchens with its nourishing feature. Evening from breakfast in Turkish cuisine From time to time in all meals until dinner, we encounter in the form of main course Preparation of soups requires great care. With this course, the varieties of soups, which are one of the important elements of Turkish cuisine, You will learn the steps, features, all the details and gain the ability to do. While successfully completing the course increases your professional knowledge and skills, the job in front of you will also increase the possibilities. This lesson you need to follow with great care and interest, It is also an important factor in performing the tasks you will take in the hot kitchen successfully. will.
The area you are studying, providing extensive job opportunities in our country, creating employment It is a service industry. The first purpose of this service industry is to satisfy the customer. Laughs too It is essential to do it with a face. Food service is very important in hotels and restaurants and must be done appropriate. This course, the service of vegetable dishes in accordance with the rules contains information that will allow you to do. Thanks to this course, school applications, skill trainings and next profession Theoretical and practical about the service of vegetable dishes that require special service in your life It will allow you to earn information. In addition, in this course, the varieties of vegetable dishes, enforcement, garnish, sauces, about the drinks served together, the shapes of the forces and how the service is made It will also allow you to learn the information. With this course, the adequacy of offering vegetable dishes that require special service to guests You will win.
This course is the information about the doughs made by cooking you who choose the profession of pastry. and prepared to give skills. Using a clear and understandable language in the course It has been tried to transmit information in a short way. In a hygienic environment, without wasting material You are expected to obtain quality product. Preparation of the doughs made by cooking requires great attention and care. Because Profitrol sold in pastry shops, attachments pastry, tulumba dessert, potifur products such as basic products dough. Student who can make this kind of dough well has taken an important path in the pastry profession. It is possible. Most of the flashy and delicious products we see in pastry shops, a few fruits, jelly, You will be able to do it yourself by adding hazelnuts, peanuts, various sauces. The products you produce Color and diversity will give you great pleasures. To prepare a special dough like the dough made by cooking It will also help you take your steps more intact.
The number of people participating in tourism activities is increasing. Developing and constantly changing A large mass of people in line with human needs, seeing new places, everyday life For various reasons such as getting away from their troubles and relaxing, people to tourism activity continues to participate. Therefore, it is largely based on human labor The number of qualified personnel needed in the tourism sector is increasing day by day. Various food and beverage service businesses, constantly developing tourism It offers different options to guests to expand its share in its sector. These services to serve the guests in the most practical and easy way. requires. You know that service procedures, the dishes prepared in the kitchen service to guests are the main systems used to be. In general, the service of food and beverages In the course of the food cultures, traditions and customs of various nations service procedures are used. These procedures are in classical procedures in service class you have received. At the end of this lesson, modern service that is being implemented today You will have knowledge and skills to serve with the procedures. You can be the qualified staff that the sector needs. But a successful tourism In order to be the staff, you first do this profession with pleasure and willingly and then You have successfully completed the theoretical and practical tourism education you have received is required. In this prepared course; Service procedures in the classic procedures you have learned (French, British, Russian and American service procedures) You will have won. Thus, the highest level of service in the tourism sector You can easily be employed as a qualified element in businesses.
Our country in the process of participating in the European Union is a great potential for tourism. has. One of the most important points in tourism is the accommodation and eating of tourists – drinking needs to meet the required qualifications. A tourist in any hotel Eating and drinking actions even if he visits our country in order to make a holiday from accommodation He cannot achieve this purpose without doing it. All kinds of accommodation that provides tourism services The staff of their places and all enterprises providing eating and drinking services are also conscious, knowledgeable and It should be in a position to apply what you know in daily and commercial life. Tourist is not only fed for the purpose of feeding the wife. Fast-Food type standing nutrition Even if he prefers, he wants to get to know first of all by tasting healthy and cultural values. In addition, bread in all races and countries in the world is a common form of nutrition. Previous Mayalı The products prepared from the dough have taken the course. Needed doughs in the course of the course This course will bring you to quality and acceptable level in this common area. During these studies, you use your time and energy efficiently in the profession. It will also positively affect your success. Hamburger, sandwich and additive breads from fermented dough with this course You will be able to prepare. Then the cake and bread of commercial kitchens You can work as a qualified element in the sections.
People prefer food and beverage businesses for various reasons to eat and eat. they are. Sometimes recognizing the food culture of other nations or other regions, Having a good time, getting rid of the stress of daily life or eating For reasons such as chatting, feeling special and important, food businesses and They especially prefer Ala Carte restaurants. Human needs and expectations that change day by day in the food and beverage sector increases competition. In a strong competitive environment, businesses provide a quality service and With a different menu, it tries alternative ways to create demand for its own businesses. This Therefore, the need for qualified personnel in enterprises that provide food and beverage services, continue increasingly is. You have achieved success in many courses in the waiter's profession. Most of the service information and skills required by qualified service personnel you completed. Thus, with your characteristics of being qualified service personnel, a certain service information and You have the skill. Here you have completed this course successfully and the information you have learned so far And you will have the opportunity to offer your skills in front of the guests in the hall. With this lesson Ala Carte restaurants providing food and beverage service to guests, offering flambe service You will have professional knowledge skills. You can be the qualified staff that the sector needs. But a successful tourism In order to be the staff, you first do this profession with pleasure and willingly and then You must have successfully completed the theoretical and practical tourism education. 2008
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